Rising from a dimensional game to become a great author

Chapter 201 Assist from the enemy, sword master lv1!

Chapter 201 Assist from the enemy, sword master lv1!

The scarlet heavy cavalry roared unceasingly, carrying Xiao Yun unceasingly to the sharp-bladed Ripper in front of him.

For some reason, the sharp blade tearer did not use space movement to get rid of Xiao Yun, but exploded its own speed, galloping continuously, and maintained a balance with the rapidity of the scarlet heavy cavalry.

"This guy."

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and without hesitation, he controlled the scarlet heavy cavalry to speed up, and rushed towards the sharp blade tearer.


The Sharp Blade Ripper jumped up and crashed directly into the forest on one side. Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Yun rode the scarlet heavy cavalry with a charge leap, and rushed in afterward.

After entering the forest, the Blade Ripper seemed to be exhausted, and its speed was getting slower and slower, and the distance between Xiao Yun and it was getting closer and closer. The moment the Blade Ripper entered Xiao Yun's attack range, it controlled two With a slash of the arm, he used space movement to move to Xiao Yun's right side.

Xiao Yun is also controlling the scarlet heavy cavalry, a handle of sawtooth pops out from the wheel, while tearing a large piece of the ground, he brakes instantly.

At this moment, a strange wave rippled from the surrounding woodland, turning into mist and spreading out. The sunlight that was originally blocked by the leaves was completely covered by the mist at this moment, as if entering the period of night .

"How about it, isn't it a surprise? People surrounded by the fog of war will not be able to escape from the battlefield!"

Suddenly, a cloud of mist turned into a blurry figure, and it made a hoarse voice towards Xiao Yun, while the sharp-bladed tearer was standing "docilely" behind it.

This tone, Xiao Yun once heard it from the bride of the network, it is the violator T-15486!
However, the Dimensional Game did not remind Xiao Yun, because the violator T-15486 did not come 10 kilometers around Xiao Yun, it was just a projection.

"So that's it. The previous rout was just to lure me into this enchantment, to prevent me from escaping, and to prevent the assistance of my two teammates!"

Xiao Yun sensed the characteristics of the mist, and has a strong resistance to mental power.

I am not surprised by this change. Many players will have similar props or abilities, the main purpose of which is to prevent the enemy from leaving.

I believe that if Xiao Yun escapes into the mist, he will definitely be disturbed, and then he will return to the battlefield in the center!

"It saves me effort."

Xiao Yun put away the bloody book in his hand. Since the opponent prepared the battlefield, Xiao Yun didn't need to consume the number of "Scarlet Ceremony Dedicated to God". After all, it would be very troublesome to restore the number of uses.

"The land here is a bit barren. If you water it with your flesh and blood, you should be able to grow some good things." At this time, the figure spoke again.

"How is it? Are you satisfied? This cemetery is prepared for you?"

"The guy who doesn't even dare to show his real body, do you think you are qualified to say this?" Xiao Yun smiled lightly, got off the scarlet heavy horse, and pulled out the Scarlet Queen from his back.

"Or, have you forgotten the ending of your previous shikigami?"

Violator T-15486 looked at the figure in front of him. The latter's eyes were still as calm as before, as if there was a frightening vortex hidden beneath it, enough to swallow people up.

"At this point, are you still bluffing?" Violator T-15486 immediately sneered.

"Even if you use special means to suppress the erosion of toxins, how long can you suppress it? Such a pretentious calm will only reveal that your strength cannot be used for a long time!"

The violator T-15486 still did not change his mind. He was too confident in the poison of the Sky Poison Scorpion, and was planted by Lelouch beforehand.

Various reasons led to his misjudgment. This time, he was destined to be hurt to the bone.

Xiao Yun smiled and said: "If you want to avenge those dead shikigami of yours, then go ahead, but we have also confronted several times, you should also know my temperament, and dare to send your subordinates to deal with me again , then you must have a plan to let this guy stay here."

Violator T-15486's pupils seemed to shrink slightly. He looked into Xiao Yun's eyes, trying to see the panic hidden under his composure, but those black eyes were as calm as ever.

This made the heart of violator T-15486 jump, and some bad premonitions surfaced.However, the fog of war is a one-time item. If there is no winner, even he, the triggerer, cannot cancel it voluntarily.

What's more, he has enough confidence in the combat power of the blade tearer, especially after he uses the strange source to further strengthen it.

"Sharp teeth, I hope your strength can be as sharp as your tongue!"

