Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 183 The Era Ends With Me 2

Chapter 183 The Era Is Ended Part [-]

"Repeat again, what did you just say?...failed?" Spandam looked disbelieving. It was because his father Spandain served as the chief of CP9 that he knew the strength of CP9. How strong, and such a strong person still has such a legitimate opportunity, he can't think of any possibility of failure.

Impossible to fail, how could CP9 fail.

Impossible to fail, how could his dream of promotion fail.

Spandam couldn't keep his composure, and shouted: "How could it fail?"

The person who replied to him was Lu Qi.

"Mission failed, we failed to bring back the target."

He replied in a flat and indifferent tone, without any respect for the officer, as if he was just stating something.

"Why did I ask?!" Spandam roared again.

What kind of group of subordinates treat the chief with such an attitude?

Worse and more irritating is that he failed to complete the task. Doesn't this mean that his promotion task failed?
It was not only Spandam who was angry, but also the rest of CP9.

After all, Spandam, their chief, was also partly responsible.

Their understanding of Fang Xing's strength is through CP5, which is the information provided by the officer now, and the information is obviously wrong. The child's strength is even beyond Lu Qi's power. If they know it one step earlier, they can do it as soon as possible. Prepare, not spread.

But at this moment, when Lu Qi was injured, the officer still only cared about the failure of the mission. Although the execution of the mission was the most important thing to them, they couldn't help feeling a little angry.

It's just that good organizational discipline kept them from protesting.

"Miscalculated strength." Lu Qi briefly answered Spandam's question.

"Miscalculation? How powerful a child can be, could it be possible that even you can defeat him? Tell me the real reason."

Spandam put on a look of seeing things through and telling me the truth, but his self-confidence is another stupid look in front of other people in CP9.

"I've told the truth, it's up to you to believe it or not." Lu Qi said with a strong tone.

Spandam almost exploded on the spot, and Kalifa quickly added something.

"Lu Qi didn't lie about this matter. The navy on the spot saw the battle. You can ask someone to ask the navy on Judiciary Island to find out the truth."

This statement gave Spandam some confidence, but is that brat really that strong?If he is really that strong, why would he come to this kind of place? Shouldn't he be promoted directly in the Navy headquarters?
"Oh, damn it, no matter what, you have to catch that nasty kid here."

At the same time as he finished speaking, he sent other men to the Judiciary Island Navy to question whether what Kalifa said just now was true.


On the other hand, about what Uriah asked, will you give orders to others?Fang Xing didn't make a sound. Although he didn't answer his question with words, he answered it with his expression and his heart.

The answer is - no, he is unwilling to put his fate in the hands of others.

This feeling of not being able to control his own destiny is like a fish on a knife. He has already experienced it deeply, especially when he was fooling Virgo at that time, a little negligence could lead to death. The childish performance and the way of getting straight to the point won the trust of Virgo, and I am afraid that he has already lost his life.At that time, luck was more involved, and there would be no such luck if it happened again.

Seeing Fang Xing's reaction, Yulia continued.

"Self-preservation, power, desire, and the three points created by the times are also the reasons why I was hostile to you before. You must have seen it through, and this is the reason for the next move."

Fang Xing nodded, he really felt his hostility, and only then did he act later.

"Later, because I revealed my strength, you guessed that I was not the kind of son of a high-ranking official who came to enjoy the benefits, so you changed your mind and chose to surrender?"

Perhaps this kind of behavior is rare in the Navy headquarters, but in branches and remote places, there are still not a few people who rely on their connections and superiors.When such a person is dealing with pirates, he will come out like a wimp.

"Of course it's more than that. Since you entered this base, I've been following your every move. It's your wisdom that made me make this decision." Uriah said, what he meant was that when the strength of wisdom Not in time, of course he chose to surrender.

But Fang Xing didn't believe this.

"Are you not afraid that I will disagree?"

"That's fine. I'm just here to show that I don't dare to be your enemy. As for whether you agree or not, it's your decision. Even if you don't agree, I believe you won't do anything to a harmless person."

Uriah's way of speaking is very clever, neither saying "I'm sure you won't say no" puts too much emphasis on herself, nor does she say it too firmly.

Instead, he just emphasized the idea of ​​not being an enemy of him, so that Fang Xing had no need or reason to touch him.

"That's impossible to say."

There was a cruel smile on Fang Xing's face that didn't look like a child's at all.

Ulea was taken aback for a moment, and stepped back a few steps unconsciously. Only then did he realize that everything was just his reasoning, and there might be some mistakes, and if he made a mistake, it might lead to serious problems. What comes is endless troubles and even life.

Just when Uriah felt flinched, Fang Xing laughed, and the chilling atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

"Just kidding, unfortunately, although I'm not the kind of person with a lot of kindness, I'm not someone who likes to kill indiscriminately. But... you still need to be punished."

"Punishment." Uriah murmured softly, instead of feeling afraid, she felt a little relieved.Because this also shows that Fang Xing no longer cares about it after the punishment.

"You should have had the opportunity to avoid those on the ship who punished you by handing out all subsequent wages as pensions to the families of the Navy's dead."

"...That's it?" Uriah asked, he couldn't believe it was such a light punishment.

"That's it, other punishments are useless."

Soft use? …What means?Although Uriah wanted to ask this question, she still stopped talking, and she could tell from the meaning of the words alone, it probably meant nothing.

Ulea couldn't understand Fang Xing's approach. Shouldn't there be rules for a strong person? ——The law of the jungle.He violated this rule and should have been severely punished, which he had already considered before confessing, and all he had to do was to get through this time, and then he could still be a colonel when he was gone.

This is the case with the change of the strong, and he is willing to be stepped on by stronger people.This is the result of his thinking.However, the colonel in front of him, after his investigation, helped a boatman and caused trouble, and now he chose to help ordinary naval soldiers instead of using this opportunity to overwhelm him.

"In this era of evil, shouldn't the strong stand out? The strong become stronger, and the weak become the support of the strong, but they survive. Simple protection will only make the weak a burden to the strong. I Can't understand your behavior."

"Heh... the era of evil? You are right. The belief in guardianship may indeed drag others down, and it may also become a sharp tool for the enemy, but—isn't this interesting? I don't know what is strong, What is weak, but I just want to do what I want to do. Since it is the fault of the times, one day, this era will end with me! If being weak is wrong, then I will carry the weak forward.”

Fang Xing's words struck Uriah's eardrum like a thunderbolt, setting off turbulent waves.

He hehe laughed, he has always been good at strategy, it has been a long time since he laughed.

this laugh.

It seems to be laughing because of Fang Xing who is talking nonsense, and it seems that he is laughing because of his past experience.

"Maybe there will be a day, but I just hope you leave early, and then I'll just be a colonel. I'm not interested in anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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