Chapter 63 Dreamland
Su Ziye opened his eyes and found himself in a ruin.

There are ruins everywhere, exploding cars, scattered corpses, small flames that have not been extinguished, the dying wounded and the howling of beasts before they die.

Flashes of light continued to erupt from the sky, and occasionally black objects fell straight down, which were dead people.

There was a mournful roar in the distance, it was jackals, ghosts, bloodthirsty rats and other unknown ominous creatures holding a gluttonous feast.

Next to him, there was a beautiful woman in army combat uniform, covered in blood and unconscious.

Her calf was crushed under a big rock, and she was about to die.

In the woman's hand there is a sword.

The sword body broke into two pieces, and the tip of the sword disappeared, leaving only the hilt full of cracks on the ground.

The brutality of the war can be seen.

Su Ziye was also unkempt, but his body was intact and his face was not scratched.

Not far away was a black cat, squatting on a remnant banyan tree, staring at Su Ziye with green eyes.

Su Ziye was a little confused, not knowing why he appeared here.

In just an instant, he regained his sanity.

This is Su Ziye frowning.

He remembered that he was still in the Shanhai Building just now, and was about to take a nap after eating and drinking, why did he come here?
Su Ziye walked around and found that the environment here was a bit familiar.

He was standing at the foot of a hill, not far from Zhanghe.

The Zhang River flows in from the southeast corner of Ganshi and flows out from the northwest corner, forming an oval shape that surrounds Ganshi.

The place where Su Ziye was located happened to be the place where the character "凵" ​​started.

Looking towards the Zhang River, he could see the half-broken bridge, and there was a tower on the hill behind him, which was only half left.

This is the street next to Yangmeidu Park, where he often came when he was a child.

Su Ziye felt something was wrong.

"System!" He murmured silently in his heart.

Suddenly, an interface that only Su Ziye could see appeared in front of Su Ziye.

Looking at the familiar information on the interface, Su Ziye nodded. This is still Blue Star, and he has not traveled to any world inexplicably.

So what's the situation now?Su Ziye thought.

He felt a little out of place with the surrounding environment, and his intuition told him that there was something wrong.


A possibility appeared in Su Ziye's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was true, and he planned to verify it.

He quietly opened the [Exploring Eye] and looked at the black cat on the book, but he didn't see any information.

Su Ziye's spirit lifted, as expected.

Normally speaking, even if it is an ordinary animal, [Exploring Eye] can see something.

What's more, there are no ordinary animals in Blue Star.

Even if there is, it has transformed into a ferocious beast under the scouring of generations of aura.

Su Ziye felt that it was not safe, so he checked again.

He picked up the [Sleight of Hand] and pointed it at the beautiful woman on the ground, but the feedback he got was nothing.

By coincidence, he took the black cat as the target of [Sleight of Hands], and finally got something this time.

One, two, three Su Ziye counted, one S-level talent [Dream Weaving], six martial skills.

[Dream weaving]: S rank; dream weavers can find a blank space in the dream world, weave their own dreams, and then pull others into the dreams they weave.If the dreamer does not find the anchor point of the dream, he will get lost in the dream world.Dream weavers can also act as travelers and enter other people's dreams, but similarly, if they don't find an anchor point, they will also get lost in the dream world.

It's a real hammer, this is a ghost made by someone!

And he, Su Ziye, was in a dream!

As for whether he was pulled into someone else's dream, or someone else entered his own dream, he couldn't say.

He guessed that it was most likely the former.

Dreams are a manifestation of subconsciousness, and he doesn't think he subconsciously wants to destroy Ganshi.

What does the dream weaver want to do?Su Ziye thought.

He kept his composure and continued to observe his surroundings, intending to remain unchanged.

The black cat squatting on the tree is the image of Ma Jia himself in the dream.

It was she who weaved this dream and pulled Su Ziye into it.

What is Su Ziye doing?She was puzzled.

Dreams are a manifestation of human subconsciousness, so what you do in your dreams is what you want to do in your subconscious mind.

It is also the time when you are most human.

Their night watchmen often use this method to test a person.

Although this dream of ruins was not the dream she used most often for battle, it was the one she spent the most time weaving, and it took a lot of effort.

It was also the most realistic of all her dreams.

She has used this dream to deal with many people, and the results are outstanding.

Among these people are cultists, outlaws, hypocrites, adventurers who have been fighting in the wild all year round, and ordinary people.

Their reactions were mixed.

The cultists are often ecstatic, shouting out their beliefs and killing the woman on the ground, because the combat uniform she wears implies that she is their enemy.

Desperadoes generally collect scattered wealth; adventurers will observe the surrounding environment and hide themselves; ordinary people will immediately think of finding or saving people.

A hypocrite will think of picking up this beautiful woman, and then XXOO.

She has encountered many sanctimonious people who did this kind of thing, and dragged them into a deep dream more than once, letting them taste the taste of a big man.

Many people were almost driven crazy.

Of course, I also suffered a lot of punishment.

Therefore, it was also the first time she saw someone like Su Ziye doing nothing.

Ma Jia has an interesting mind and plans to give him a try.

At this time, a short-skinned man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes limped down from the hill.

"What are you still doing?" The man said first.

"Your Excellency has already gone to chase those fleeing Chinese troops, let's hurry up to clean up the remnants and defeated generals in the urban area, and take Gan City!"

"Here, it will soon turn into a dead zone and become my lord's kingdom of God!"

"My Lord will definitely be satisfied with our sacrifice. When God gives it, your share will be indispensable."

"Maybe you and I can improve our strength, and it may not be necessary to step into His kingdom of God!"

Su Ziye:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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