Chapter 63 The Scarlet Legend
In an unknown space, a blood-colored candle ignited a flame, slightly illuminating the dimly lit room.

In the corner of the room, where the light from the candles is perfectly received, there is a desk with a stack of papers spread out on it, and blood patterns soak into every piece of paper.

A slightly pale hand with sharp nails picked up a pen and began to write the bloody story:

"In the hidden mountain, there is a bloody legend hidden. The endless killing will set off scarlet blood and open the road to immortality. The name of the village living here did not believe this legend until the full moon a month ago. night of!"

"Under the inexplicable temptation, an old man whose life was about to die thought of this strange legend when he was dying. Out of the desire to live, he did something to his grandson!"

"As recorded in the legend, the moment he killed his grandson, his body was strengthened, his life was extended, and he can continue to live!"

"The madness and cunning hidden in the old man's heart made it impossible for him to stop here. The residents of the village still disappeared without reason. Others finally discovered the truth of the legend, but the old man was no longer afraid, because his strong body made him fear no one. !"

"He wants to turn the lives of the whole village into nutrients for his growth and a stepping stone on his road to immortality, but the author does not allow this. A story with a doomed ending will not be loved by anyone!"

"A group of outsiders entered this village. They held weapons. The strange and powerful weapons hindered the old man's movements. He had no choice but to stop!"

"No one can resist the temptation of immortality. The killing is still going on quietly. In the beginning, it was other village names. They plundered the lives of their wives and children, and embarked on the road of becoming stronger and living forever!"

"The group of outsiders also discovered this teleportation. Unexpectedly, what they cared about was not longevity, but greed for power. They also began to collect their lives and turn them into nourishment for their own power!"

"Some people started hunting in other villages, but the appearance of special characters prevented their greed from succeeding. Instead, the other three villages living in this mountain range were involved in this bloody legend!"

"Balance is a must. The story must be confronted. The forces of all parties are fighting each other. No one dares to do it easily, but this false peace will eventually be broken!"

"On the night of the next full moon, the road to eternal life will appear in front of everyone. Only the strongest can step on the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood to harvest the fruit of victory!"

"Everyone is preparing for this. Unexpectedly, a group of special characters have come to these villages through various channels, and the plot of the story has made waves again."

[The mental attributes of both sides are being compared. The comparison is completed. Our spirit is 6.5 times that of the enemy. We will obtain 100% of the enemy's attributes and have a high probability of knowing the enemy's skills. 】

[Old village head: An old village head in an unnamed town in the southeastern mountain range, who possesses a lot of power due to unknown reasons.

Rating: 2
Health: 652/700
Basic Attributes: Strength: 42, Constitution: 44, Agility: 41, Spirit: 4
Special status: Scarlet Blessing: A special blessing performed by an unknown force, which greatly enhances the three basic attributes of strength, physique, and agility, but does not increase the spiritual attribute, but will have an impact on self-awareness.

Special skills: Scarlet: A strange ability obtained due to a special state. Special use of the unknown power that increases its own attributes can transform its own body to a certain extent. Adjust the three basic attributes of the increase, which can be temporarily The increase is transferred to one of the three basic attributes! 】

"Unknown power, even the 'Eye of Judgment' can't peek out?"

Xiao Yun was quite surprised. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. During the process of hunting "ghosts", Xiao Yun would occasionally use the "Eye of Judgment" to detect information about them. This skill would not be able to detect information. , and once detected the information has a clear interpretation.

This is the first time that the term "unknown power" has appeared in the information obtained by the "Eye of Judgment".

However, the power, agility, and constitution of an ordinary village name with a level of only level 2 can be piled up to more than 40 points. This power should not be underestimated.

"I don't know how many people he killed"

Xiao Yun didn't have time to think, because the old village head suddenly jumped and rushed towards Xiao Yun.

"Be careful yourself."

Xiao Yun put the Butterfly Ninja on the house, and then launched Breath of Wind, with the Sun Wheel Knife in hand, to attack directly.

"Breath of the Wind · Five Shapes · Cold Autumn Mountain Wind!"

With a light leap, Xiao Yun was the first to reach the sky above the old village chief. He swung the Sunlun Saber and launched a violent attack in a wide range.

This type belongs to the above-mentioned sword skills in "Breath of the Wind". The cold wind turned into a huge wind blade rotating around itself, and directly slashed at the old village chief.

The old village head is not weak either. When he is unable to move in the air, he directly uses his own ability. A bloody energy surges out from his old body. His body swells violently. Made a "giant" in scarlet gauze.

However, this did not reverse his situation. The sun wheel knife directly hit the old village head's abdomen with a huge wind blade, cutting a big bloody gash, and then the huge body flew straight and fell out, making a loud noise .

The eyes of some villagers and players who were secretly watching widened their eyes, and their faces were shocked. It was unbelievable that the old village chief who was in need of siege and confrontation in their eyes was directly knocked into the air by him.

The face of the old village chief was also distorted, because the pain was so severe that the sword almost sliced ​​open his abdomen. If he hadn't turned into a giant, he might have been beheaded by Xiao Yun.

The sword caused him to fall and hit the wall of another house with a bang, causing it to collapse.

The old village chief seemed to have some problems with his sanity. The trauma in his abdomen distorted his complexion. Ordinary people would never recover from such injuries.

But his strong body was like a shrimp. He bent his body and supported it on the ground. Then as if nothing happened, he would jump up with his hands and launch another counterattack.

Xiao Yun had a strange look on his face. To be honest, he was a little disgusted with this kind of power blessing obtained by killing others, and he didn't want to get more unknown power.

This is different from the experience points gained from killing monsters in the Dimension game. The Dimension game has a definition of "monsters" that can gain experience points. Not just any life can become a "monster" for players to level up!
For example, players, or even plot characters in the Dimensional Dungeon World, like Butterfly Ninja, or those ordinary village names, are not "monsters" under the rules of Dimensional Games, and players cannot gain experience points by killing them.

But this unknown force is different, it doesn't have any requirements for killing lives, Xiao Yun always feels that it is not a good thing to get too much of this "killing power"!
However, the old village head survived, ignoring the huge trauma, and wanted to attack him.

Xiao Yun is also a decisive person, put away the "compassion" in his heart, and rushed to the old village chief, his speed was so fast, it took only 1 second for a distance of ten meters, and he was close in the blink of an eye. The old village head jumped up, released the power of the devil, and then fell down with one foot!
(End of this chapter)

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