Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 130 Cancellation of the 3rd round of air strikes (2 in 1)

Chapter 130 Canceling the Third Round of Air Raids (Two in One)

Piggy Harbor is located at the lowest point of the plain between the Colau Mountains on the south coast of White Eagle Oahu and the Waianai Mountains, adjacent to Honolulu Port, the only deep-water port of White Eagle.

It is the military base and ship repair base of the White Eagle's fleet and its commanders, and it is also one of the largest and best safe berthing ports among the islands along the coast of the White Eagle.

Ship girls and commanders from other camps on the Blue Star will not be allowed to enter without special permission from the White Eagle Headquarters.

Here, you only need to take a helicopter to have a panoramic view of the entire White Eagle Hawaii Sea. The blue seamounts and magnificent coral reefs are so beautiful from the air.

It was a clear morning, and the warm sun shone on the beach, dyeing everything here a golden yellow.

On the beach, a group of sexy cruiser ladies are playing beach volleyball in bikinis. In the distance, rows of seagulls are playing carefree here.

In the exercise field, there are still many ship girls who are practicing, galloping to their heart's content in this warm blue sea.

Aviation weapons are flying in the sky, various artillery are roaring above the sea, and every ship girl is also showing excitement, they seem to have inexhaustible vitality.

In the naval mess hall on the other side, a group of destroyer and frigate girls were carrying plates, looking expectantly at the white-haired ship girl in front of them.

"Sister Oklahoma, how long will the meal be? Lafite is almost starving!" Lafite looked listless while holding his own plate.

"Yes, yes, sister Oklahoma, hurry up, I haven't eaten yet, otherwise, I won't have the strength to train later."

Santiago also held a plate, looking expectantly at the white-haired Jianniang who was still cooking.

"Hmph, you just want to go out and play when you're full!" Omaha began to reveal the truth.

"You're talking nonsense. I obviously just want to eat and hug so that I can go out to fight in the deep sea, and see if I can meet a colorful cloth or something, so that I can catch up with my sisters after I evolve." Santiago argued loudly.

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Omaha didn't intend to argue with her any more, the most important thing was to eat!
"Okay, stop arguing, here, your breakfast, really, every time you wake up so late, the breakfast has been cold many times!" Oklahoma complained, and sent the breakfast to these girls them.

This breakfast is very simple, a piece of hot milk, a piece of toast with a hot dog inside, a cup of sugar-free cereal and a fried egg.

"Hey, it's these things again, when can we change the taste!" Big Mackerel complained while looking at the breakfast in front of him.

"That's right, we White Eagles really don't have much delicious food, just a few of them, and we're tired of eating them all." Olik also began to echo from the side.

"Hey, if only we could go to Donghuang with Commander and sisters. I heard that it is a country of gourmet food. There are so many delicious things."

Craven looked at the food in front of him and sighed. She really wants to go to Donghuang now, where there are more delicious food than White Eagle.

"Yes, yes, I have been there with the commander and Sister Carl Wenpi before. There are many delicious foods there, such as Roujiamo, hot pot, dumplings, and twice-cooked pork."

Lafite was sitting in front of the table, pointing to Donghuang's delicacies with her fingers, and then she realized that her fingers were not enough, looked down, and started to pick up her toes.

"Yeah, I've also been there with Sister Carl Wenpi and the others. I think that sister named Yixian is very beautiful, especially the dress seems to be called cheongsam. It is a unique dress of Donghuang. It is beautiful, but My sisters wouldn’t let me wear it, saying that only adults can wear it.”

Omaha supported his little head with one hand, his eyes were a little dull, as if he was imagining himself wearing a cheongsam.

"You little girls, hurry up and eat, and then go to training! Otherwise, the food will be cold!"

While the girls were still chatting, a slightly cold voice interrupted their thinking.

The girls took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Missouri, who was staring at them with her hips on her hips, like the dean of the human schools in the inland of Donghuang.

"I know, I know, sister Missouri, we have a good meal, don't increase the amount of training for us!"

The girls covered their little heads and looked at Missouri timidly. The way they looked was really cute. Anyone who saw it couldn't help but want to hug her and love her a little more.