Violator T-15486 said gloomyly, he took a deep breath to suppress the bad premonition in his heart.

He has seen the power of the strange source force before, whether it is the poison of the Sky Poison Demon Scorpion or the combat power of the Blade Ripper at this moment, they are absolutely trustworthy.

This time, Xiao Yun was in the fog of war, isolated and helpless, and he was destined to die here, even if he still had a puppet pet that could use lightning attacks!

"Go, tear him apart!"

Following the order of the violator T-15486, a low growl suddenly came from the throat of the Blade Ripper, and in the next moment, a fierce aura suddenly swept out of its eyes, which was enough to make people hairy The killing intent of standing upside down unreservedly diffused towards Xiao Yun.

In an instant, Xiao Yun seemed to be in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the strong smell of blood and killing seemed to wash away his consciousness.

This aura can actually affect Xiao Yun's spirit. If it weren't for the reduction and reduction of the professional talent "Soul of Glory", plus Xiao Yun's spiritual attribute close to 400 points, Xiao Yun would definitely be shocked by this aura on the spot, even the enemy Cut off his head can not resist.

As soon as the sharp-bladed tearer stepped on the ground, his figure flew out like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, the distance was reduced to zero, and he appeared directly in front of Xiao Yun.

The blue sharp blade that was transformed into that arm, with a swipe, raised a sharp blade light, and slashed directly at Xiao Yun's throat with an extremely ruthless gesture.

The attack of the Blade Ripper is completely different from before, and this is its true strength. This kind of momentum and saber technique far surpass anyone Xiao Yun has ever met.

This is definitely a "master" level knife technique!
The moment the opponent took action, Xiao Yun, who felt like needles all over his body, instantly confirmed this fact.

He didn't use other powers, nor did he use the only skill "Blade Breaking the Sky" that he saw, the sharp blade tearer in front of him, at this moment, he only used his own physical attributes, and the "master" level of knife skills!
The light of the sword flashed across Xiao Yun's eyes, and the power of the devil surged under his feet, and he retreated instantly. The sharp light of the sword floated across his throat, but it didn't make much sound of breaking the wind.

The single blow failed, and the Blade Ripper didn't panic at all. The arms and blades in his hands crossed and danced, bringing the overwhelming light of the knife, and swept towards Xiao Yun's vitals like a whirlwind.


The surrounding ground was torn apart by knife marks, and several large trees were directly cut in half by the knife light. The fractures were as smooth as mirrors, which was obviously different from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood before. It is a fantasy, but a real entity, and it is extremely sharp.

And in the battlefield, Bella in the "Dragon Hidden" state also held her breath, the strength of the Blade Ripper was clearly visible, and the "Master" level of sword skills was far better than Xiao Yun's "Proficient" level.

Generally speaking, a gap of this level is enough to completely defeat the subordinates in an instant, but Xiao Yun can barely contend.

Xiao Yun's own skills have already reached the level of "sword mastery lv8", and the "sword master" style can even increase the level of "sword mastery" by as much as 5 levels.

It's a pity that the skill blessing of the "Juvenile Master" style can't break through the big stage, but it still allows Xiao Yun's skills to surpass the level of "proficient" and reach half a step of "master"!
But this is still not enough for Xiao Yun to fight against the "master" level sword technique of the Blade Ripper, let alone Xiao Yun's physical attributes are lower than the Blade Ripper.

Bella looked at the figure with a little worry in her eyes. Xiao Yun dodged left and right between the sweeping sharp sword light, but there were already scars on his body, so he couldn't completely avoid it. caused by the attack.

She really wanted to show up to help, but she didn't get Xiao Yun's order. The "Dragon Hidden" state endowed Bella with a very strong surprise attack ability. Generally, there were only two situations for her to make a move.

One is that Xiao Yun is facing the crisis of death, and Bella needs to take action to resolve it; the other is when it is necessary to cooperate with Xiao Yun to carry out the final blow!

What's more, Xiao Yun has been envious of "master" level skills for a long time, and the sharp blade tearer in front of him is the best teacher!

Xiao Yun's black eyes reflected the glow of the sword all over the sky, as well as the constantly dancing arm of the Blade Ripper, and the power of the devil in his body was also speeding up at this moment.

In the next second, a dark red light flashed in Xiao Yun's black eyes, and when the pupils directly turned into the vertical pupils of the devil, he grasped his right palm, and the power of the devil condensed on the edge of the sword, turning into an indeterminate Dark red sword energy.

