Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 199 Discovering the Siren Master Civilization

Chapter 199 Discovering the Siren Master Civilization

Jiang Ran was sitting in the Luanniao's command room, directing her girls to continuously transport various asteroids and meteorites, and then break them down and convert them into materials through the system.

As for the ship girls, they didn't act like they were reluctant to do it like they usually did when they were asked to work. On the contrary, they were all very happy.

After all, after transforming their own ships into level five civilized warships, they would still wander around in the universe during this period.

But at most they can only drive their own warships and drive around in this star system. At most, they can use their own weapons to fire cannons randomly into the space in order to familiarize themselves with the various equipment on their ships.

How about destroying and capturing asteroids at will like now?

As a result, while helping their commanders to use the mobile asteroid to disassemble supplies, the ship girls also had a great time playing.

It wasn't until the system space was filled that these ship girls stopped and began to watch their commander transform the two battle stars.

The first is the transformation of the Yongshu Planet. This planet is somewhat similar to the Earth in the previous life and the current Azure Star in all aspects.

Some groundwater has been found in the mid-latitudes, and there is also some ice in the polar regions. As long as it is transformed, it will be very suitable for habitation.

So Jiang Ran also plans to transform it into a comprehensive battle star that integrates combat and life, and plans to use this place as his home in the universe with the ship girls in the future.

So regarding the transformation of Yongshu Star, Jiang Ran was naturally not sloppy.

First of all, a nuclear fusion reactor was built in its 10,000+ kilometers, that is, an artificial sun, which revolves around the Yongshu Battle Star and rises from east to west 24 hours a day.

Then there is the place where the ship girls live. Jiang Ran plans to build it in the mid-latitude region of the planet. After all, there is groundwater here, which is much more convenient than other places.

Here, Jiang Ran found a place with rich underground water resources, set aside a land of about 300 million square kilometers, and planned to build a giant city for the ship girls to live in.

Immediately afterwards, it was the dormitory area for the ship girls. Because of the large size of the site, Jiang Ran also built their dormitory into a four-story single-family villa. It is built according to villa standards.

Every villa is built like a palace, resplendent and magnificent.

At the same time, playgrounds, cinemas, swimming pools, sports fields, canteens, gardens, squares, fountains, and some small animals have also been built here.

The rich groundwater here was also used to create a small river that runs through the entire residential area. Both sides of the river are filled with various green vegetation and flowers, as well as a small number of trees and so on.

After building the river, Jiang Ran asked the ship girls to catch a lot of animals, fish, shrimps, etc. from the Blue Star and put them here. The entire ship girl living area looked like a zoo.

From a distance, these green waters and green mountains look like a fairyland on earth, and they are also like an oasis in the desert, forming a sharp contrast with the red land outside.

At the same time, in order to simulate the most realistic ecosystem as much as possible, Jiang Ran also added a weather system controlled by a chaotic algorithm.

There are natural phenomena such as sandstorms on this planet from time to time, so Jiang Ran put a protective cover on the periphery of this residential area to block the wind and sand.

After arranging the living quarters for himself and his girls, Jiang Ran began to modify the weapons.

He first placed 500 double-mounted 1500-meter-caliber super-large negative matter cannons in the northern hemisphere of the Yongshu battle star, which were used as the main guns of the entire battle star.

This ultra-large negative matter cannon is mainly aimed at the opponent's battleships, space carriers, and large battleships such as planetary landing ships, or it is a strategic weapon designed to directly target the opponent's planetary battle stars.

Warships like Luanniao and Datang, if their hull structures are constructed with materials from ordinary level [-] civilizations.

Then, even if they open their own shield to the extreme, if they are hit by this super large strategic negative matter cannon, they will sink directly.

Even now, they have a hull made of strong interaction materials. Although they can withstand a few more shots, if they fail to withdraw from the battlefield in time after a long time.

Then what awaits them is also the fate of shipwreck.

After all, no matter how indestructible the strong auxiliary force material is, it still has quality.

When encountering this kind of negative matter with negative mass, if the amount is large enough, an annihilation reaction will also occur.

In the southern hemisphere of the battle star, Jiang Ran plans to put 200 million sets of Hongqi 40 sub-light speed air defense missiles here to intercept the enemies who invade the battle star.

