Chapter 53 Greed
There were only three players walking into the alley, and the leader was the Tengu mask player, who was also Xiao Yun's old opponent. He had blood shadow demon blood and was the masked man's minion.

There is a player standing on both sides of the Tengu mask player. They are both taking the "technical" route. The player on the left is holding two guns and wearing a sci-fi "eye patch". The other player is similar, but the weapon It was a sniper rifle, and it was he who sniped Xiao Yun before!
"Why, are there only the three of you?" Xiao Yun glanced at the entrance of the alley from a distance, but there was no movement.

"To deal with you alone, do you need more people?" The Tengu mask player smiled confidently.

Obviously, there are still some players who have thoughts about Xiao Yun, but they were repulsed by these three.

Xiao Yun remained silent, but he didn't completely let go, and quietly called out Bella who was in the "Dragon Hidden" state, and asked her to carry out detection.

"Master, I didn't find other players, but it doesn't rule out that they are hiding."

Bella said that her "Honkai Energy Detection" will have a keen response to various energies, and vitality, or blood, is also counted among them. If she deliberately hides, she may not be able to escape Bella's detection.

"To be honest, I'm quite surprised, you are actually a swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad?" The Tengu mask player glanced at Butterfly Ninja behind Xiao Yun, his tone was rather surprised.

Xiao Yun was also helpless, who knew that Butterfly Ninja would run to that kind of place, and still looked embarrassed, like a little white rabbit that broke into a pack of wolves.

But Xiao Yun also guessed it, he was afraid that Butterfly Ninja was quietly following him in some way, hanging far behind him, so Xiao Yun couldn't notice it.

"Joining the Ghost Killing Team at this point in time, I'm afraid you are one of the new players in Yongze Town!"

The Tengu mask player guessed: "Or, you are the player 'V' who has the golden revolver equipment!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yun could clearly see that the breathing of the two "technical side" players was fluttering. The gold-quality firearms were far more tempting to them than the vampire claws with only gold potential!
The purpose of the Tengu mask player saying this was to test Xiao Yun, he was guessing whether it was Xiao Yun who killed the two players with blood shadow demon blood.

As for the second purpose, it was naturally to prevent Xiao Yun from splitting them up. If the equipment was only one piece of blood ghost claw, then it would be difficult for the three to share the spoils.

Sure enough, the player in the Tengu mask said in the next second: "You two, this person can be regarded as my 'mission' target. The blood ghost claw belongs to me, and the golden quality revolver belongs to you two, how about it!"


The two "technology side" players nodded at the same time, and in the next moment, they raised their guns and fired at Xiao Yun.

"Stupid!" Xiao Yun made no secret of his thoughts.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two pistols fired continuously, and a large number of bullets shot towards Xiao Yunfei.

With such a short distance, coupled with the Butterfly Ninja behind, Xiao Yun is not easy to dodge, nor does he plan to dodge. The "Demon Hunter" suit and the "Blood Flame" windbreaker are put on in an instant, Xiao Yun pulls up the windbreaker and rolls it up , then threw the bullet back.

The player who fired the gun never expected that Xiao Yun would block the bullet like this, and without knowing what happened, the bullet was thrown back by Xiao Yun.

Facing the U-turn bullet, the Tengu mask player fled first, and the two players on the "technical side" also tried their best to dodge.

However, there was only a flash of blue light, and a huge azure blue rose bloomed in front of the three of them. The huge suction force brought the two "technology side" players together, and then the rose spun, blood mist drifted away, and the two players disappeared in an instant life.

Butterfly Ren turned pale and wanted to vomit!Even though she had beheaded many ghosts, she had never seen such a cruel scene, and the target was still a human!
"Hahaha, is this the equipment skill of your revolver? It's really powerful!" The Tengu mask player laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

"Sure enough, you are Xiao Yun, you killed Shadow Blade and Yu Xian with this!"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand!" Xiao Yun put away the blue rose, revealed the crimson queen, then grabbed it and pointed at her!

"If you say that you are a player who is greedy for my golden equipment, I have killed quite a few!"