The Crimson Queen's Crimson Blade skill cannot be used. Although it can add huge cutting power, it requires Xiao Yun to control it with great effort.

On top of such skill duels, increasing the burden of using the sword for himself is undoubtedly asking for a dead end, so Xiao Yun can only use the power of demons to increase the attack power, smoothing out the attributes between him and the sharp blade tearer gap.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Cold and smooth, the sharp blade of the Blade Ripper fell on the Scarlet Queen who danced away from Xiao Yun, and the sound of gold and iron resounded immediately, and sparks flew everywhere.


However, a big hole was torn in the black inner lining, and a blade glow directly left a deep bone wound on Xiao Yun's left shoulder. After all, he was not able to completely resist the attack of the sharp blade tearer.

This is a masterclass technique!
Xiao Yun was not at all discouraged by his injury, the Scarlet Queen suddenly turned around, and actually took the initiative to attack the sharp blade tearer.

This is a rare opportunity, and he is not worried about failure.

Failure does not mean death. With Bella as a helping hand, plus the resurrection mechanism of "Yan Mo Bi'an", the possibility of Xiao Yun being killed by the sharp blade tearer in one blow is extremely small.

And if you want to get "master" level skills, how can you do it without suffering a little bit!

The two figures came together fiercely with sharp sword aura. That sharp slash continuously lifted up the soil on the ground, and the sky was immediately cut apart.

There were traces of scarlet in the mud and dust, which was Xiao Yun's blood. In the confrontation with the Blade Ripper, he had always been at a disadvantage, and could only rely on the blood of the Spartan to persevere.

He abandoned his timidity and fear, and kept waving the crimson queen in his hands to resist or attack, with only the perception of the sword in his heart.

Xiao Yun will definitely transform in this battle, taking the enemy "Blade Ripper" as his teacher, and promote "Sword Mastery" to "Sword Master".

Because the future has already been written.

In the "Book of Characters" belonging to Xiao Yun, one of the pages "Chapter of the Future" is writing this future.

2%, 4%, and 7% fit are rising slowly but steadily.

Xiao Yun can use this method to breed Kabane, as the target of the one-difficulty trial of Saeko Busujima and Lelouch, how can he not use it on himself?
[Player Z-10086 uses a sword-type weapon to attack, and the basic passive skill "Sword Mastery lv8" has been upgraded to "Sword Mastery lv9"! 】

Xiao Yun felt as if he had the help of a god, and his understanding of swords was rapidly increasing. Is this the comprehension "stolen" from Xiao Yun's own sharp blade tearer, or is it the improvement brought about by the improvement of fit?
Xiao Yun didn't know, and didn't need to figure it out, because Xiao Yun had already clearly sensed that layer of membrane.

What is needed now is to break through it!

clang clang clang.
The clash between the arm blade and the sword edge resounded continuously in the mist. As the battle continued, the Blade Ripper felt that the person in front of him was slowly becoming stronger. The wound it could leave on him It started to get less.

This number is rare, but it does exist. The creature in front of him is getting stronger!

A bad premonition hovered in the heart of the Blade Ripper, and it decided not to fight steadily, but to burst out a powerful attack and start crushing, in order to kill the opponent in the shortest possible time!
There was a strange fluctuation on the arm blade, and at this moment Xiao Yun, who was covered in scars all over his body, suddenly showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Seeing the smile at the corner of Xiao Yun's mouth, the Blade Ripper's heart shuddered, but he saw Xiao Yun rush forward quickly, holding the right palm of the Scarlet Queen's sword handle tightly at this moment, and then, cut!

The fierce sword aura bloomed proudly like a ray of moonlight in the mist. It was not as faintly dark red as before, because it was not the sword aura condensed with energy like the power of demons, but it was more fierce than it.

An astonishing aura burst out from the moment Xiao Yun drew his sword, like a hurricane blowing on the ground, directly overwhelming the surrounding vegetation.

The sudden and powerful blow turned the unstoppable and constantly attacking Blade Ripper into a flat boat in this momentum, and it was thrown back ten meters in an instant.

【Ding!Player Z-10086 uses sword weapons to attack, and the basic passive skill "Sword Mastery lv9" is advanced to "Sword Mastery lv1", and you have obtained a new branch ability! 】

【Ding!Your special skill "Wind Breath" has been integrated into the basic passive skill "Sword Master lv1", and related information such as "Wind Breath" will disappear from your attribute page! 】

(End of this chapter)

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