At the same time, there are also 100 million sets of Hongqi 50 curvature interceptor missiles, which are used to intercept some warships at long distances and can also support the fleet ahead.

As for the Eastern Hemisphere, Jiang Ran plans to build a homeport for space battleships here to park spaceships. These spaceships are not the hulls of warships, but real ordinary small spacecrafts.

This spaceship is 3 kilometers long, 2.5 kilometers wide, and 800 meters high. Its firepower is equipped with forty triple-mounted 500mm negative-matter cannons and eighty double-mounted 460mm anti-matter cannons.

At the same time, there are 500 Eagle Strike 18 curvature anti-ship missiles on it, and a dual-mounted 1200mm negative matter gun, which is used as its main gun.

Near this home port, Jiang Ran put a total of 500 such miniaturized warships here, intending to use them to escort the planetary war stars when necessary.

After all, I will inevitably not encounter other civilizations in my future interstellar travels, and at this time, if I have a conflict with a civilization that has similar technology to my own.

Then, in the face of a civilization that has accumulated for an unknown number of years, it is far from enough to rely solely on the girls of the family.

After all, these girls in their own family can easily kill each other when they face warships of the same technology because of the ship's mother's life form.

But after all, the number of ship girls is very small, and they cannot withstand the siege of others. You must know that the level [-] civilization that has been developed in the universe is not comparable to the level [-] civilization that relied on system cheating. of.

Therefore, in order for our girls to avoid the embarrassing situation of being besieged by the opponent's warships in future battles, this kind of ordinary space battleship is definitely indispensable.

After completing the construction of the warship homeport in the Eastern Hemisphere, Jiang Ran began construction work in the Western Hemisphere.

After all, Yongshu Star is a comprehensive battle star, not a dedicated battle star, so here in the Western Hemisphere, Jiang Ran is no longer planning to install weapons.

Instead, a vacuum zero-point energy collection device is installed here, a tachyon shield generating device that can cover the entire battle star, and a planetary curvature engine specially used for battle stars.

This planetary-level curvature engine is different from the one on the ship's hull. It is a curvature engine specially designed to drive behemoths like planetary battle stars.

This kind of engine is not very fast in terms of speed, only 20 times the speed of light, which can only be regarded as a tortoise speed in the fifth-level civilized armor that is hundreds of times the speed of light.

But you have to know that the object driven by this curvature engine is a planet with a huge mass. It is already a remarkable thing to allow a planet to navigate at a curvature of 20 times the speed of light.

What's more, during the battle, the planetary battle stars are responsible for fire support and providing certain supplies for the front line at the rear of the fleet, so naturally they don't need much speed.

As for the planetary engine that allows the planetary battle star to travel in space without relying on the curvature engine, Jiang Ran does not intend to install it on his battle star.

Even with the black technology of vacuum zero-point energy, there is no need to consider energy consumption issues, Jiang Ran does not intend to do so. With the curvature engine, there is really no need.

After all, if a large number of planetary engines are installed on the planet, it will cause serious damage to the geological structure of the planet.

The Yongshu Battle Star is his and his girls' home in the universe from now on, and Jiang Ran doesn't want any damage here, which will cause his living environment to become worse.

Moreover, considering the huge mass of the planet, even after the planetary engine is installed, the speed will not be very fast. For a warship that flies at sub-light speed at every turn, it is equivalent to standing still.

This kind of speed will not help at all during the battle. It is completely a pity that it is tasteless to eat and discard. There is no need to build something like a planetary engine.

After installing these things, the planetary battle star is almost done.

Jiang Ran looked at the Yongshu Battle Star in front of him, feeling extremely excited in his heart.

After all, such a planetary battle star, even if the old fifth-level civilizations in the universe want to build it, it will not take hundreds of years, and it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and it will be impossible to complete.

But now, with the help of the system, it only took a few days to complete it. How could this not make Jiang Ran happy?

Stopping what he was doing, he turned his head and looked at the little girl who was hugging his arms and sleeping soundly. He shook her body and called softly:

"Yongshu, don't sleep. Your battle star has been built. Hurry up and fuse it!"

