Wild mad doctor

Chapter 101 One scream

Chapter 101 A Scream

There was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

Hao Zhihui was taken aback.

Yang Xu's voice came through the door: "Zhizhi, are you asleep?"

"Sleep... sleep!" Hao Zhizhi hurriedly responded.

"Oh, send me brother Zhiqiang's number. I'll leave early tomorrow morning, so I won't disturb you and go to bed early."

"I sent you a V letter."

As he spoke, he hurriedly found out the number and sent it to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu returned to his room.

Immediately there is a sense of refreshment.

He knew it was the Pluto Flower's credit.

The natural disease gas enters the body along with the pores of the whole body, and immediately turns into strands of fine energy, converging towards the dantian.

It's a great feeling!
Just like a normal person entering an oxygen bar to inhale oxygen.

"The Medical Emperor's Sutra" is really amazing.

Walking slowly towards the Pluto flower, Yang Xu noticed.The petals are slightly shriveled.

I go!

This is a sign of drying up!
Plants have different growth conditions, Yang Xu dare not rush to rescue.

He hurriedly searched on his mobile phone to find out how to grow Pluto flowers, but apart from a few words of introduction, there was not even any useful information.

What should I do?

Suddenly, he thought of the scene of saving the black widow.

The Emperor Medical Sutra can heal all living beings in the world, but is Pluto flower a living being?
Yang Xu lifted his spirits, and with an attitude of giving it a try, he lightly touched the shrunken petals.

I go!

It really works.

The basic information of Pluto Flower is clearly understood in the mind, and the treatment method is also to input Dantian energy.

With the input of energy, Pluto Flower quickly revived with full blood.

Yang Xu could feel the sick energy in the room growing rapidly.

He didn't stop the energy input, and continued.

Soon, the Pluto flower became delicate and charming, and then slowly stretched and grew up.


Can other plants do the same?
If energy is input into Chinese herbal medicines, will it increase the age of the medicine?

An accidental attempt seemed to make Yang Xu see a whole new world.

Thoughts popped up one after another.


The reminder of the mobile phone's V message interrupted his thoughts.

From Jonah.

"What? Ignoring me again?"

"I just wanted to contact you! You sent a message first!"

"I was in a bad mood last night, I was drunk, I'm sorry!"

Yang Xu replied two sentences in a row.

"Why are you in a bad mood? Because of your girlfriend?"

Yang Xu didn't reply and clicked on the video call.

As a result, Qiao Na hung up.

A few icons of hitting the head with a hammer were sent: "Don't be a monster, just chat with me for a while!"

"It's free to chat with me!" Yang Xu teased.

"Ding!" Qiao Na sent a red envelope.

Yang Xu clicked on it, 0.5 yuan.

"Let's talk about fifty cents with me first!"

Another bunch of snickering icons.

"Am I so cheap? I'm so sad, I need you to send a picture to comfort me!"

"Ding!" The other party sent a photo over in seconds.

Yang Xu took a look and saw that it was a screenshot from his last video chat.

Picking your nose.

He was struck by lightning.

"Na, how do you save this kind of screenshot? It affects my handsome image too much."

"Smug you!"

Then, the other party sent another screenshot.

The image is much brighter, but after all, it is a screenshot, which still damages the appearance.

"It's still not ideal, I'll take some artistic photos for you next time!"

"Okay! I want body art photos."

"Uh..." Yang Xu was speechless.

Really complied with that sentence, when a woman becomes dirty, there is nothing wrong with a man.

Then, Qiao Na sent a smirk: "What? Don't you dare?"

I'm going!


Yang Xu's mind was racing: "What are you afraid of? I want you to take the photo yourself, and I'll pose for you."

Anyway, it’s just a chat, and there’s no psychological burden.

If it was in front of the other party, he would definitely not be able to speak.

"I don't want it! Spicy eyes."

Yang Xu smiled and replied: "Why don't we exchange it, and you pose for me to take pictures."

"Stop this thought as soon as possible, it will kill me, and you will also kill yourself."

It was an easy chat.

Because of this sentence, it became a little heavy.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Xu asked.

"Don't be curious, let alone ask more questions, just chat with me about some happy things."

These words deeply aroused Yang Xu's curiosity.

He couldn't help but think of the scene of the last chat.

She has said that she is the most unfortunate woman in the world.

Secretly guessing that it should be related to Qiao Na's husband's family.

Since people don't want to say more, it's not easy for him to ask.

Turning around and asked: "I remember you said in Longji Mountain that you want me to treat our grandfather's asthma! Why didn't you mention it?"

"Oh... I'm a soft-spoken person!"

"Suggestion with good intentions, but it is regarded as ulterior motives, I can't help it!"

Yang Xu replied with a gloomy expression: "From what you mean, some people regard this genius doctor as a barefoot doctor again?"

Qiao Na replied with a snickering expression: "Doctor Yang, can you give me a Wangyou Pill?"

"Uh... this genius doctor is the best Wangyou Pill, why don't you swallow it?"

This may sound ambiguous.

Jona looked at the screen and blushed.

Typed response: "Bah! Who is going to swallow you?"

Yang Xu's heart became hot: "I want to swallow you, but you won't let me!"

The other party responded with a row of GIFs of hooking hands.

"I let you come!"

Yang Xu almost exploded: "Send the location, set off immediately!"

He really had the urge.

After so many days of teasing, I didn't make it once.

That feeling of having nowhere to release is really terrific.


The other party sent a location.

He hurriedly clicked on it and saw the Cape of Good Hope in Africa!

Yang Xu was instantly confused: "Why don't you post the location of Mars?"

Qiao Na replied with a snickering emoticon: "If there is, I will definitely send it to you."

Yang Xu was depressed and went crazy: "Na, I'm going to be spoiled by you!!!"

"Who played with you? Am I good enough to play?"

Yang Xu is about to vomit blood, this woman is so dirty!
So Jianjian responded: "Send me a real location, I'll run to let you have fun!"

After sending this sentence, Qiao Na didn't respond.

Yang Xu's heart was pounding.

Half and half chance.

After a while.

Jona responded: "When we finish this survey, I'll really play with you!"

Yang Xu was excited: "I will be stationed in Fuchuan City from now on. Say hello before I come and I will pick you up."

"It depends on your performance! You performed very well today, I am very happy, 886!"

Yang Xu looked at the screen depressed for a while.

It's like this every time, it's too appetizing.

But to be honest, he also kind of likes this kind of chat.

No strangeness, no pressure, you can be a little unscrupulous and release yourself.

With indescribable ease, you can temporarily forget the unhappiness in your heart and the helplessness of life.

Set the alarm clock and put down the phone.

Enter the dream fragrance beautifully.

At six o'clock in the morning, he was woken up by the alarm clock, yawned, and opened the door.

"You woke up just in time, I just made breakfast!" Hao Zhizhi's voice came from the dining table.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer, I'll just have some breakfast on the way."

The words just came to an end.

Hao Zhizhi sent out 'Ah! ' a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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