The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 258 Little Yaya's Identity Revealed!

Chapter 258 Little Yaya's Identity Revealed!
The car was heading towards the Shanghai No. [-] Hospital at high speed.

Xiaoyi and Xiaokai didn't dare to say a word.

This sudden phone call.

And brother Ping's anxious look now made the two of them feel a sense of oppression. ,

Uncle Fu knew about Chen Ning and Xiao Yaya.

Lu Ziping mentioned it before.

"Sir, little girl, what happened?"

Lu Ziping shook his head: "I don't know, sister Ning is crying, something must have happened, she is at the hospital now, I want to go and see right now..."

Lu Ziping was panicked.

How powerful a woman is Chen Ning?

When do you cry like this?

This is a big deal!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Ziping is a little nervous, but he treats little Yaya as his own daughter!

"Don't worry, sir, whether it's Miss Chen Ning or the little girl, everything will be fine. God will take care of good people!"

Lu Ziping nodded. .

When we arrived at the No. [-] Hospital, Uncle Fu was going to go in with Lu Ziping, but Lu Ziping told him to send Xiao Yi and Xiao Kai back.

in the car!

Xiao Yi couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Fu, which Chen Ning and Xiao Yaya belong to Brother Ping???"

"The woman Mr. likes..."

"Is that little Yaya?"

"Not sure, but it's possible..."


The First Hospital of Magic City,

This is not the best hospital in Shanghai... With Maple Leaf Hospital here, no one has the qualification to say that they are the best hospital!

Lu Ziping ran up.

I saw Chen Ning in the corridor of the hospital...

There she was, waiting.

Somewhat distraught,

"Sister Ning!
Lu Ziping shouted...

Chen Ning, who was still holding back her tears, couldn't help it anymore, and threw herself into Lu Ziping's arms, and then burst into tears.

The tears seemed to burst.

If it was in the past, it was certain to be dreamy,

after all……

Lu Ziping had never hugged Chen Ning like this before.

But now, how could Lu Ziping have the mood to think about this...

Gently patted Chen Ning's back: "Sister Ning, where's the little girl, what's wrong with the little girl?"

"Yaya her... Yaya her..."

Chen Ning told herself not to cry.

It's just that the tears couldn't be stopped, but she still said it: "Yaya is doing an examination inside now... I originally wanted to accompany her, but... I couldn't help but want to cry, I dare not let Yaya saw..."

"Yaya is sick. The doctor said... the doctor said it's acute leukemia!"

Almost instantly, Lu Ziping's head went blank.

are you crazy?
Korean drama standard...ex-girlfriend, domineering president, cancer, car accident...

Why did this shit fall on the little girl?
"No... are you sure? Little Yaya is in such good health, how could she get leukemia? Did you hear wrong?"

Chen Ning also wanted to get it wrong!
However, the fact is so!
Lu Ziping also knew that he was no longer struggling with this issue...

"What does the doctor say now?"

"I don't know. Wait, I have to ask..."


The doctor came out with little Yaya.

Little Yaya has stopped the nosebleed!
It doesn't look like a problem now.

As soon as he saw Lu Ziping approaching, he rushed forward,

Full of joy: "Uncle!"

"Little Yaya..."

Lu Ziping also greeted the little girl with a smile. ,

Even though Chen Ning was suffering now, she still wiped away her tears... She didn't want the little girl to see herself crying!

Chen Ning took Xiao Yaya with her.

Lu Ziping said to the doctor, and the two walked aside. ,

"Doctor, how is the child's condition now? Is it really leukemia?"

Lu Ziping also knew about leukemia.

It is a malignant clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells.Clonal leukemia cells proliferate and accumulate in bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues due to mechanisms such as uncontrolled proliferation, impaired differentiation, and blocked apoptosis.

And infiltrate other non-hematopoietic tissues and organs, while inhibiting normal hematopoietic function.Clinically, different degrees of anemia, hemorrhage, infection, fever, enlargement of liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone pain can be seen.

The doctor nodded: "The preliminary diagnosis is indeed leukemia, but now it is an early symptom, and the chance of treatment is as high as nearly 30% here...

This is a very good data. If the child is still young, the early information will have a higher probability of recovery!
of course!

If there is a stem cell transplant, the probability of recovery will be greater, is very difficult to find a suitable transplant, mainly from relatives, the child's parents, siblings?If there is, come and do an inspection, check it early, there is hope sooner! "

Lu Ziping nodded.

He is very calm!

"The child is adopted. I don't know who the parents are. But, doctor, please check it for me. If I can, I will check it!"

"The child is adopted/"

The doctor frowned slightly!
"Then the success rate will be very low, but you should go get a blood draw and do an examination. Maybe you will still have a chance by then!",

Lu Ziping nodded


But he is not in the first hospital!

Instead, Chen Ning was asked to take the child to Maple Leaf Hospital!
Chen Ning naturally said nothing!

At this time, she has long since lost her backbone, so she can only let Lu Ziping choose!
Dean Liu received the news and took the child for a series of inspections.

Little Yaya was a little scared, but she was very brave. Although she didn't know what happened, she did what the doctor told him to do!

Both Lu Ziping and Chen Ning went to get married!

I hope it can be suitable for Xiaoyaya’s transplantation.

It was the same as the diagnosis at the first hospital!
Leukemia is definitely...

The success rate of the treatment is better, it can be around 40%... But if there is a transplant, it will be even greater!

It's just that there is no suitable one here in the hospital, so we can only wait!

and so……

Now everyone can only wait for the news!
Lu Ziping comforted Chen Ning and told him that everything will be fine!
At the same time, Lu Ziping was thinking about whether he should go to the top game. If he could prescribe the elixir to treat cancer cells from the elixir, wouldn't it be...


and many more!

Goosebumps all over Lu Ziping's body immediately exploded,
That is…

And excitement!

In his system backpack, isn't there a bottle of elixir?
This elixir, called panacea elixir, is to treat cancer!
The kind that is 100% cured!

I have medicine on my body, why are you still worried now?

The originally sad heart was swept away...

You, what are you worrying about?

This little girl is fine...but wait until I find a chance to eat it secretly...

Chen Ning could only continue to worry for a while.


No one would believe what I said about this panacea!


What Lu Ziping didn't expect was... Xiao Yaya was fine, but Xiao Yaya's identity was suddenly revealed...

This identity made Lu Ziping freeze in place.

I once thought that I was dreaming...

(End of this chapter)

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