Chapter 75
Liu Jiebiao asked for a suppression order, but Zhao Tai didn't know about it.

But the next day, Zhao Tai received other news.

"In November of the first year of Zhongping, Zhang Bao was assassinated by his subordinate Yan Zheng, and surrendered with his head. More than 10 people in the army were awarded the head."

Along with this news, there are also prominent figures in the crackdown on the Yellow Turbans.

The three brothers Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, and Liu Bei, it is only natural for them to take the lead, but Zhao Tai would feel that there is a problem if they don't take the lead.

"Just as the yellow scarf was beaten down, someone actually stood up again."

Zhao Tai picked up another page, this time he was obviously more interested in the news than Liu Bei.

"Song Yang, Bei Gongyu, Li Wenhou and others in Liangzhou rebelled, elected Bian Zhang and Han Sui as leaders, killed Chen Yi, the prefect of the governor, and rebelled, with more than [-] troops."

This is the largest rebel force after the Yellow Turban Uprising, not including the remnants of the Yellow Turbans that spread all over the territory of the Han Dynasty.

There can be tens of thousands of people if there are too many. At present, the Han Dynasty is riddled with holes, and it is hard to return.

"If I remember correctly, Gongsun Zan took the lead at this time, and people like Huangfusong and Dong Zhuo would rush over to suppress them without stopping, and they didn't suppress them for two or three years."

The times create heroes, and when heroes appear, there will be troubled times, and the time for the stars to shine is not far away.

However, these major events have little to do with Zhao Tai. The more chaotic the world is, the more stable he will be.

This is why he asked Gao Ai to stand on stage and openly rebel.

If the time is chosen well, there will be someone in front to withstand the pressure of the court. Even if the court will send troops to rehabilitate, there will not be too many soldiers.

In this way, it becomes an opportunity for Zhao Tai to grow bigger, and he can let go of his hands and feet to do things as much as he wants.

Instead of guarding the one-acre three-point land like before, he didn't stand in front of the stage.

"In this world, it's almost time for me, Zhao Tai, to take the stage."

He put down the paper in his hand and looked out of the manor.

The outer city, that is, the scope of the city that Zhao Tai wanted to expand in addition to the original manor, now has two to three thousand people working.

They are all refugees led by Zhao Tai, and they are building the city wall, which is much larger than the inner city.

How attractive food is, can be seen from the two or three thousand refugees who have been guided.

"By the way, the one-day deadline for Jingxing county magistrate has come, is there any reply now?"

Zhao Tai did not look back, but the bodyguard who was a few steps behind had already stepped forward to reply.

"Ming Gong, Jingxing Zhangsu county magistrate passed away last night. According to news, he died of fright."


Zhang Su was frightened to death, which Zhao Tai didn't expect. Could it be that Zhao Tai is so scary?
He raised his hand to touch the beard that had already grown, but he didn't take it seriously after thinking about it.

Just die, the result doesn't matter much anyway.

"Send an order to let all the stewards come to the mansion to discuss matters."


There are some things he could have looked at by himself, but his team has already been built, and it is better to let his subordinates report than him to run around.

After being busy for so long, it’s time to summarize, then check for deficiencies and start working hard.

In Zhao Taiyuan, it is like a meeting hall.

Qi Zhou, Xia Houlan, and Zhou Ping have all arrived, but there are also some new faces.

"I will pay my respects to Duke Ming."

Several people saluted out loud, and it was quite impressive.

"You don't need to be too polite, sit down."

Zhao Tai went up to the main seat, and looked down to a group of people waiting.

"General Zhou, let me tell you about the situation in the army first."

At this stage, although the responsibilities of Zhao Tai's subordinates are clearly defined, the titles are a bit messy and informal.

Just like the general, it must be illegal for him, but if no one cares about it, no one cares whether it is formal or not.

"Reporting to Duke Ming, the army in Zhuangzhong has now expanded to a thousand soldiers, most of whom are recruits. According to Duke Ming's order, they are divided into [-] archers, [-] shields, and [-] infantry."

