Chapter 149 Yang Xiaoqi is coming back!
The air suddenly became silent like that.

Lu Ziping didn't react at first.

When the reaction came, the whole person panicked...

"No, Sister Ning, I didn't mean that, I meant that I would cook for you for the rest of my life, no, it's not right, I mean..."

"I...I know..."

Chen Ning's face turned a little red.

But he still pretended to be calm.

Lu Ziping: ...

Does she really understand?


Aunt Chen...

Don't laugh!

Why are your eyes so weird?


Sister Ning!

Why did you dodge that look?
Lu Ziping: ...

Got it!

He figured it out, he seemed to have said something wrong!
Then, both of them seem to have misunderstood!
Aunt Chen went even further and quickly said she was going to wash the dishes...

Lu Ziping and Chen Ning were left together.

The little girl went to play again...

Chen Ning lowered her head.

But without saying a word...

Lu Ziping was even more embarrassed... But thinking about it, thinking of what he said just now, for some reason, Lu Ziping felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart.

He looked at Chen Ning...

Sister Ning's beauty is mature beauty!

It is a kind of beauty that is ripe.

in case……

If that's the case, in fact... I seem to really like it!

and many more!

Second brother?

what are you doing?
calm down!

You must calm down!

Lu Ziping grabbed his head when he left...

It seems a little embarrassing!

Then go meet Brother Qiu, he lives nearby!

As soon as I got home...

Brother Qiu hurriedly closed the door... shirtless, and blocked Lu Ziping at the door.

"Well, I'm busy now..."

Lu Ziping:? ? ?

Looking up and down: "What time is it in broad daylight? What are you doing?"

"Ren Yingying is inside..."

Lu Ziping: ...

"Convex (Fuck Duck)!"

Lu Ziping turned around and left!
This is bullying single dogs!

Do single dogs have no human rights?
never mind!

Or find a place to drink and open a king!


Lu Ziping found a tea nest nearby...and ordered a cup of lemon tea...and after a while, he heard a couple in the shop arguing!

It was quite noisy!

That man looked a little decadent!
Being scolded by a woman!

I dare not answer!
The woman scolded and cried!

"As long as you are a little bit upright, you go whoring, but you can also find a better, more expensive one!"

"A group of five people, they spent 500 yuan, but you, you spent [-] yuan!"

"Fifty, what's the price?"

"My surname is Wu, you really have to talk about it!"

"My mother, go and pay the ransom, the ransom is [-], and you have to pay [-]!"

"You are also a man, but you can't even compare to me in this respect. I have to be blind to fall in love with you!"

"You fucking kneel down for my old lady. I'll have a glass of drink. We'll settle the score when we get back!"

The drink shop was filled with laughter!
Lu Ziping also trembled with laughter...

This this……

Sure enough, a real man!
Simply... Lu Ziping went home to broadcast live!
Lu Xiaoxue went to school, and Uncle Fu was at home. Lu Ziping talked to Uncle Fu and went to the competition room!

When I used to go to work.

It's a bit busy this day!
not working now...

Suddenly, Lu Ziping felt a little empty!

"Perhaps, we should go and do things earlier..."

Lu Ziping murmured.

He kind of misses the time to go to work!
Especially when fishing.

I miss that Jiang Tianyu even more!
That guy, I don’t know if he is still in the design company?

Just about to start the live broadcast!


Yang Xiaoqi's call came.

"God... what are you doing?"

Yang Xiaoqi's voice came over, it was sweet, even though she couldn't see her now,

But Lu Ziping could still imagine that she was really talking to himself with sweet dimples now.

"I was just thinking about playing two games in the last live broadcast..."

Lu Ziping smiled: "What? Aren't you filming in Longmen? Call me when you have time?"

"Don't you miss the Great God? Does the Great God not want me to call you?"

Listen to these naughty words.

Lu Ziping quickly shook his head: "Don't make trouble... I'm afraid of being beaten by your brother once!"

Hearing this, Yang Xiaoqi burst out laughing.

Just a pity!
Lu Ziping didn't see her laughing, otherwise, she would definitely be fascinated!

"When will you end filming?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will go back to the magic capital..."


Lu Ziping smiled and said, "Then treat you to dinner tomorrow!"

"You did it?"

"It's not impossible!"

If it was in the past, Lu Ziping really wouldn't dare!
But at noon, I showed off my cooking skills at Sister Ning’s house...

Now Lu Ziping has found out.

I have inflated myself!
Isn't it just cooking?

Isn't that enough to have a hand?
It's much simpler than the king...

Yang Xiaoqi's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? Then you might as well cook a few more dishes, my teacher will be here tomorrow..."

"Is your teacher here too?"

Lu Ziping suddenly became a little surprised: "When will you arrive?"

"Looking at the time, the plane you got off with me was less than 5 minutes away. Master, my teacher is here this time because of you..."

Hearing this, Lu Ziping scratched his head.

"I'm not very good at playing the piano, Master Shi Lang, isn't it too exciting to move the crowd?"

Is this still called bad?

Yang Xiaoqi pursed her mouth: "Master, if you continue to keep a low profile, you will really lose me, a cute little fairy... If your skills are not good, then I... what am I?"

Neither Yang Xiaoqi nor Lu Ziping heard that this was wrong.

don't own yet...

How is this lost?
On the contrary, Lu Ziping felt a little embarrassed when he heard this.

No one can believe it when I tell the truth!


Who would have thought that by playing a game by yourself, you can still open a treasure chest!
Can all the things in this treasure chest be realized in reality?
"Then... shall I pick you up tomorrow?"

It's not that Mr. Chen doesn't have time. ,

Lu Ziping is not needed at all.

Yang Xiaoqi also has an agent...

Will manager Wu Yan arrange a car?
But both Lu Ziping and Yang Xiaoqi had forgotten about this!
Yang Xiaoqi even nodded: "Great God, I will send you the ticket and flight information later..."

"it is good!"


I received Yang Xiaoqi’s flight information!
Arrive at Shanghai at 10:25 tomorrow morning...

That is to say...

Master Shi Lang will be here tomorrow...

Are you still busy cooking?

I didn't worry about it either.

He can come whenever he wants!

It doesn't matter anyway...

Give Yang Xiaoqi a reply to the received message...

Lu Ziping adjusted the live broadcast.

at the same time……

Directly started the live broadcast...

When he came online, some water friends were caught off guard...

no? ?
Is the host account hacked?

Live broadcast in broad daylight... Did he take the wrong medicine? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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