Although he is a new player, Xiao Yun may not be clear about the player's power, but because of Bella, he has a good understanding of the player's methods.

Players can add friends to each other, and friends can communicate with each other by consuming dimension points. As long as they are in one world, friends' emails can arrive!
However, adding a friend means that both parties will know each other's player number, so players will not easily add friends unless they are truly inseparable and are not afraid of being intercepted by the other party.

The minions of these masked men entered Xiao Yun's dimensional copy through the "shackles of war". Multiple players must form a team to use the "shackles of war". The maximum limit of a team is 10 people, and a team means having team communication !

It can be said to be an upgraded version of friend email, and it can also locate the location of teammates in real time, and know the survival of teammates!
However, according to Bella, the team communication is not a real-time communication tool, and it takes at least 3 seconds to input information, so Xiao Yun will never reveal his identity as "Xiao Yun" until the final kill!

Therefore, it is impossible for Yu Xian and Shadow Blade to spread the news that "V" is "Xiao Yun"!
Therefore, Xiao Yun did not admit that he is "Xiao Yun", he is now "Dante", and also the player "V" who made a splash in Yongze Town!
You are catching Xiao Yun, what does it have to do with my "V"!
The Tengu mask put the identity of "Xiao Yun" on him, just looking for an excuse for his actions, Xiao Yun knew this very well.

The masked man would not let Xiao Yun die, because he wanted to know the secret of Xiao Yun's knowledge of the dimensional dungeon information.Therefore, these players of the blood shadow demon bloodline will definitely not kill Xiao Yun.

These players will only force Xiao Yun to sign a slave contract just like Qi Chuan did in the player's main city, thereby further controlling Xiao Yun.

However, when he was in Yongze Town, Yu Xian directly killed himself, why?Because Cosine is very sure that Xiao Yun is not "Xiao Yun"!
Because Xiao Yun possessed the "Spartan Devil" bloodline in just one afternoon, and changed his hair color!

From the player's point of view, it is extremely difficult to eradicate one's own bloodline, but in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the "Blood Shadow Demon" bloodline and then have another bloodline!
Therefore, now Xiao Yun, a player named "V" who is rich and rich, has golden equipment, has a very solid vest, and there is absolutely no need to worry about the danger of losing his vest!
Everything the Tengu Mask player does is out of greed!

He was greedy for Xiao Yun's golden equipment, so he needed to find an excuse to find the trace of "V" with a "justifiable reason", and hunt the other party to obtain the golden equipment.

Xiao Yun knew this purpose when the players gathered and Tengu Mask players offered a bounty to buy Xiao Yun's vest "V", but now that Tengu Mask said so, he was just looking for a reason for his "hands-on"!

According to Xiao Yun's understanding of the masked man, adding the "Blood Shadow Demon" bloodline to these players is the first layer of insurance, and he will definitely place a "monitor" in these hunting teams for Xiao Yun, or simply a "monitor" leader"!
Therefore, the Tengu mask player wants to detain the identity of "Xiao Yun" on him, not because he discovered Xiao Yun's true identity, but because he needs a "reason"!
I felt that he was Xiao Yun, and I tried to test him, but who knew he was not Xiao Yun, so I accidentally killed him!
A simple reason covered up the fact that he acted privately. He was following the arrangement and trying to find Xiao Yun!Instead of shooting other players for equipment!
Xiao Yun had an insight into the thoughts of the Tengu mask player, so Xiao Yun also caught a fish once, and used the blood ghost claw, which can be upgraded to a gold-quality equipment, as a reward, just to use the greed of the Tengu man to lure him out.

And now, everything is going perfectly!
"If you want my golden equipment, then do it yourself, no need to find lame excuses!" Xiao Yun revealed the idea of ​​the man in the Tengu mask.Maintain your vest persona perfectly!

"Hehehehe. You are very confident! Remember, the person who killed you is called Haifeng!"

The Tengu mask player just laughed and said without saying anything, just took out his long sword equipment and charged towards Xiao Yun.

In his eyes, there was only greed for Xiao Yun's golden equipment!
(End of this chapter)

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