Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 170 Fighting Bruno

Chapter 170 Fighting Bruno

lock direction?

Bruno's face turned pale immediately, and he was no longer as indifferent as before.Although he didn't believe it in his bones, and he didn't want to believe it, but the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

The door fruit that he had been relying on for a long time was actually cracked. He was shocked and made another reaction. At the same time, he quickly opened the invisible door from another direction in the space, and then wanted to pass through and escape.

However, before he jumped away, a hand firmly grasped the door beside him, and at the same time squeezed him out of that space.

Fang Xing smiled teasingly, even in a sunny room, those eyes still shone brightly like rubies.But to Bruno, it was like a ghost asking for his life, which made him even more afraid.

From this side in an instant, he crossed Tom to the other corner of the room, and instantly opened a door in the air.However, Fang Xing came later, and also used shaving, but broke out at a speed several times faster than Bruno's, and appeared in front of Bruno in an instant.

Once again, he restrained him who wanted to escape, dragged him out, and threw him to the ground.

"As I said, don't leave when you come."

Bruno didn't give up. From the failed sneak attack just now, he knew that he couldn't fight, but there was still hope for escape. He was the fruit of the door, and he could open a door anywhere.It was for this reason that he dared to come alone to test Fang Xing's abilities. He thought that even if the opponent was strong, he could escape, but he ran into something hard.

He didn't stay long, and ran away again, but this time Bruno chose where Tom was.He can open a door from anywhere, even if it is a human body, so he chose Tom's position, hoping to rely on Tom to hinder Fang Xing.

Suddenly, he appeared in front of Tom again. Tom clenched his fist and attacked. Bruno just avoided it slightly and opened the door again in an instant.Just as Tom opened a door with his fist, his body jumped in immediately.

It's just that Bruno's speed was a bit slower than Fang Xing's. Even though he had a weird spatial ability, Fang Xing still caught up with him and grabbed his collar to stop him from behind.

Bruno wanted to tear off the collar and escape into it, but found that the material of the clothes could not be broken no matter how hard he struggled. He was slightly shocked. Could it be that the texture of the clothes is so amazing now?His strength can penetrate hard steel plates, but now he can't tear a piece of clothing. This kind of weird thing happened again beside him.

Bruno, who was restrained, didn't feel panic, he turned around immediately, showing a successful face.Fang Xing was about to open a door and escape from it.

However, the moment the power of space touched it, it seemed to dissipate, and the expected door did not open.

"How is this possible!" Bruno panicked and couldn't believe it!His ability actually failed.Could it be that the other party is wearing a Hailou stone?
Fang Xing answered Bruno's questions patiently like a teacher.

"Although the spatial movement of your door is a point-to-point movement, it conforms to the definition of displacement. It has size and direction, so it can be controlled by my ability."

However, Bruno, who was in a panic, couldn't understand what Fang Xing said at all, and even if he was in a normal state, he couldn't understand anything from it, at most he knew that Fang Xing's ability was weird.

Bruno's face turned serious, and he abandoned his original idea of ​​fleeing. If he couldn't break free, he would fight. If he didn't give up, it was the teaching method of CP9, because those who gave up had already lost their lives in the elimination system.

Point the gun!

Gather strength in the hands again, compared to the previous fingers, this time use fists, since a single finger will be injured, then gather strength in the whole fist.

Fang Xing didn't dodge or dodge, he used his thin body to block Bruno's huge fist, and forcibly took it.The fist collided with the body, and there was a real attack sound.

Hearing the sound, even Tom behind him was very worried about Fang Xing's entrustment, and wanted to help, but found that the corner of Fang Xing's mouth showed a slight smile - whether it was ridicule, sarcasm, or something else, Tom couldn't tell , but in short, the kid must be fine.

Fang Xing looked at Bruno calmly, and asked, "Is this over? I have something to ask you."

Bruno's arms were trembling under the "reflection". Looking at Fang Xing, who was completely unharmed, he once again showed a shocked expression. Even if Lu Qi was punched by him with all his strength, it was impossible for him to be unscathed. Maybe this kid ...better than Lu Qi...?Just thinking about it gave up the idea.

How could such a thing exist? Lu Qi is the strongest person in the history of CP9, and there can be no kid stronger than him.Such a thing simply cannot exist!Although he comforted himself in this way, Bruno was still shaken.

This kid's ability is really too weird. The fist that attacked him seemed to hit him. He used the door fruit ability to escape, but found that even the space could be locked, and using the door fruit on him was ineffective.

Seeing that Bruno didn't answer, Fang Xing didn't grab his collar but instead pressed his arm, but he just pressed his arm lightly, but Bruno found that there was a few tons of weight on his body, oppressing him to kneel Lie on the ground.

"Is there anyone else involved in the investigation besides CP9 this time? Who is your chief, and what are the mission conditions?"

Fang Xing aggravated the damage to his body a little bit, the blood flowed and hit Bruno's heart, making him feel that his heart was about to burst, and his chest was stuffy and stuffy, as if it was blocked.

"I...I don't know."

"I don't know? If you don't answer, I will kill you. I hope you will cooperate well. If possible, I don't want to kill people."

Iron block!Unable to fight back, Bruno chose to defend.

After Bruno used the iron block, Fang Xing clearly felt that his ability to control Bruno's interior had weakened, as if blocked by his physical body.

"Is it an iron block?" Fang Xing sneered.


Bruno's screams were heard immediately.I saw Fang Xing lightly squeezed Bruno's arm, but found that the force was transmitted to Bruno's knee, and the bones in the knee twisted strangely, and the twisting direction was as if someone was kneading dough randomly, without any rules.

"Ask you again, let's talk." Fang Xing said indifferently.

Tom shivered like a cicada shivering lowly in winter.He didn't agree with this kind of behavior, but it was an unavoidable move, so he didn't object to this kind of behavior, but just stood aside silently.

"I...I don't know." Bruno still said the same answer.

Even able to hold back the pain, Fang Xing knew that it would be fruitless if he continued to ask this question, so he was knocked out with a hand knife behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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