After hearing this, the little girl looked as if she had been slapped with chicken blood, and immediately raised her little head, looking at her commander, she said excitedly:

"Has the battle star been built, where is it, Commander?"

"It's right in front of you, can't you see it?" Jiang Ran said angrily.

"Okay, okay, go and merge, don't look here!"

"Got it, Commander Smelly, thank you, hee hee!"

After Yongshu finished speaking, he sat in a landing craft and landed on her battle star. After watching it for a while, he began to merge with the planet.

And in Jiang Ran's mind, a system prompt also sounded, "Planet War Star has been detected, and it is merging with Dao Niang, and the merging time is one month!"

After completing the work in Yongshu, Jiang Ran originally planned to build Meiji's battle star in one go.

After all, now that there is a plan for Yongshu, the battle star of Meiji will be built very quickly.

However, just when he was about to do so, he was stopped by the Luan Bird on the side, and said to him with an unkind expression:
"Commander, you haven't slept a wink for several days and nights. Go get some rest. Otherwise, your body won't be able to bear it!"

Looking at his wife's firm eyes, Jiang Ran could only smile helplessly, and then directly agreed: "Okay, I'll just go and rest."

Anyway, when it comes to issues like his own health, he seems to have no right to speak in front of these girls.

Moreover, it must be carried out in accordance with the health plan formulated by Peace Ark, and there is no room for negotiation. . . . .

However, Jiang Ran also knew in his heart that these girls did this for his own good, so he didn't say much about them.

With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Ran and the ship girls also returned to the port area of ​​Bingquan Island. Now because Meiji and Yongshu are busy with the planetary war star, their own island is also taken away by them.

The only place to stay now is the dormitory on Bingquan Island.

After resting here for a few days, Jiang Ran asked the ship girls to take him to the space near the second battle star that needed to be transformed, intending to continue the work that was not completed last time.

Different from Yongshu, Meiji's battle star is much smaller, almost the smallest planet in this star system, and the conditions above are not suitable for habitation.

Therefore, Jiang Ran intends to transform this planet into a real planetary war star for interstellar warfare, that is, there is no residential area, and all places are deployed with weapons and small escort spacecraft.

First of all, it started in the northern hemisphere. Jiang Ran installed 1000 ultra-large negative matter cannons with a caliber of 1500 meters in Yongshu before. The number is more than double that of Yongshu.

Next, for missiles in the southern hemisphere, Jiang Ran plans to put 100 million sets of Hongqi 40 sublight speed interceptor missiles and 200 million sets of Hongqi 50 curvature missiles here.

At the same time, there are 71 Dongfeng [-] strategic-level space missiles, which are used as the ultimate weapons of the Meiji Battlestar.

These Dongfeng 71 strategic-level space missiles are the same as the Julang 096 above 10. They are all strategic-level forces in the port area.

The eastern hemisphere is also a huge space home port and some weapons, Jiang Ran intends to directly use the previous Yongshu design.

However, in terms of the number of small spaceships, it is much more than that of Yongshu, a total of 800 ships.

At the same time, an airport was built next to the home port, and more than 3 Goddess fighter jets and hundreds of Y-40 transport planes were placed on it.

As for the Western Hemisphere, like the previous Yongshu, the vacuum zero-point energy collection device, curvature engine, tachyon shield generator, etc. are all here.

At the same time, Jiang Ran placed two gamma ray burst generators at the Meiji Battle Star Center, where the residential area was supposed to be.

After all, such a large piece of land is also empty, so it is better to put some weapons.

"Alright Meiji, go fuse your battle stars!"

"Got it, Commander!"

"Discovered the planet Battle Star, and is merging with the island mother. The time is two months. Do you want to continue!"

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, half a year has passed quickly.

During this period, the battle stars of Yongshu and Meiji have also been integrated, and they have also learned to control the various equipment on their battle stars.

And Jiang Ran and the girls have naturally moved to live on the planetary battle star one after another.

And at this moment, Yuanwang No. [-] suddenly ran to Jiang Ran's side, and said excitedly:

"Commander, I found a fleet that is advancing at 5 times the speed of light. Judging from the direction they are heading towards, it should be the Azure Star. I think we should be the main civilization fleet that discovered the Sirens!"


(End of this chapter)

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