Chapter 152 The Fish Appears
After comforting Su Zijin, Su Ziye dealt with the scene.

He directly threw the wolf carcasses into the newly obtained monster instant noodles, including those beasts killed by Su Zijin.

Before it was over, he washed the entire ground with flames of sacred attributes to ensure that there were no residues before he felt relieved.

After finishing all this, Su Ziye clapped his hands, and took the two beasts back to the place where Pockmarked Face appeared before.

When he arrived at the place, Su Ziye was startled by the sight in front of him.

The ground where the pockmarked face summoned the monster before was blown into a big hole, and several figures fell inside, life and death unknown.

The scene outside was not much better, a large hole had been punched in a building next to it, and the whole building was in danger.

There were some broken limbs and broken arms scattered on the ground, some were from demon wolves, some were from shadow cats, and some were from people.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and some personnel from the Security Department were cleaning up the scene.

Pig Head Meat was standing aside, saying nothing.

Su Ziye quickly fell down.

"How's the situation?" Su Ziye asked.

"It's okay, all the demon wolves have been killed." Zhu Tourou replied panting.

Hearing his voice, Su Ziye could clearly feel that his breath was not stable, he was probably exhausted, and his body was also injured, which showed the fierceness of the battle.

"Where are you?" Pighead looked at him, his face pale.

"The situation is better than yours." Zhu Tourou pointed to the pockmarked face that was tied up and said, "Later he summoned a demon wolf, and I dealt with it."

Pighead nodded, and then asked: "How did he do it?"

If this is not addressed, such things will happen again in the future.

"Rely on this." Su Ziye tossed the instant noodle bowl: "There is a big space inside, which can be used to hold living things."

"This is how he escaped the defense line of the security department and sent the demon wolf in."

"Oh." Zhu Tourou nodded, not doubting him.

"Let's go, the captain seems to have gained something." Zhu Tourou's words raised Su Ziye's heart.

"Three Realms Card?" Su Ziye asked.

"Yes." Pighead nodded and took the lead on a giant-winged tit.

finally coming?Su Ziye was a little nervous.

Although it is a little earlier than expected, the sooner it is discovered, the better.

The two rode a great-winged tit to a tall building nearby.

There, several figures were already waiting, it was the director, vest and Cheng Suqin.

"How is the situation?" Zhutourou walked to the vest and asked in a low voice.

"The fish is very vigilant and hasn't taken the bait yet." The vest shook his head.

"Then we just wait now?" Pighead scratched his head.

"Unless there is something to stimulate it, it can only wait." The vest shrugged.

It's not easy to stimulate it. It's not the kind of animal that has no intelligence and only relies on instinct.

Judging from the fact that it knows how to hide the corpse, it is obvious that it already has a lot of intelligence.

How could it be so easy to be fooled.

"Unless you give it some food." Cheng Suqin said, "The fish won't appear until you see the bait."

"You mean Qin Yongwen." Ma Jia looked at her.

Cheng Suqin was silent.

The air was quiet again.

Everyone knew what she meant by this suggestion.

She wants to use Qin Yongwen to go fishing.

But the fish are not so easy to catch.

The fish will not take the bait if it is close, and it is easy for the fish to run away if it is far away.

Even if the distance is right, the fish may bite the bait first and then consider other things.

In this way, Qin Yongwen's safety is very problematic.They were not sure about saving Qin Yongwen from the strange and unknown Three Realms card player, and they were still at such a long distance.

The director drank the last sip of tea and said, "Just do what Xiao Cheng said. A mouse has come in. I'll deal with it."

After the director finished speaking, he put down his cup and left in the air.

This is an ability only available to high-level powerhouses, who can control the elements in the air to support themselves and fly in the air.

Vest and Cheng Suqin looked at each other and nodded, and made their own arrangements.

Su Ziye was bored playing with his mobile phone, and when he made his tenth six-point shot, the news finally came from the headset that had been quiet all day.

"The fish is hooked!"

Just one sentence lifted everyone's hearts.

The vest rushed out first, followed by the pig's head.

Su Ziye thought for a while, and decided to follow, as well as to watch the excitement.

When Su Ziye landed, the vest and others had already surrounded the target.

It was a woman with a pale face, holding a dead body in her hand, dry and thin, exactly like those in the basement.

Qin Yongwen shrank aside, trembling.

This half month was the darkest half month he had ever experienced.


Originally, he was a lecturer at Imperial University, and he lived a good life.

But one day, Liu Xiaojiang, the son of a bitch, wanted to cancel the guest spot of his teacher's college entrance examination live broadcast, and give it to a brat.

After the teacher came back, he was furious and asked himself to try the depth of that hairy boy.

I came all the way to Ganshi, but who knows, this is the beginning of my nightmare.

I lost, and I lost badly.

I lost all my hard-earned money and collected crystal nuclei, as well as my self-defense organ puppets, my biggest reliance.

It doesn't matter, I still have a fortune card, which is made of a secret technique I read from an ancient book, and it can bring me good luck.

However, because he was bored, he drank a little wine and was knocked out on the way back to the hotel, and the transfer card was also robbed.

The next day, when I found out that the fortune card was lost, I panicked.Because I know how the fortune card is made, and I know more about the consequences of losing it.

I fled back to the imperial capital in a hurry, hoping to escape this incident.

But the good times didn't last long, a crazy woman broke into the school and kidnapped me.

Along the way, I tried to escape several times, but failed.Every time he was caught, he was severely beaten.I was wondering if this woman did it on purpose.

Later, I learned to be honest, neither resisting nor running away, and finally returned safely to Gan City, the place where my nightmare began.

As soon as I arrived in Ganshi, this woman took me for a walk, non-stop, for a whole day without stopping.

Now it's evening, I just rest for a while, and I have to go.

Now, I finally know what they are going to do.

Now he's coming, he's coming
He came to me.
My nightmare has come.
It's all Su Ziye's fault. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have come here, I wouldn't have lost all my things, I wouldn't have lost my guard puppet, and I wouldn't have drunk and thrown it away.

No, I can't stay here, run away!I want to escape!


Suddenly, Qin Yongwen ran like a street like crazy.

This sudden turn of events startled a few people.

Before it was too late, the pale woman took out an object from her pocket, lightly threw it at Qin Yongwen, and landed on him.

Suddenly, Qin Yongwen fell into the mud, and his life and death are unknown.

 Thank you [Moon Night] for the monthly pass, thank you!

  Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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