The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 208 The name of the team: ZEO Kuanglong team!

Chapter 208 The name of the team: ZEO Kuanglong team!

Because of a Murong family, Suhang fell into a carnival.

Here in the capital city.

Lu Ziping was still playing the game.

After two hours, Lu Ziping successfully advanced to Xingyao San!
Completed the N consecutive victories directly.

Even Lu Ziping got a full ten treasure chests, which can be regarded as maxing out today's treasure chests.

"Susu, let's talk?"

End Game.

La La is going out.

There is no way to open black.

Lu Ziping called Susu to stop,

Susu:? ? ?
Some are forced.

But still nodded: "What's the matter, my lord?"

"Let's chat on WeChat, I'll talk about it live!"


Although Susu responded like this,

But I was curious in my heart, this young man called himself to stop, what exactly was he going to do.

But soon, he knew.

"You mean, a team? You want to form a team?"

Susu was a little surprised,

"Don't you dislike the clan? Why do you want to form a clan all of a sudden?"

The king's team!

Back then, Young Master was invited to join EDG, but Young Master refused directly. Why did he suddenly want to form a team at this time?
Could it be... This young man is still like a woman, in this mood or something, flustered three times a day?
Think about it today.

Think like that tomorrow?

"When did I say that I don't like the team anymore? I seem to mean, I don't like being in the team, right?"

Susu: ...

He opened his mouth.

This this……

Suddenly, he didn't know what to say.

I really want to, the son is right!
"Feelings, son, you don't like to be restricted, but it's not that simple to form a team...

There must be places, personnel and money! "

"You know the internet cafes in heaven and earth..."

Susu: "I know, Doubo is very popular recently, I heard... this belongs to the young master?"

"It's not that I heard, this is mine. So, there is a place to form a team? As for funds, I think I should be considered a rich man!"

He doesn't have much left in the bank right now.

There should be 15 billion here!

It's still cash!
Plus various companies: Liehai Company, Maple Leaf Hospital, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Office Building, Internet Cafe in Heaven and Earth... Doubo...

Lots of money every month!

And Da Feng, the mysterious novel income!

Its music [Later] [Why not] [Big Canopy] The income of these three songs is one million a month here!

It's all cash flow!

If the net worth is added, Lu Ziping's current net worth has already exceeded tens of billions!

Money... is naturally not a problem!
Susu: ...

"What I need now is people!"

Lu Ziping said flatly:

"To be honest, at the beginning, I actually had the idea of ​​forming a team... but at that time, it was just a few of us to form a team to play!
However, I still gave up, we are getting older, we are getting married, we are working, we are working, we have girlfriends, we are not the teenagers we were at the beginning, how can we bear this kind of tossing!
No, when I heard that EDG and RNG were disbanding, I felt a little excited for no reason! "

Susu: ...

Hearing that EDG and RNG are going to disband, are you still excited?

Suddenly got offended!

Do not!
It's very offensive!
"So, what do you mean now?"

"Isn't your contract expired? Do you want to continue to sign? Of course, you don't need to make a decision so quickly now...

I will give you a number, if you decide to continue on the path of competition.Then contact her!

Join my team, not only you, but also Xiaoxiao and others... Anyone you know and think is good, you can come and try! "

this moment.

Susu was moved.

It has been a while since I learned about the news about EDG and RNG.He has been worrying about these things!

E-sports team, professional members.

Their strength is indeed good, but they all have a common shortcoming,

That is, most of the education levels are very low!
For training, directly sacrificed the time of reading!
And this kind of peak period is mostly only about five years!
From 16-21 years old, this is the pinnacle of professional members.

Once these few years have passed... Basically, it can be said that no team wants any more.

Some survived to this age.

Good luck.

If you quit the front line of the team, you can still become a coach or something.

Can be some bad ones.

Once you leave the professional team, you really can only find a job!

Because of academic qualifications.

This job is not very good!
Mostly hard work.

Some of them can even become an anchor... But the anchor has only been in the industry for the past few years.

If you want to become popular, it is very important!
How about chatting!
How about technology!
How handsome!
do you want...

In short, whether you can make a living depends on your luck!

Therefore, behind the scenes of professional members, things are not as comfortable as everyone seems. At least things like youthful rice are not for a lifetime!
Susu is now 20 years old this year!

The peak is only a year away...

After this year and next year, if you want to continue on this road, it will be very difficult, very difficult!

And in his career.

Didn't even win a KPL championship,

This leaves the field...

have to say.

Susu is not reconciled in her heart!
just now……

The son threw an olive branch.

Let him continue to have this qualification to walk on this road, Susu, how can he not be moved?

of course!

Su Su still has something to worry about.

For example: Can this team really achieve results in the KPL?
For example: son, are you kidding me?

For example: His peak period is about to pass, and next year, is he still eligible to enter the KPL?

and many more……

Lots and lots!
Lu Ziping also knew that it would be difficult for Su Su to give an answer immediately.

Still, he gave time.

"After you go back, discuss with Xiaoxiao and the others. If you are willing, then give me a message. If you can't, of course, help me notice if there are any good seedlings and recommend them to my team!"

Susu nodded.

"That's not bad, don't tell me, Menglei, you know, even though he said he's retired, if he continues to play professionally, he still wants it!"

"And our coach, Morning Guide, his coaching level is also good. Over the years, because of him, our EDG has been able to enter the top ten guilds!"

"If you give us a qualified shooter, then EDG can really aspire to the championship road, and Fat Cat... His support is also good, it can be regarded as a TO-level support..."

Lu Ziping nodded.

"Okay, then you will introduce these people to me when the time comes, and I will ask someone to contact them!"

"it is good!"

Susu thought.

In the end, I still couldn't help asking: "You want to form a team, and the name of the team, have you thought about it?"


Lu Ziping nodded.

"What is your name?"

Lu Ziping narrowed his eyes slightly.

He said lightly:

"The name of the team is: ZE0 Kuanglong team!"

(End of this chapter)

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