Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 45 Ultra-large-scale deep-sea tides? (Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for follow-up)

Chapter 45 Ultra-large-scale deep-sea tides? (Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for follow-up)
In these recent days, apart from Shinano, Nagato and Lingbo, the three have to practice how to use modern weapons.

The other ship girls were called to the beach by Jiang Ran, and together with him, they extracted the heavy water at the beach.

Originally, Jiang Ran thought that these girls, who were used to being lazy, would be very reluctant after hearing that they were asked to work.

However, what he didn't expect was that when they heard that heavy water could be extracted, these girls were more excited than anyone else, especially Uranus, who was half a scientific research ship.

As soon as she heard that heavy water could be extracted in her port area, she became more active than anyone else. After all, things like this were her favorite things to do on a daily basis.

For this reason, Jiang Ran also built a few more electrolytic cells to collect seawater, so that more seawater can be collected at the same time.

And the girls in my family, after having "new toys", naturally they will not bother Jiang Ran anymore, which also makes Jiang Ran feel clean and at ease.

At the same time, the efficiency and speed of electrolyzing water to extract heavy water are much higher than before.It is also greatly improved.

At the end of the day, Jiang Ran also collected about [-] kilograms of heavy water.

Therefore, in these days, in addition to patrolling the waters outside the port area, the girls of my family also have an extra task, which is to help their commander extract heavy water.

Looking at the heavy water in front of him, Jiang Ran is in a very happy mood now. In this way, the nuclear fusion fuel problem of Luanniao and the others will be solved.

In Jiang Ran's heart, he has already made a plan, and he must take advantage of the time when the Siren and Shen Hai are still immersed in the big world to cultivate their health and rest.

I will extract more heavy water myself. After all, the deuterium element in it is not only used as nuclear fuel for Luanniao and the others, it is also a good choice to make hydrogen bombs.

Jiang Ran would never let his girls take risks that could be solved with a single nuclear missile.

Although these modern weapons on their bodies, because they are all beyond visual range strikes, they can allow their girls to retreat unscathed after the fight is over.

There is no need to play artillery battles, melee combat, etc. like other World War II ship girls in this world.

In that case, not only is it very dangerous for the ship girl, but the hit rate is still very low, which is far less comfortable than the precise missile strike.

Don't talk about giant ships and cannons being romantic. You are dead, so you use your head to be romantic?

However, after all, the number of missiles, guided shells for artillery, or carrier-based aircraft that my girls carry on them is very limited.

In this case, when a large-scale deep-sea tide breaks out, facing the deep-sea warships and ship mothers who are like locusts passing through, the missiles on them are not enough at all.

At that time, there is a high probability that we will have to rely on weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear missiles to better resist the attack of deep sea tides.

Moreover, after getting along with each other for a period of time, Jiang Ran also learned about the past of the three heavy cherry ship girls in his port area, all of which were after his homeland was destroyed by the deep sea tide.

In order to avoid being chased by the deep-sea flagship, he had no choice but to wander at sea until he came to his own port area and became his own ship's wife.

After listening to the speeches of Shinano and the others, let’s look at the situation of the patrols that my girls have reported to me in the recent period.

Jiang Ran had a vague premonition in his heart. He always felt that the deep sea tide that destroyed the Liuyue Islands might not be accidental.

After all, in the past few days, my girls have been complaining to themselves every day that there are more and more deep seas in the sea, and they are so annoying.

At first, Jiang Ran didn't pay much attention to it, she just regarded these little girls as coquettish and complaining towards her.

However, when the three of Shinano told themselves their experiences and connected all these things together, Jiang Ran found that things were not as simple as that.

The small-scale deep-sea tide that destroyed the Ruyue Islands where Shinano and the others were located before may be just a rehearsal before a large-scale deep-sea tide.

Its purpose is probably made by the Siren and those high-level deep seas to test the strength of the blue starship girls.

At the same time, it is also preparing for the ultra-large-scale deep-sea tides that follow.

And the port area of ​​Bingquan Island, which is just 800 kilometers away from the big world of Siren, also belongs to the front line.

But in time, once the deep sea tide erupts, then I will definitely bear the brunt here. . . .

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran couldn't help but turn on the power of the nuclear power plant to the maximum, wanting to speed up the production of heavy water from electrolyzed water, and strive to manufacture nuclear missiles before the deep sea tide erupts!
For this reason, Jiang Ran will also keep Uranus, who is half of a scientific research ship, by her side, so that she can do the heavy water extraction work together.

The treatment of Uranus naturally aroused the envy of other ship girls in the port area. After all, they can stay with their own commander every day without going out to patrol.

However, they didn't have any objections. After all, Uranus is much more professional in this aspect than those playful stinky girls like them.

It would be a great thing to let her work with the commander to extract heavy water.

The days in the port area are always so quiet and boring, and the lives of the ship girls are apart from patrolling the waters outside.

For the rest of the time, that is, on the side of the nuclear power plant, he accompanied his commander to extract heavy water from the seawater.

The work of extracting heavy water is very boring, which is to introduce seawater into the reservoir, then turn on the electricity, wait for the seawater inside to be electrolyzed, and then get out the heavy water.

However, for the ship girls, being able to work with their own commanders makes them very happy and easily satisfied.

Even though they faced more and more deep seas at sea, after the battle, they returned to the port area, already very tired physically and mentally.

However, there are still some harvests. After this period of intensive extraction, the heavy water in the port area now has several thousand kilograms.

As long as Luanniao and the others don't go on space voyages, the heavy water should be enough for the port area for a long time, even if all the deuterium elements in it are used to make hydrogen bombs, a lot can be made.

Jiang Ran put most of the heavy water in the hulls of Luanniao Qingniao and Huangniao. After all, the heavy water was mainly prepared for them.

Only a few hundred kilograms of heavy water was left in the port area to make nuclear bombs and so on.

"Okay, this heavy water should be enough for a long time in the future, let's take a vacation for you from tomorrow, don't come here again!" Jiang Ran said with a smile looking at the girls around him.

These girls are very tired recently, it is time to give them a good vacation or something.


After listening to Jiang Ran's words, the ship girls also burst into cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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