The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 126 [Big Canopy] film and television copyright!

Chapter 126 [Big Canopy] film and television copyright!

"Okay, no kidding!"

The ten-year bookworm spoke.

"I came looking for you this time because of something, but I didn't expect that you are so can even buy the No. [-] building of Dijingyuan!"

"No wonder, you just shut down Doubo's rewarding channel, and even Doubo is still yours..."

Lu Ziping looked at Shangguan Lingyun with a complicated expression.

"Brother, are you joking with me? You are a young master of the Shangguan family, you tell me that I am rich? Are you sure, is it true?"

Doubo is your own.

People from Shangguan's family want to investigate, this can indeed be found out!

own money?

Don't make trouble!

If I can do it now, then maybe I will be the richest man in Forbes of Huaguo...


The problem is that this Forbes list, everyone will not really foolishly think that this is true, right?


That's because some bosses are too lazy to fight!
A few years ago, who was the richest man in Forbes?
Two horses?

Then a king's!
This year it seems to be Boss Zhong!
But if a group of bigwigs similar to Shangguan's family go up, to be honest, there really is nothing to do with these bigwigs!

just now……

The young master of the Shangguan family said that he is rich...

Really don't say...

Lu Ziping was embarrassed!

Shangguan Lingyun: ...

Got it!
"Stop talking about this and get down to business!"

Lu Ziping was not polite, and sat down: "Tell me, what's the business..."

"One: I will give you the property rights of Building No. [-]!"

"Two: Transfer the income from [Later] and [Big Canopy] to you!"

"Three: Tell you about the copyright of the [Big Canopy]!"

[Later] and [Big Canopy] still have copyright?

Lu Ziping was slightly taken aback.

"Is there any money left?"

"Well, not only there, but also a lot!"

The ten-year bookworm asked Lu Ziping for the release rights of these two songs after hearing the Big Canopy and Later for the last time!


In just a few days!
Crazy sweep across all major platforms!

It's so fierce!

Directly dominate the list of major platforms...

So all kinds of income appeared, and these days, it directly reached more than 300 million here!
Ten-year bookworms look down on these incomes!
Not to mention, the income originally belonged to Lu Ziping,

Originally, he wanted to use another method to give Lu Ziping, for example... It seems that there is a reward from the secret side. It feels very comfortable. It seems that it is not impossible to record more times!

But now give it to him personally, this is the best!
By the way, I can also meet Lu Ziping!

Lu Ziping really didn't expect that this is all free, and there are these incomes, but it is true after thinking about it.

This is the era of traffic!
In this era, there will naturally be some traffic income!
Just like those Internet celebrities!
On the condition of having basic fans, every time you browse, there will be data, and naturally there will be income!

"Okay, wait to transfer to my Alipay!"

Who doesn't love money?

More than 300!
I can still keep it for myself as a wife, why not?

In the past ten years, bookworms have really looked down on this little money!

You don’t have to do this favor!

Otherwise, I am afraid that this bookworm will think that he is hypocritical...

"By the way, the copyright of the canopy, what kind of copyright? The copyright of the song?"

"I was going to tell you about this..."

Shangguan Lingyun took a deep breath and looked at Lu Ziping with a serious face: "I remember you said last time that this big canopy has a background? Do you have a story about this big canopy?"

[Big Canopy] is a song born out of the movie [Big Canopy]!

I did get his revised script last time, which is even better than the original one...

He nodded immediately: "I was free at the time, and I did write a short story. This novel is called Big Canopy... What's the problem?"

"I want to buy its film and television adaptation rights!"

Lu Ziping: "???"

He stared blankly at Shangguan Lingyun: "You said, the right to adapt the big canopy???"


Shangguan Lingyun said: "When I heard this song for the first time, I thought about asking him for the right to bring his story to the screen...but...this story is yours, song It is also yours, and only after buying your copyright, I have the qualifications to adapt... He is very important to me!"

There was such a trace of tenderness in Shangguan Lingyun's eyes!

Lu Ziping remembered his unfinished story...

"Back then, I had a childhood sweetheart...we..."


Lu Ziping quickly stopped: "You said that this story is very long, so don't tell it..."

Shangguan Lingyun:! ! ! !

"I want to say!"

Shangguan Lingyun gritted his teeth!

"No, you don't want to!"

Lu Ziping said: "It's not impossible for you to want this copyright, but... I think, how about another way?"


"In what way?"

"Let's invest together..."

"You want to participate in the filming of this big canopy?"

Shangguan Lingyun was a little taken aback: "You want to engage in film and television?"

"I don't really want to do it, but I'm afraid you guys will ruin this story..."

A good movie is inseparable from the screenwriter, director, actors, and even the final special effects and producers!
The screenwriter of the big canopy on Earth 1 in the previous life changed things in a mess!

Even the special effects are full of fifty cents special effects!
Since Shangguan Lingyun wants to do it, Lu Ziping also wants to play...

after all……

Entertainment circle!

I heard that the producer is very open in it!
A director can subtly rule some female stars!
Then you are the producer!


Original author!
Wait, under these halos...

Isn't that...

Lu Ziping's eyes were blurred...


It's a heartwarming feeling!

Shangguan Lingyun lowered his head, thinking about Lu Ziping's proposal, and finally said: "Actually, if you also participate, this is not a problem...

With you as the original author, the adaptation of this story will definitely explode even more!


I was thinking, since you have joined in, should you also ask someone to join in, if she joins in, then ask her to provide us with a good director!
By the way... it's more convenient to ask her to take pictures for us to pass the trial..."

"This person, why do you say that the background is a bit complicated?"

"It's not that simple. Those in Kyoto have optoelectronics at home, people from CCTV, and there are also in departments... oh, and the military too!"

Lu Ziping: "That's really an incredible person!"

There are so many connections in Kyoto!

This person is definitely not simple...

"By the way, which one is he? Next to the male character or the female character? It can't be an animal, right??"

Shangguan Lingyun: What a goddamn animal!
Are your animals fine?
"The one next to the female character!"


Lu Ziping was surprised: "Does it look good?"

Shangguan Lingyun:? ? ? ?

Is it a question of good or bad?
This young man...why is there something wrong with his focus!

"You know her too!"


Lu Ziping shook his head: "I'm just an ordinary person, it's impossible to know such a powerful person... If you didn't become my book friend for no reason, I wouldn't even know you... let alone someone who seems to be better than you... "

Shangguan Lingyun didn't speak...

Just looking at Lu Ziping with a smile...

Lu Ziping was a little uncomfortable, but gradually, he opened his mouth wide: "It's hard...could it be...could it be..."

"you guess……"

"Am I an ordinary person?"


Shangguan Lingyun almost fell...

A figure of a fat man appeared in my mind...

That evil pen...

What did he think? ? ? ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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