"Except for the shield infantry weaponry, which is still relatively complete, the archer weapons are less than half, and they need to be rushed out."

"In addition, the military academy of the Ming Dynasty has been established, and it is separated from Zhao Xue. The instructors are temporarily held by the subordinates, and the best are selected to train military officers."

What the military academy needs to learn is how to fight. It is just a grassroots team, and it will be gradually improved after it can be used.

Even the students are selected from the army, and the tall ones are selected from the short ones. Zhao Tai believes that the tall ones will only get taller in the future.

"That's right. I'll ask the craftsmen to make the ordnance as soon as possible. On weekdays, General Zhou will work harder to train the army as soon as possible."

Compared with the army, this aspect is still a bit monotonous, and even Xia Houlan's progress is slow.

When it comes to who is the busiest and takes care of the most things, Qi Zhou must have a stomach full of bitterness.

Anyway, Zhao Tai saw that the dark circles under his eyes that could not go away should not be caused by his studies.

"Ming Gong, ten brick kilns have been built outside Zhaozhuang. Calculated by the output of 20 bricks per kiln every two days, about [-] bricks can be supplied to the ruler every month."

"Now that the city is expanding, brick kilns need to continue to expand, otherwise it will be difficult to supply and consume."

(Earth kilns can only fire one brick in about a month, because the brick embryos have to be dried, but a ladder system can be used, and the kiln is not stopped by people.)
As the demand increases, Zhao Tai certainly knows that it will not be enough.

"The matter of increasing the kiln is considered by Zhongji as appropriate, so let's continue."


"In addition to brick kilns, two lime kilns have been built. Now trial burning of lime has begun, and the finished products will be ready for use soon."

"In addition, the road from Heishan Village to the iron mine has been roughly built, and the two places will be connected in a few days."

He didn't mention other things like land, housing, population, and education. Although he has a share in the work, it is Wang Cui who is in charge of these things and is directly responsible to Zhao Tai.

Deliberations must not be just listening to reports, Zhao Tai called them here to discuss the next step.

Although he can settle many things with one word, he can even just say what to do.

But manpower is sometimes poor, and Zhao Tai is not the kind of person who is full of wisdom and close to monsters, and has no shortcomings.

He still wanted to listen to his subordinates' opinions. Even if it didn't work, it didn't matter. Brainstorming was better than what he could think of at once.

"Everyone has followed me. Many things are self-evident. Since you can sit here, you are all trustworthy people. If you don't talk about it, how will you develop in the future?"

No one would know Zhao Tai's ambition, they can all be said to be smart people, but Zhao Tai's question may not be answered by anyone.

Zhao Tai has always made the decision in the general direction. He has never asked for other people's opinions, and no one can give him suggestions.

But Zhao Tai's sudden question made Qi Zhou heave a sigh of relief, because in his opinion, Minggong finally thought of them.

If Zhao Tai still maintains Qian Gang's arbitrary style of acting, they will appear to have no sense of existence and look like waste.

No one would not want to show off his abilities, and no one would dislike a protagonist who accepts advice freely and makes decisions wisely.

When encountering this kind of thing, Zheng Chen, who was sitting at the end, looked at his nose, his nose, his nose, and his heart. No one in the room could match his awareness of being a tool person.

"If you want to make a long-term plan, you need to have enough households to govern the land. It is better for Ming Gong to take an official position and get involved in foreign affairs."

Qi Zhou is talented, not too powerful but he can still see Zhao Tai's shortcomings.

Although it is feasible to develop Montenegro, it takes too much time and people.

The implication is to tell Zhao Tai not to stare at the Black Mountains, but to find a way to get an official position and have a real territory.

Instead of building everything by yourself like now, the development is too slow.

But he didn't know that Zhao Tai had this intention a long time ago, but the goal was too big, and he himself was a little unsure.

(End of this chapter)

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