Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 120 The Ship Girl with 1 Aircraft Carrier Battlegroup

Chapter 120 A Ship Girl with an Aircraft Carrier Battlegroup
After Jiang Ran comforted the little girl in Haikou, she ignored Changchun who was still "cursing" her sister with circles in the corner, but planned to continue building.

As for the little girl Changchun, just like everyone else thought, no one paid attention to her. After a while, she got bored and turned back into that sunny girl again, as if nothing happened .

At this time, Jiang Ran looked at the mental Rubik's Cube in his hand, well, there are still the last 7 pieces left, and he doesn't know what kind of ship girl can be produced.

"The construction started. This construction consumed a total of 1000 materials and took 1:30:00."

Jiang Ran is already very familiar with this time and the consumption of materials, and he knows without thinking that this is another 052D guided missile destroyer.

However, I just don't know if it will be the repeated construction of Taiyuan, but there are so many 052D ships, it should not be such a coincidence.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ran also took out the quick completion tool and put it on. The golden light flashed, reflecting the beautiful outline of the girl.

The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a delicate oval face, tall figure, dancing black hair, skin as good as snow, and a hint of a heavenly smile on her face.

The girl was wearing an emerald green dress, a pair of white sandals under her feet, and three thousand blue silks were casually draped on her soft and fragrant shoulders.

She is like a peony flower in bud, beautiful but not coquettish, gorgeous but not vulgar, charming and charming.

The girl walked to Jiang Ran's side with a smile, and then said:

"I am a Type 052D guided missile destroyer, Nanning, and I have officially joined the port area. Commander, do you like me?"

After finishing speaking, Nanning threw himself into Jiang Ran's arms, which made Jiang Ran unable to react for a while, and just froze for a while.

Didn't the other ship girls take the initiative to give them a hug?Why is this ship girl a little different?
After a while, he finally came back to his senses, looked at the girl in his arms, and said with a smile: "Nanning is here, welcome, come, this is the data link, after you finish it, go find other sisters to play with." Bar."

After finishing speaking, he touched the girl's soft hair, well, the soft feeling is really good, and he won't resist himself.

It seems that my own girls are very well-behaved at the beginning, but when they get to know each other well, they start to be mischievous, and Jiang Ran doesn't know why.

"It seems that the new ship girls are good, at least I can touch their little heads, unlike that girl, who won't even let me touch their heads, bah, a bunch of scumbags!"

In his heart, Jiang Ran began to complain about the girls in his family.

"Okay, Commander, then I'll go first!" Nanning smiled sweetly at Jiang Ran after replacing his own data link with quantum communication.

Although these new ship girls have their own data links, their original data links all send information in the form of radio waves.

It does not match at all with the quantum communication system in the port area, nor can it keep up.

Therefore, the first thing they do when they come to the port area is to replace their own data link with the latest quantum communication form.

Otherwise, it would be fine on weekdays, but once on the battlefield, they would not receive any information support, and their own missiles would not be able to play a real role.

As a result, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

"Okay, let's go, the sisters are waiting for you."

Seeing that Nanning had happily played with other sisters, Jiang Ran also started the next construction work.

"Construction starts, this construction consumes a total of 11000 materials, and the construction time is 9:00:00!"

"Huh? This consumption can only be the aircraft carrier. I don't know who it is, 005 or 004?"

Jiang Ran looked at this time, and a satisfied smile flashed across his face.

Well, I will work hard from now on, and one day, I will build all the six aircraft carrier wives of the Flower Planter to be my wives!

Jiang Ran kept flirting in his mind, and he didn't know when he would be able to get these six aircraft carrier girls together!

However, when Jiang Ran was still in YY, a pleasant voice brought his thoughts back to reality:
"Commander, you are smiling so wretchedly, did you think of something bad again? Hurry up and open the builder!"

Taking a closer look, Luanniao was crossing Xiaoman's waist, looking at him sideways.

And similarly, the other girls in my port area also looked at me with some unkind eyes.

Whenever his own commander showed such an expression, he definitely wasn't thinking of anything good.

"What can I think of, I'm just thinking about what kind of ship girl this is!" Jiang Ran forcefully explained.

Afterwards, regardless of what the girls at home thought, they directly used quick completion props to reset the construction time to zero.

At the same time, in Jiang Ran's heart, he was also a little puzzled, how could these girls appear by his side as long as he flirted with other ship girls at the beginning, it was even more sensitive than the quantum early warning radar in the port area.

Inside the building, the gorgeous golden light flashed again, and a woman came out from inside.

The woman's face is a bit delicate, and her long black and delicate hair hangs over her shoulders, which is a bit soft and beautiful, and she has a quiet and graceful flavor of Jiangnan women.

Her skin was as white as jade, like freshly peeled eggs. A pair of big eyes twinkled as if they could speak. Curly long eyelashes covered the eyes, and her soft lips raised slightly, forming a perfect arc.

The woman was wearing a light green Hanfu dress with peonies embroidered on the cuffs, a few auspicious clouds drawn out by silver thread, a row of blue sea clouds at the hem, and a wide piece of brocade wrapped around her chest.

The body gently turns the long skirt to spread out, her gestures are as graceful as willows blowing in the wind, her skin is as delicate as gentle jade, soft and greasy, and her small cherry mouth is red without spots, delicate and charming.

The two strands of hair on the cheeks were gently swept by the wind to add a bit of seductive aura, while the flexibly turning eyes turned smartly, a bit naughty and a bit naughty.

She was wearing a light green long dress with a slender waist that could be easily grasped. She was so flawlessly beautiful, so unearthly.

"The Flower Planter's second domestic aircraft carrier, hull number 18, has joined the port area from today, Commander, you can call me Susu!"

Susu came to Jiang Ran's side, and said softly, the ethereal voice made people feel as if they would be intoxicated by it.

"Uh, Su Su is here, welcome." Jiang Ran came back to her senses and quickly gave Su Su a hug.

At the same time, he turned on the system and began to check Susu's hull data. After all, when he crossed, she hadn't entered the water yet, so he didn't know much about her data.

Susu, also known as the Type 003 aircraft carrier, has a displacement of 8 tons, conventional power plus electromagnetic ejection.

It is equipped with 40 Flying Shark fighters (including three Roaring Shark electronic warfare aircraft), 15 Falcon Eagle fighters, two Air Police 600 carrier-based early warning aircraft and two fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft, as well as 20 helicopters.

In addition, Jiang Ran discovered that Susu's own skills seemed to be somewhat special.

Thirteen Guardians: During battles on the sea surface, thirteen destroyers of 052D level can be summoned to escort Susu. The combat effectiveness of the summoned escort formation is equivalent to that of real 052D destroyers.

Moreover, these summoned battleships can also be upgraded with the improvement of Susu's ship equipment data and level.

After watching this skill, Jiang Ran was also very happy in her heart. This is equivalent to being born with the firepower of an aircraft carrier battle group. You only need to find two submarines for her to follow, and you can pull out to fight.

Moreover, in future battles, even if she does not have an escort formation, she will be able to protect herself well.

As for the girls, after seeing Susu's skills, they also started to gather around her and started discussing with each other. The enthusiasm made Susu feel a little embarrassed.

However, Jiang Ran did not participate in their discussion. He looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand, well, there are 6 pieces left, and he will start the next construction!
(End of this chapter)

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