"Then hurry up and eat!!!" The cuteness of the little girls seems to be of no use to Missouri.

"Oh, I know, the stinky sister who only bullies children, woohoo, I miss Sister Lexington, and I don't know when I will be back."

"Yes, Sister Lexington is very gentle. I heard that many commanders want to make Sister Lexington their wedding ship. Unlike this guided missile battleship, which is fierce, no wonder no commander dares to want her."

"However, sister Lexington doesn't seem to agree to any of them."

"That's natural. Sister Lexington is so good, so she won't fall in love with the commanders of White Eagle. Many of them are greedy for Sister Lexington's body!"

"Sigh, I don't know what kind of commander can match the excellent sister Lexington. I heard that the commander at Donghuang is very gentle and treats the ship's mother very well."

The maids were still chatting with each other, and Missouri on the side was even livid with anger at their conversation.

She has already made a plan in her heart, if I don't give you girls some color today, I will just retire today!
The early morning sun passed through the dense coconut trees, leaving some mottled spots on the sandy beach of Zhuzhugang.

However, at this moment, the various radar equipment and the radar screens of the anti-aircraft missile position in Piggy Port turned into snowflakes almost at the same time.

"En? What's going on? Not good! It's electromagnetic interference, enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Zumwalt, who is in charge of duty, wants to notify the White Eagle's ship girls through the communication channel.

However, when she picked up the walkie-talkie and planned to notify the other ship girls, she found that only a series of blind voices answered her.

Immediately afterwards, she turned on her shipboard radar again, but what responded to her was still a snowflake.

"Damn it, the communication has also been interrupted! Anti-aircraft missiles can't be used either!"

Zumwalt cursed secretly, and then she remembered that there seemed to be that old-fashioned air defense siren here.

Thinking of this, she didn't care too much, and rushed out, running towards the old-fashioned air defense siren.

Zumwalt was running towards the distant anti-aircraft siren.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the attack from the deep sea may be coming soon, you must tell everyone the news before then!"

During this process, Zumwalt also bumped into Helena who ran out of the radar station next door. The two fell, raised their heads and looked at each other slightly, without speaking, they quickly stood up and continued. Run towards the air defense siren.

The old-fashioned anti-aircraft siren was right next to the radar station, not too far away, so Zumwalt and Helena quickly ran here and sounded the siren.


In an instant, piercing sirens sounded in the White Eagle Piggy Port.

"En? What's going on? Why is the air defense siren sounding? Is there an enemy? Where's the early warning radar?"

At this moment, the girls of the White Eagle are in a mess. The girls who can guard here are veterans who have gone through hundreds of battles and experienced the baptism of blood and fire.

But they weren't the kind of little Baihua who were spoiled by the commander and didn't understand anything.

If it is time to use this kind of old-fashioned air defense alarm, it can only be that the radar on the Zhuzhu Port side has been damaged by the enemy's electronic interference!
"Hurry up and hide, the enemy's electronic interference has destroyed the radar, it is estimated that the missile will come soon!" Battleships such as Missouri and Arizona kept calling the destroyer girls.

Long before, the video of Jiang Ran's warship girls fighting those White Eagle's modern warships had spread to the entire White Eagle camp.

Although I still don't understand how Luanniao invaded their combat command system.

But at least it also let them know a brand new thing, that is electronic interference and anti-electromagnetic power, and the importance of those electronic warfare planes.

And the situation in front of him is so similar to the previous exercise, all the radars have become blind, and the missiles cannot be used!

After hearing what Missouri and the others said, the destroyer girls immediately understood what was going on, and they all chose to obediently follow what their sister said.

But now, it's too late!

In the distant sky, countless dots of white light suddenly appeared, which could be seen even in the clear daytime.

Countless dark red supersonic missiles, carrying a sonic boom, came to the girls in an instant.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, in Zhuzhu Harbor, flames shot up into the sky, and the sound of explosions resounded on this beautiful island, destroying all the beauty and peace that had been there before.

In the port area, one ship after another was hit by these missiles and lost their lives.

