Chapter 34 Cast off
Xiangyi, who had completed his transformation, flipped and kicked, kicked Venerable Octopus into the water, then pulled up the father and jumped out.

"Run away, leave this place to me."

Xiangyi gave instructions to the father and son in front of him, then turned and walked towards Venerable Octopus.


The octopus master said the name of Xiangyi's transformed posture in a bitter and bitter tone, and walked over waving two tentacles, while the water pool made with superpowers behind him had dissipated.


Xiang Yi sideways dodged the whipping of the octopus's tentacles, and hit its big bald head with an uppercut with a backhand, followed by a set of punches, which made the octopus unable to fight back for a while.

At this time, the siren sounded, and it was Toru Hojo who was equipped with the G3 armor and came after receiving the alarm. Toru Hojo saw the two wrestling together, and couldn't help but take out the GM01, and when he lifted it, he shot randomly.

Xiangyi, who had already suppressed the octopus master, had to roll over to escape the rain of bullets behind him, but the octopus master was not so lucky, he was hit directly and smoked all over his body.

Xiangyi stood up and took a look at G3. Qin Ming had told him after beating Venerable Crow that Glacier was temporarily disqualified from equipping G3, and his successor might have ideas about AgitΩ, so let him try his best to equip G[-]. Be careful.

Sure enough, the new equipment man of G3 did not regard AgitΩ as a companion at all, which is really troublesome.Forget it, let’s get rid of this Octopus Lord first.

So Xiangyi continued to rush forward to fight with the Octopus Venerable, a somersault landed on the Octopus Venerable's back, and then a roundabout kick hit the Octopus Venerable's naked head.

At this time, Hojo Toru also rushed over and showed off his operation. After a while, he fell over his shoulder and put the octopus master on the ground. After a while, he used GM01 to shoot while dodging various attacks. Omuro, who was watching the battle in the G trailer, was amazed by the small combo, and Ozawa Chengzi also watched the screen sent back by the G3 system with a serious face.

Shoichi was speechless at the moment, when Hojo Toru attacked just now, he didn't think of himself as a human being at all, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been shot.

Hojo saw that the Octopus had been beaten by him and had no power to fight back, so he took out the GG02 combined with the GM01 in his hand, and aimed at the Octopus with a cannonball.

Xiang Yi from OMO turned his head to look at Venerable Octopus, only to see the angel ring appear, and Venerable Octopus rotted into a pool of pink things on the spot.

Seeing that Venerable Octopus should have been dealt with, Xiangyi turned around and left this place. If Hojo had a mental twitch and shot him twice if he didn't run away, it would affect his mood too much.

In the G trailer, watching Tohide Hojo kill unknown in the same way, Omuro looked excited, but Ozawa Touko's expression didn't look very happy.

On the other side, Qin Ming happily walked out of Tomoko Miura's house. He had gained her trust just now by extracting the power of light that was awakening in Tomoko Miura's body through his sharp tongue and direct on-the-spot extraction.

And this made the haze surrounding Tomoko Miura's heart dissipate a lot, and Qin Ming also collected the power of light, and stuffed the power of light into his belt when he collected almost all of it.

According to Qin Ming's speculation, it is very likely that a new form of himself will be born at that time.

The most important thing is that through Tomoko Miura, Qin Ming used the system to lock the various information of the remaining surviving Dawn crew members, and then he would be able to obtain enough light power to guide his own evolution, including the transformation of Ryo Ashihara. The problem of reduced life expectancy will also be resolved.

This made Qin Ming's mood very good. He hummed along the way home. If it wasn't for fear of being regarded as crazy, Qin Ming would even want to imitate a wave of bullies Maguire to reflect his current mood.

It was night, Toru Hojo was eating and chatting with Touko Ozawa and Omuro.

"Why don't you eat, Officer Ozawa?" Hojo Toru asked.

"I don't like this pretentious place." Ozawa orange replied
"I never thought you would like to eat common food." Hojo Toru was a little surprised.

"But I also like it, after all, I am a person who fights to protect civilians." Hojo Toru continued.

"Perhaps, when you attacked today, you didn't even consider whether you would accidentally injure AgitΩ. AgitΩ often helped Glacier before."

"AgitΩ is not a commoner, just watch, I will definitely catch AgitΩ next time, anyway, please take care of me in the future, although I am not as cute as Glacier."

When it comes to AgitΩ, Hojo Toru looks indifferent, but when he mentions the arrest of AgitΩ, he is a little elated.

And in a certain alley, a red unknown object fell into a certain water tank in the alley, and bubbling bubbles came out.

The next day, in another park, the father and son were still playing baseball. Although they heard that unknown had been wiped out, they felt it was unlucky, so they continued playing in another park.

Unfortunately, when the baseball rolled out like yesterday, the Octopus Lord appeared again. This time, the father and son were well prepared, turning their heads and running away as soon as they saw the water spraying out.

At this time, on the G trailer, Hojo Toru confidently promised that he would not only defeat unknown again, but also capture AgitΩ, but Ozawa Touko was noncommittal.

When the father and son fled to a small river, they were horrified to find that Venerable Octopus came out of the small river, but fortunately at this moment, Hojo Toru finally arrived, and a speeding motorcycle knocked Venerable Octopus into the air .

"Are you still alive?" Hojo Toru was a little surprised.

Then Toru Hojo took out the GM01 and fired several shots, but the effect was very little. This made Toru Hojo a little confused, so he took out the GG02 and installed it on the GM01, ready to fire a big shot to kill the octopus in seconds.

"Nani? It's useless!!!"

But after Toru Hojo pulled the trigger, the shells fired only had the same effect as yesterday's bullets. This made Toru Hojo, who was originally full of confidence, feel a tremor in his heart.

However, the Octopus Venerable didn't give him a chance to think about it, he walked over leisurely, raised his tentacles and slapped Hojo's back twice.

Unreconciled, Toru Hojo was about to punch back, but was stopped by the octopus master halfway, and the backhand hit Toru Hojo's chest again.

"Chest assembly damaged."

In the G trailer, the tail room is broadcasting the battle damage of the G3 system.

“What about the output of the battery pack?”

Ozawa Chengzi asked.

"No problem at all, you can continue to fight!"

Oomura responded.

While the two were talking, Toru Hojo had already been killed by Venerable Octopus. He was thrown against the wall for a while, and stepped on his feet for a while, unable to fight back. The fan flew to the edge of the small river and couldn't get up again.

"Stand up, Officer Hojo, the battle has just begun!"

Ozawa Chengzi encouraged.

"The emergency exit switch is activated, and Officer Hojo intends to exit."

But Hojo Toru's next move disappointed Ozawa Chengzi. He pressed the emergency escape button on his belt. Following the real-time broadcast in the tail room, Hojo Toru broke away from the G3 armor, and he panicked. Rolling and crawling across the small river.

ran away!
 The famous scene reappears!At the same time, thank you for your support for recommending monthly tickets, thank you very much!They are all people who have made great contributions, and I will thank you all when I put it on the shelves and use it!
(End of this chapter)

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