The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 161 Confession to Your Uncle! ┌∩┐╭ o ╮┌∩┐!

Chapter 161 Confession to Your Uncle! ┌∩┐╭ o ╮┌∩┐!

Forget it!

Some experts also stood up.

Those in front are standing on the moral high ground and scolding themselves, and they will change!

They come without morals!


"Mathematics, a rigorous science, is even more related to the development of the country's lifeline, but as an anchor, he uses mathematics as a joke...even defiles and tramples mathematics...

Who among the thousands of students would allow this move?today! @摇传公子... You must stand up and apologize!

Otherwise, the entire mathematics world will never let it go! "

Lu Ziping: ...

Lu Ziping understood now!

Is this group of people scolding themselves for driving a car in the live broadcast room?

In the live broadcast room, I drove a car!

Isn't this normal?
I have a driver's license for 23 years!

Can't drive?
And as an anchor, it seems that there are a lot of drivers, right?
I want to compare myself with other anchors, this car is very subtle, right?

He even dared to ask.

If it wasn't for seeing it on Weibo, or some talented students, who would know that he was driving?

Don't know?

Watching other streamers...

The wheels were all over the face.

Why don't you scold them, come and scold me?

Just because you are kind?
Good to bully?
Should honest people be bullied?
"Are you afraid that you are a bunch of evil pens?"

Lu Ziping's mouth twitched.

Such a sentence was posted on Weibo...

Although not named.

But with the two words of evil pen, people began to check it out!

Chen Yiqi posted a meager message on the spot, and even @Lu Ziping.

"Son of man in vain! Not only does he not know how to repent of such a vulgar and dirty thing, but he even dares to be so arrogant and dandy, which is not the essence of being a human being. It is shameful, despised, and wished to abandon it!"


This stuff...

Lu Ziping looked at it.

From Huali University!

I heard that there is a professional, very awesome!
never mind!

If you dare not say it, you will be blocked!


Lu Ziping sent a sentence: "Hurry up, your father's coffin can't be held down anymore... How did he give birth to you, a rebellious son, if I knew he was not vulgar back then, I would have thrown you against the wall!"


As soon as these words came out, all the water friends on Lu Ziping's Weibo laughed!

"Surnamed Chen, your father's coffin is going to be overwhelmed!"

"If you want me to say that the son is still gentle, what does it mean to throw the wall, you don't even have to think about it, just cut it and forget it!"

"That's right, didn't Professor Chen say that people's physical needs are degrading? His father's should have been cut in the first place!"

"Professor Chen, it's useless to keep those things of yours. Cut them off. Wait, you still have a wife and daughter? Could it be that that's the case, Old Wang's next door? That's right!"

"Hello, Eunuch Chen!"

"Eunuch Chen, go to hell!"

Chen Yiqi was so angry that he vomited blood: "It's an insult to the gentleman! It's an insult to the gentleman!"

"Humiliate your uncle, you egg-laying animal!"

Chen Yiqi:! ! ! ! !

President of Chipeng Group: Zhang Guoming couldn't help but stand up and speak:
"@插流公子: As a junior, you scold your elders so sharply, which shows how good your quality is...even if you are a public figure? You will only set a bad example for minors!"

When these words came out, almost all the sailors were angry!

This evil pen!
Forget about that badass professor from Huali just now!

Now this evil pen has led the disaster to the minors?
"Fuck you, what are you? Are you still talented?"

"Just you? What qualifications do you have to speak for minors? Who do you think you are?"

"Do you know what those two lines of equation mean? If I hadn't seen you graduating from primary school, I would have thought you understood it!"

"Pretend to be noble of your uncle!"

"I know the company Chipeng Group. I used to work there. It's an extremely dark company. It's a real estate company that has defaulted on public funds for migrant workers... for several years!"

"I'm here at Chipeng now. A few days ago, a female employee just jumped off the building and was suppressed by the unspoken rules... That manager is the son of Zhang Guoming!"

"More than that, my girlfriend is also the accountant of Chi Peng. This group not only evades taxes, but also bribed many people..."

"A few years ago, wasn't there a report that Jiangcheng was forcibly demolished and a group of old people disappeared? It wasn't missing at all. Some insiders said they were killed..."


When seeing this scene.

Lu Ziping was shocked!
Especially after checking...

This group...

Lu Ziping didn't speak anymore.

Silently @ the next: General Inspectorate!

at the same time……

Take a screenshot!

Soon there was a message: "Report, investigate!"

After receiving the reply, Lu Ziping replied: "I hope you will be here tomorrow!"


Zhang Guoming pissed on the spot!
His face turned pale...


How did this bunch of bastards do it?
How do you know so clearly?
Of course!
There are so many experts, if one lays down, there will naturally be another one!
But the most important thing is that some of the experts directly used their own stalks on the topic of mathematics, saying that they humiliated mathematics!
Zhang Suyi, a professor at Huaguang University: "Mathematics is sacred. Throughout the development of the universe, science cannot be separated from mathematics. The radius of the universe is extremely large, and the end of the universe will also fall within the square inch of mathematics!

Of course!
Such a sacred existence has been tarnished because of your two words, Lu Ziping... You should give an explanation to all the scholars in the world, all those who love mathematics! "

As soon as Zhang Suyi said this.

Everyone is feeling the pressure!

A bullshit expert is not afraid!
That's it!

But a mathematician...


But it's not easy to do it!
At least, his status is there!

Therefore, when Lu Ziping heard this, his eyes narrowed.



It's about Sheji!

Lu Ziping absolutely has no intention of humiliating mathematics!
But this group of people, Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows!
Obviously, this is to deliberately draw the entire mathematics world to be an enemy of oneself!

If you don't respond well, this will definitely not work...


I still need to think carefully about how I should respond to this person!

Think of it...

Lu Ziping took out his mobile phone and thought about it.

wrote this sentence...


After finishing writing, I always feel as if something is missing!
"Oh, yes, one symbol is missing!"

So, Lu Ziping continued to edit, and finally, satisfied with his own content, he sent it directly!


Countless water friends are worried about Lu Ziping's answer.

Many of them also know that this proposal is not terrible, what is terrible is his words, he is pulling all the scientists and mathematicians into the water.

If the son doesn't answer well...

I'm afraid it's going to be really bad!

So, naturally, I was worried about his answer!

Zhang Suyi looked at Wei Bo with a sneer.

In fact, he and Lu Ziping don't have any hatred at all!

He hates this kind of anchor the most!
He doesn't have any skills, but he can only show off on the Internet!
The more important point is...

I am not a mathematician at all, and I don't understand mathematics. I am just an ordinary professor, but if I can use Lu Ziping to become famous.

That is definitely all good for me!


He came out and stepped on him!

It is impossible to send charcoal in a timely manner!
But to make matters worse, he likes it the most!
It was also at this time that Lu Ziping's meager account was finally updated!
When I saw this...

Almost everyone spit out their saliva:
"Tell me, sir! I am your father!!┌∩┐╭ o ╮┌∩┐!"


PS: QQ group: 541665674...handsome little XX...

(End of this chapter)

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