Jianbao Tianyan

Chapter 252 The most important thing

Chapter 252 The most important thing
Chapter 252 The most important thing
"Shopkeeper, why did you reject him like that? Although this kid is a bit out of touch in his daily work, he is still a good person!"

Jin Abacus seemed to know something about this person.

"As far as I know, although she has been wandering in the circle of wealth and honor of the second generation on weekdays, she has never done such an outrageous thing!"

Hearing what he said, Qin Yu frowned slightly.

"Having said that, do you know what this means? It means that from now on, we may be restrained!"

Qin Yu is not the kind of cold-blooded person who doesn't want to care about the other party.

But these things really made him miserable.

I want to take care of it, but how can I take care of it?

Three people are discussing here.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound was heard in the distance.

It seemed that something had collapsed, and the sound was extremely loud.

"What's going on? Go and have a look!"

Realizing that something was wrong, the three of them got up and rushed out, but they were startled by the situation before they arrived at the door.

"How is this going?"

Straight ahead, a room has completely collapsed.

Next to it, it seems that someone is still looking for rescue.

"Ouch! What's going on? It was fine just now, why did it collapse all of a sudden! Hurry up, call an ambulance!"

Seeing Qin Yu and others coming, the people trapped in the room said loudly, as if they had put all their hopes on Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu heard this, he nodded heavily.

"Just don't worry! I can guarantee that you will be safe and will never let you suffer any harm!"

Qin Yu spoke cautiously.

After saying this, he immediately stood up and said to the person in front.

"Hurry up and find someone?"

The collapsed room belonged to Zhou Tao.

When the rescue team arrived, it was discovered that Zhou Tao had already lost his breath.

And the white jade wrench that was placed by his hand has also disappeared.

If it were normal times, Qin Yu would definitely not meddle in other people's business.

But last night, this kid just came over to talk to Qin Yu and Qin Yu about Bai Yu's finger pull.

There is nothing too coincidental around here.

"How did this happen? Why did this nice house collapse?"

When Xu Long arrived here and looked at the situation in front of him, he was surprised.

He panicked a little.

Can't figure out what's going on here?
"Boss Xu, we should be the ones asking you about this matter! You said you invited us to come over to take care of some kind of treasure appraisal conference. Now that the treasure has not seen anyone, everyone is dead. Do you have to give us an explanation? Otherwise, I am afraid there is no way to make sense!"

The person next to him looked at Xu Long, wanting him to give himself an explanation first.

Xu Long didn't know how to answer for a while, so he stood here scratching his head, and spoke cautiously.

"Let me tell you, everyone, what's going on here? I really don't know! Everyone, we're almost done. Go back to your room and be careful!"

"I will inform you about the follow-up, please rest assured!"

After appeasing everyone, Xu Long hurriedly found Qin Yu.

"Boss Qin did some unpleasant things today. Don't worry about it! This place is a bit dangerous now. You'd better go back to your room quickly. It will be safer there!"

Qin Yu nodded and said no more.

The three people returned to the room again, the atmosphere was depressing, and no one spoke to each other.

Why did the white jade finger suddenly disappear?They don't know at all, who can take the responsibility if something happens.

At this moment, the knock on the door sounded again.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Yu quickly opened the door.

Strangely, it was empty outside.

But there was a sandalwood box on the ground.

The box is small.

It seems to be a box for rings.

"Who is making a fuss here?"

Li Sanfeng frowned slightly, stood up and went out to catch this person.

But Qin Yu stopped him!
"Don't worry, it's okay if you come here. Since he gave me this thing, it means he must have his own reasons! I have to figure this out first, otherwise we will all suffer together! "

Qin Yu patted him on the shoulder after saying this.

"I understand!"

Quickly picking up the sandalwood box, Qin Yu looked it up and down.

The pupil between the eyebrows was hot.

This box is priceless, not to mention the contents of the box.

"Tell me, what could be in here?"

Jin Abacus rubbed his hands, obviously feeling a little cramped.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be the white jade finger!"

Qin Yu opened the box while talking.

The moment the box was opened, a white jade appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Bai Yu's finger pull, the two of them were startled, a little unbelievable.

"how can that be?"

Qin Yu shook his head.

"Sure enough, now that we have entered someone else's trap, it may be difficult to get out!"

Jin Suan also saw that this matter seemed unusual, turned his head to look at Qin Yu beside him, and said cautiously.

"Then what should we do next? Do we really have to obey their arrangements? If so, I'm afraid the follow-up matter will be more complicated!"

He took out the white jade wrench and put it in his pocket.

Qin Yu nodded.

"If they come, we will be safe! Since they have already taken the initiative to find us, we don't need to dodge, it's just a treasure, what are we afraid of?"

The three of them stopped talking and lay on the bed to recharge their batteries.

The event was quick and word spread.

Everyone has to leave the next day.

"Xu Long, what do you mean? You invited us to come, we came, and now you stop us when I want to leave! Do you think we did this?"

"Xu Long, don't be shameless! Let us leave immediately and everything will be easy to talk about, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

One morning.

Qin Yu heard the noise outside.

The voices kept coming and going. It was obvious that people outside were very dissatisfied with this and wanted to solve the matter by taking the opportunity.

Xu Long frowned when he heard this.

"I said that this incident happened to all of you. Before the matter is resolved, isn't it embarrassing me if you want to leave? I hope you can think clearly and understand, what does it mean to say leave from now on?"

He shook his head as he spoke.

"The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk more! Please think twice before acting, and don't look for trouble again!"

Xu Long's face was very ugly.

Now there is no chance for them to convert.

"Okay, everyone! Let's appraise the treasure with peace of mind. Boss Xu has already said that he will ensure our safety. We will wait for them to investigate and clarify everything!"

Qin Yu walked forward slowly, watching everyone speak.

(End of this chapter)

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