Jianbao Tianyan

Chapter 221

Chapter 221
Chapter 221
"Feed the fish? There are so many of you, I'm afraid you can't even eat the fish?"

Qin Yu didn't respond in a hurry or panic, and there was an extremely brisk expression on his face.

Looking at his refreshed appearance, it seems that this is really a common thing, and there is no need to be nervous about it.

"Fuck! You really want to court death, don't you?"

When the leader heard Qin Yu's response, he shouted more and more wantonly at that time, and of course his fists were clenched together.

Not to mention that Qin Yu said such provocative words, even if he didn't say it, he had no intention of letting Qin Yu go.

At least in his eyes, Qin Yu should not be his opponent yet.

No matter in terms of height or size, he was much stronger than Qin Yu.

The guy's fist hit him straight.

However, Qin Yu stood there without even moving.

A muffled sound came from less than half an inch away from Qin Yu's face.

After that, the guy who punched him backed up with a thump, and then sat down on the deck of the ship with a bang.


Of course, screams came from his mouth.

But before the cry fell, Qin Yu rushed towards him, stepping on him, "Brothers! You can come together."

As the words came out, Qin Yu's eyes swept around.

It's obvious!He didn't mean to be afraid of the group of people in front of him at all.He even said that not only did he put down the guy who provoked him, but he also took the initiative to invite others to rush towards him.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the other people on the boat already felt terrified in their hearts.

When they heard Qin Yu's greeting, none of them dared to take a step forward, but all looked at their companion's face.

When Qin Yu brought down his opponent just now, it really gave them a too shocking feeling.

They saw very clearly that their companion fell to the ground without even touching Qin Yu.

What does this mean?
Could it be that there is really some kind of evil method hidden in Qin Yu's body?
But this evil method...

"Are you going to go or not? If not, then squat to the front for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Qin Yu found that the group of guys neither said anything nor moved towards him, so he bluntly said the words of urging.

Even though he didn't make a move immediately, he obviously still put strong psychological pressure on the opponent, making them unable to escape from his heavy pressure.

Hearing Qin Yu's order, this group of people all looked at their companion's face.


None of them wanted to do this multiple-choice question, but they had to seriously consider what Qin Yu just said.

"Ah! Help, you all surrender."

Qin Yu was not only threatening this group of people, the strength on his feet increased a lot at that time.

The result of this, of course, is that the guy who stepped on the ground couldn't breathe at all, so he had no choice but to scream loudly.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu not being cruel, then his life would have to be confessed here at that time.


How could the other group of people choose to listen to him.

Don't look at him as the leader on this boat, but after all, he is just a small leader of the Second Master's subordinates, and he has no power to decide the life and death of others at all.In such a situation, other people would not follow his instructions completely.

However, his words acted as a catalyst.

After hearing his cry, these guys all looked back at Qin Yu.

Obviously!They all thought that this was a good opportunity for them to give it a go.If they can take this opportunity to kill Qin Yu...

Everyone wants to be superior.

How to do?
The group of people surrounding them gritted their teeth and rushed towards Qin Yu.

It is of course the best policy not to fight against the enemy, and it is also what Qin Yu wants at this moment.

However, when he found that he had no way to make things achieve such an effect, he of course gave up such a plan, but waved his fists and feet while the opponent was attacking him.

"Ah! Fuck, you guys, uh..."

Once Qin Yu started to move around on the deck of the ship, the most unlucky person would of course be the one he stepped on just now.

Not only did this guy's pitiful screams keep coming, beads of sweat even hung directly on his forehead, and he even showed a grinning appearance.

No wonder!
After all, when Qin Yu was fighting other people, his feet were stomping on him.

If it wasn't for his good luck that Qin Yu didn't step on his lifeblood, then he would have been abolished in this place at that time.


The battle only lasted for a moment before Qin Yu won a decisive victory.

Although not all the people who were attacking towards him fell to the ground, but those who were the most courageous and charged forward the fastest were lying on the ground and moaning in pain.

The rest of the people saw the scene in front of them, and stopped there one by one, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They have all heard of the thing of one against many, but they have never seen such a scene before.

"Quick! Over there, on board."

Although Qin Yu is alone on the surface, it doesn't mean that he really has no reinforcements.

Just now when he and Bancun Nan came to the side of the boat, they left Xiao Feng in the hidden place before.

Even though Xiao Feng was young, when he saw Qin Yu and Bancun Nan on the boat, he became vigilant, and then he called Li Sanfeng's cell phone.

Li Sanfeng heard that there was something going on by the river, of course he would not let it go.

He told An Siming, who was leading the team to inspect the courtyard, that the latter split up half of his troops to join forces with Li Sanfeng, and then rushed towards the river.

When they got to the river, they happened to see the scene of Qin Yu fighting with the crew, which made them busy without stopping.

Those who knew how to swim heard Li Sanfeng's yelling, and didn't even need him to give An Siming instructions, they just swam towards the big boat and thought about it.

"No! Someone wants to come on board."

The guy in charge of the lookout noticed that there was a change on the river bank, and immediately said the reminder, but the other people on the boat were so nervous that no one listened to his yell.

By the time they realized that there was a sneak attack, An Siming and his vanguard had already arrived at the side of the boat.

If the group of people who stayed on board wanted to escape again, it would become impossible to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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