Chapter 24 The Hateful Sun Deya
The identity of the second player, Dongfang Wuxian, in his previous life, is constantly having an impact on this world, but at this moment, not many people are aware of it—at this moment, the public's attention is all focused on "Reincarnation in Past Life" "On the live screen...

"Sun Deya doesn't look like a rebel?"

Outside Sun Deya's mansion, the commander-in-chief who led the soldiers of the Dragon and Tiger Battalions asked Zhu Yuanzhang beside him a little hesitantly.

"I believe that the quietness of the Sun Mansion is faked, there must be ambushes inside!"

Now that things have happened, Zhu Yuanzhang can only kill this point.

"If this is the case, it means that they are already prepared, and we must be more careful!" The commander-in-chief looked at Zhu Yuanzhang meaningfully and said.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the commander-in-chief with this appearance, and instantly understood what the commander-in-chief meant.

"Commander, my nephew has an idea..."

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, the commander-in-chief couldn't wait to answer: "Say it!"

"I go directly to Sun Deya's mansion to meet Sun Deya!" Having no other choice, Zhu Yuanzhang could only decide to risk himself, "I want to test the reality of Sun Deya's mansion!"

"What kind of heuristic?" The commander-in-chief asked with great interest.

"I met him face-to-face and asked him to let him go. If he didn't arrest my adoptive father, he would definitely be furious and throw my nephew out. But if he arrested my adoptive father, He will definitely not let me go, and he must kill the grass and roots!" Zhu Yuanzhang suggested to the commander-in-chief, "Give me half an hour, commander-in-chief, if I don't come out after half an hour, it proves that he must have arrested me. My adoptive father, if this is the case, Sun Deya will definitely rebel, then you can just attack directly!"

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Sun Deya couldn't help nodding slightly and said, "It's a way!"

However, perhaps because of the idea of ​​cherishing talents, at the last moment of making a decision, the commander-in-chief couldn't help but said with some hesitation: "You are going here to throw stones for directions with your own life, it is too dangerous , it’s not good to make trouble... there will be no return!"

Unlike the commander-in-chief, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had already made a decision at the moment, seemed very free and easy: "Marshal Guo is my adoptive father. If something happens to him, I should live and die with him, but...afterwards, I hope the old man will uphold justice for us!"

"Nephew, don't worry, I'll take care of you, old man!" The commander-in-chief assured Zhu Yuanzhang seriously.


After hearing the words of assurance from the commander-in-chief, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately bowed his hands slightly to the commander-in-chief, and then walked directly to Sun Deya's mansion with great dignity...



"How do I feel... Zhu Yuanzhang is going to kill himself! However, what I can't figure out is why Zhu Yuanzhang did this? Also, the conversation between Zhu Yuanzhang and the commander-in-chief, I always feel that It seems to mean something, but I can't understand the hidden meaning, can anyone explain it to me?"

In the barrage room, some viewers raised their own questions.

Among the audience who were watching the memories of the second player, Dongfang Wuxian, someone soon began to answer the audience's questions. Among them, the answer with the highest number of likes was as follows:
"Then let me talk about my personal opinion—the conversation between the commander-in-chief and Zhu Yuanzhang only mentioned that there was an ambush in the Sun's residence, but there was another situation besides that, that is, Sun Deya There was no preparation for rebellion at all, and Marshal Guo was not kidnapped by Sun Deya. Zhu Yuanzhang misunderstood Sun Deya. Therefore, the only way to confirm whether Sun Deya was rebelling is to have someone test it out, and the commander-in-chief was invited by Zhu Yuanzhang. Naturally, the candidate for this test must be Zhu Yuanzhang!

Therefore, it was not that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to seek his own death, but the situation before Zhu Yuanzhang made him have to choose this path! "

The audience who watched this barrage in the barrage room swiped their screens in the barrage room:
"Damn it! Boss, you're awesome!"

"666 Ah!"

"After reading the big guy's analysis, I suddenly felt that if I traveled to that era, I would probably be played to death by those guys..."

"Same feeling!"

"Sympathy +1!"

"Sympathy +1!"




In addition to the bullet chatting, there are several bullet chatting with a high number of likes, the content of which is as follows:
"This little Zhu is so clever, he managed to get so many people to come and help him without a single soldier!"

"He's not sowing discord, he's taking advantage of his strength!"

"A farmer and beggar who can't even fill his stomach can do this. His level is unmatched. It's amazing!"


"Crack", "crack", "crack"...

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had already walked outside Sun Deya's mansion on the screen, knocked on the door.


Inside the door, there was a voice of inquiry.

"Marshal Guo's adopted son, Zhu Yuanzhang, asks to see Marshal Sun!" Zhu Yuanzhang replied loudly.


The door was opened from the inside, and what greeted Zhu Yuanzhang was a weapon on his neck.



The audience in front of the screen looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with all kinds of weapons on his neck, and all exclaimed.

"Look at this posture... Zhu Yuanzhang won't be chopped off like this, right?"

"If that's the case...then my chance to marry Miss Ma is here now?"

"The people upstairs are just thinking about farts—if Zhu Yuanzhang dies, Miss Ma will probably just follow him!"

"Girl Ma said when she and Zhu Yuanzhang parted ways that if something happened to Zhu Yuanzhang, she would never live alone!"

"Doesn't that mean that if Zhu Yuanzhang dies, our Ma girl will be gone?"

"If that's the case... Zhu Yuanzhang, you'd better not die for the sake of Miss Ma's life!"

"Although I am very unwilling, but...if Zhu Yuanzhang's death will cause Miss Ma to lose her life, then...Zhu Yuanzhang, you should live like this!"



Just when the audience in front of the screen sent bullet screens to keep Zhu Yuanzhang alive, above the sun, some creatures could not help but slander Zhu Yuanzhang again, but because their leader opened the screen before that. The reason for the killing ring—even though the reason for their leader’s killing ring was Empress Ma instead of Zhu Yuanzhang, but under this deterrent, these creatures instinctively dare not talk about it in front of their leader!

[Damn it, why didn't Sun Deya kill Zhu Yuanzhang directly?If Zhu Yuanzhang had been killed at that time, there would not be so many things behind! 】

【Zhu Yuanzhang...why didn't he fall into this incident? 】

[Damn Sun Deya, why did Zhu Yuanzhang let go of the scourge at that time? 】


(End of this chapter)

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