Seeing their former sisters and comrades fall in front of them one by one, these ship girls also reacted and began to pick up their own anti-aircraft guns and shoot at the missiles in the sky.

They roared, how can the anger in their hearts be exhausted by the tiny anti-aircraft guns on the hull?

However, how could this World War II-level anti-aircraft gun be able to intercept supersonic missiles?
Even if they reacted, so what, they still couldn't change the fate of being bombed by missiles.

Before, due to the arrogance and ambition of Jack, the commander-in-chief of the White Eagle, almost all the ships with modern weapons in the White Eagle were brought to Donghuang.

In the current Piggy Port, or in the entire White Eagle camp, there are only Helena, Zumwalt, Missouri, and a few Arleigh Burke-class destroyers with modern equipment.

Facing the interference of hundreds of electronic warfare planes in the deep sea, they were powerless and could only watch their former sisters fall by their side one by one.

They saw that Nevada wanted to rush out of this sea area and directly turned into a hull, but in the end it lost its mobility because it was hit by several missiles with armor-piercing warheads.

In order to prevent its own ship from sinking, Nevada could only run aground on the beach.

The USS Arizona on the other side was not as lucky as her. She was shot in many places on the hull and sank within 9 minutes.

At the same time, there are quite a few destroyer girls, such as Lafite, Omaha, etc., who were still complaining about the bad food in the White Eagle Navy canteen, and still acting cute to their sister.

Now their laughter and laughter are gone, replaced by the remains of one cold warship after another.

"Da da da da da!"

Missouri, Zumwalt and others are also controlling the Phalanx system on their own hulls and starting to intercept these missiles. Under electromagnetic interference, this is the only weapon that can deal with missiles.

Even though they watched the sisters in front of them fall in front of them one by one, they felt extremely sad in their hearts.

But they don't have time to be sad now, they can only take up their own weapons, resist and fight.

"Hurry up, Helena, quickly eliminate these electronic interferences, at least in a small area, so that our radars and anti-aircraft missiles can be used!"

Missouri said to Helena while controlling the Phalanx system to continuously shoot missiles in the distance.

In terms of the talent for radar convenience, apart from some specialized electronic reconnaissance ships, Helena, the ship girl here, is more proficient in these aspects.

"Understood, the electronic interference is being eliminated, and it should be ready soon. The siren's electronic interference seems to imitate our EA-18G!" Helena said looking at the screen in front of her.

"Bump bump bump!"

Some of the missiles have been successfully intercepted under the burst fire of several modern warships.

After all, these missiles launched in the deep sea are not hypersonic missiles, but some high subsonic and some only Mach [-] or [-] missiles.

Missiles at this speed are completely sufficient to intercept them with the rate of fire of their Phalanx.

It's just that there are a lot of missiles, and now there are only a few of them with close-in defense guns.

Therefore, no matter how fast their phalanx fires, they still cannot intercept all of these missiles.

"Electronic interference has been eliminated, but you can only stand within 10 meters of my computer. The computer is handed over to you, and I will deal with the Patriot air defense missile!"

"it is good!"

Missouri and the others heard the news, took over the computer, and immediately started to turn on their shipboard radar, searching for the deep sea that attacked them. Although they could not be transformed into a hull, they could also cause damage to them.

"I found you, anti-ship missiles, launch! Prioritize destroying the opponent's aircraft carrier!"

As soon as Missouri's words fell, from the hulls of these ship girls, whether they were anti-ship missiles or anti-aircraft missiles, all of them were lifted into the air at this moment, heading towards the deep-sea fleet in the distance.

Due to the close distance between the two sides, these anti-ship missiles also sank some aircraft carriers of some deep-sea vanguard fleets.

As for the anti-aircraft missiles, a lot of fighter jets were also destroyed, and the pressure on Zhuzhugang was relieved.

"Sister Yamato, the fleet was attacked, and we lost several aircraft carriers!" A deep-sea ship girl reported to Shenhai Yamato.

"It seems that Baiying's gang of egomaniacs have reacted and canceled the third round of air strikes! The fleet has turned on stealth mode," Shenhai Yamato ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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