The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 380 Abandoned Wife and Daughter for 3 Years, Didn't Chapter Come When He Was Sick?

Chapter 380 Abandoned Wife and Daughter for 30 Years and Only Returned After Getting Sick?

It was an old man.

The age is about 67 years old.

Carrying a sack on his back.

I was looking around in the community, as if I was looking for something, and from time to time I asked the uncles and aunts in the community.

When he saw Chen Ning, the uncle's eyes lit up immediately.

It was like a drowning person who suddenly grasped for a life-saving straw.

"Xiao Ning!"

he shouted!

After hearing him call this name, Chen Ning habitually looked at it.

There was a smile on his face before, but all of a sudden, it disappeared completely!

She grabbed Lu Ziping with one hand.

Holding the little girl in one hand,

Turn around and leave!
But this old man didn't give Chen Ning a chance to leave, he rushed up and grabbed Chen Ning, almost extremely excited,

"Finally found you, Xiao Ning!"

"Do you know how long Dad has been looking for you?"

"I asked your mother, your mother never told me where you are!"

"If I hadn't asked someone to ask, I would have found out that you are here in Shanghai, and Dad would never have been able to find you!"

"That's great, Xiao Ning, Dad finally found you!"

Is this Chen Ning's father?
Lu Ziping was a little stunned.


Isn't Chen Ning's father dead?

In the past, Chen Ning told herself that when she was very young, his father died!

But now, why is Father Chen alive again?
How is this going?

"Shut up, who is your daughter and who is your father?"

Hearing this, Chen Ning's face was completely indifferent.

Looking at this father Chen coldly: "Chen Gaoyi, don't just recognize your daughter on the road, I'm not familiar with you at all!"

After speaking, I wanted to shake off his hand.

But Chen Gaoyi held on tighter than anything else: "Xiao Ning, I know you hate dad, but dad is wrong. Dad really misses you, so he came to you...

Xiao Ning, please don't treat Dad like this.You are father's own daughter..."

in the community.

More and more people have surrounded them.

Started pointing.

Seeing more and more people, Chen Gaoyi spoke louder and louder: "Xiao Ning, you don't know how long Dad has been looking for you, Dad misses you so much, you have suffered all these years!"

"Suffering? Don't, Chen Gaoyi, put away your hypocritical face!"

"No, Xiao Ning, why do you say that about your father? What is hypocrisy? Dad cares about you!"

Lu Ziping already noticed that something was wrong!

This father and daughter... have a wrong relationship!

Chen Ning wanted to shake off her hand, but she couldn't shake it off at all.

Lu Ziping stood up. ,

"You are Mr. Chen, you scratched Xiao Ning!"

"who are you?"

Chen Gaoyi looked Lu Ziping up and down: "What's the relationship with Xiao Ning?"

Lu Ziping hasn't explained yet.

Little Yaya has already started crying: "Mom, Dad, let's go home, Yaya is afraid!"

I was afraid to see Yaya.

Lu Ziping quickly hugged Yaya over.

At this moment, Chen Gaoyi's eyes lit up immediately. ,

"It turned out to be a son-in-law, yes, Xiao Ning, you found another person to marry, yes, I said my daughter is with me, she is so beautiful, how can she be a widow..."

Chen Gaoyi's words are a little too much!
Lu Ziping frowned when he heard this.

Is this what a father should say?

Chen Ning yelled directly: "Chen Gaoyi, what do you want to do?"

"Dad just wanted to come and find you..."

Ha ha!

Chen Ning sneered.

Chen Gaoyi took a deep breath: "Okay, Xiao Ning, Dad is looking for you this time, there is actually one more thing, Dad is sick, leukemia... The doctor said, Dad needs to have an operation quickly, otherwise, he won't live for a few years Already!"

"so what?"

Chen Ning asked coldly.

This state made many people on the side feel uncomfortable!
"No, what's the matter?"

"Isn't this Dad?"

"Father is sick, how can he speak so indifferently?"

"Chen Ning wasn't this kind of person before, why is she so indifferent now?"

"This is too bad!"

"Yeah, as a daughter, even if there is any conflict, you can't be so cold-blooded!"

"That's the father who gave birth to her and raised her!"

Lu Ziping's face darkened.

The surrounding sounds make him very uncomfortable!

"My father? What do you know!"

Lu Ziping is not angry yet!
Chen Ning over there sneered.

"Does he deserve the word father?"

"Do you know what he did to me and my mother?"

"Why... Now that I'm sick and need money, you came to see me? Chen Gaoyi, it's been 30 years. During these 30 years, when we needed you, where were you?"

"Are you asking for money? No way, get lost!"

Chen Ning directly grabbed Lu Ziping and angrily pushed away the crowd!
Straight home!
Chen Gaoyi chased, but did not catch up at all.

I can only shout from behind, full of grief,

"Xiao Ning, Dad is wrong, don't act like this!"

"Xiao Ning, you can't act like this!"

He cried.

Crying incessantly.

This caused a group of people in the community to watch, and couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Mr., what's the matter with you and Chen Ning?"

"Why is your daughter like this?"

"This is too inappropriate!"

Chen Gaoyi wiped his tears and explained: "It's not her fault, it's all my fault, she should hate me!"

This comparison...

One also felt that the daughter could not be blamed.

One didn't care about his father's life or death at all.

There is simply no comparison!
What they didn't see was that when Chen Gaoyi said this, even though he was hiding it, there was a smile deep in his eyes.


I still want to cry!

"Chen Ning is too ugly!"

"Old man, I'll tell you her house number, you can go find her... If it doesn't work, let's find a reporter and ask the reporter to come over!
If there is any conflict between father and daughter, call the reporter over and talk it over, this matter, it will be fine!
After all, she is your daughter, and she is responsible for some things! "

Hearing this, Chen Gaoyi's eyes lit up.

"Can reporters help with this?"

"It's necessary, the reporter can help with everything!"

"That's great, can you give me the contact information of the reporter?"

"Yes, I happen to know a team of reporters called Xiaoli's Gangbang. With their help, they will definitely help you... But sir, why don't you go to Chen Ning's house and talk to her?"

"No, I'm going tomorrow, let's open a room first!"

now go?
What is the use?

Anyway, I already know where I live, so that bitch can still leave?

This time I came by myself, I didn't intend to go back empty-handed...

Now, with a reporter...then my goal can be achieved.

Facing the pressure from the reporters, that bitch, at least a few million this time, right?
I heard that you have three houses under your command?
A set in Modu is worth at least 500 million, right?

Give yourself a set, isn't it too much?

(End of this chapter)

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