Wild mad doctor

Chapter 240

Chapter 240
Seeing Li Jun's miserable appearance.

Yang Xu's anger dissipated immediately.

Biological identification completed!
Otherwise, how dare you take such a cruel hand?
I obviously want to laugh in my heart.

Yang Xu said very politely: "Captain Li, a little misunderstanding, you really don't need to do this!"

"You are young! You can become a concubine in anger and please your girlfriend. Anyone can do this!"

Seeing that Yang Xu is so easy to talk to.

Li Jun's eyes were red, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

He felt that this beating was really unjust!
Li Jun obviously wanted to hate Yang Xu very much, but he couldn't hate him now. Instead, he thought his father was even more hateful.

Li Dachuan had a wide-eyed smile on his face.

He stepped forward and held Yang Xu's hand: "Expert Yang, thank you so much! I will definitely restrain this bastard, and if he dares to use my name to do stupid things, I will definitely skin him!"

This promise is heavy.

Yang Xu didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Xin said, how to educate your son is your family business and has nothing to do with me.

Then, Li Dachuan waved his hand and slapped Li Jun on the head again: "Hurry up and thank Expert Yang!"

"Thank you!" Li Jun hurriedly said to Yang Xu.

Look at his expression, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

"you are welcome!"

After Yang Xu responded, he changed the subject and said, "I want to entrust you to help with something, and ask Zhang Yun to help me find a phone number."

"Whose number?" Li Jun asked in amazement.

"She knows, just tell her."

Although Guan Zhiwen tried his best to stop him, Yang Xu still wanted to contact Guan Xiaolin, otherwise there would always be a concern in his heart, and he couldn't let it go.

"Expert Yang, don't worry, he will handle such a small matter properly." Li Dachuan promised his son.

He shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and call Expert Yang to ask questions."

This attitude is too flattering.

It made Yang Xu feel a little embarrassed.

Li Jun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Yun's number.

Unexpectedly, after two rings, it was hung up.

Clay figurines still have a third of fire!

The beating in the morning had just passed, and Zhang Yun was still full of anger.

But Li Jun was even angrier than her.

His face turned dark in an instant, but fortunately, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, so he couldn't tell.

But the anger in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"What? Zhang Yun didn't answer the phone?" Yang Xu asked aloud.

He followed Li Jun's actions and looked forward to talking to Guan Xiaolin.

"She doesn't dare!" Gritting his teeth, Li Jun clicked on the V letter and typed a line: "Call me! Otherwise, I will make you eat and walk around."

He was a cat in front of Yang Xu, but turned into a tiger in front of Zhang Yun.

Although they didn't date for long, Li Jun spent a lot of money on Zhang Yun.

He knew that Zhang Yun couldn't afford it.

But no, within five seconds, Li Jun's cell phone rang.

Li Jun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and swiped the answer button.

He said directly: "Expert Yang Xu asked you for a mobile phone number, find it now and send it to me!"

"I don't have Guan Xiaolin's number." Zhang Yun hesitated to respond.

"If you don't have it, ask someone else, aren't you classmates?"

"Let me try."

"What I want is not to try, but to do it."

After speaking, Li Jun hung up the phone.

Zhang Yun forgot about the screen, and the crystals flickered in his eyes.

She really wanted to block Li Jun and shut down the phone.

But in the end dare not.

After taking a few deep breaths, she dialed her classmate Dong Qing.

The classmate group is a good place. Girls are born to gossip, and they can't hide any secrets.

She knew that Guan Xiaolin and Dong Qing were working together.

"Hey, rich lady Zhang, what advice do you have?" Dong Qing joked.

There is no hiding at all about Zhang Yun's being a rich man.

Often in the circle of friends, sharing cars, BMWs, brand-name bags, and various delicacies.

It once became a hot topic among classmates, and many people envied it.

Zhang Yun's breath was concentrated, and his face flushed instantly.

She had the illusion of being madly slapped in the face.

"Did you make a wrong call? Did you hang up without saying a word? I'm still at work." Dong Qing said again.

"No, no, Dong Qing, what is Guan Xiaolin's number, please send it to me!"

"Why are you looking for her?" Dong Qing asked casually.

She knew that Zhang Yun and Guan Xiaolin were at odds.

It is even known that the cause was a dispute over the purchase of mobile phones.

"It's not me looking for her, but her boyfriend Yang Xu." Zhang Yun responded.

"Don't pay attention to that scumbag, you don't think my Xiaolin has been hurt enough!"

There was a lot of resentment in Dong Qing's voice.

As a classmate and a colleague, she knows all about Guan Xiaolin's private affairs.

She even recently matched Guan Xiaolin with a male doctor!
"Old classmate, please help me! Tell me." Zhang Yun begged bitterly.

"Do you want Xiaolin's number? You tell him my number and ask him to find me if there is anything."

Being rejected again, Zhang Yun was also helpless.

I had to send Dong Qing's number to Li Jun.

It also explained that Guan Xiaolin and Dong Qing had a very good relationship and they worked together.

Li Jun received WeChat.

Forward it to Yang Xu immediately.

Get off work at noon.

With excitement, Yang Xu called Dong Qing.

The call is connected.

Yang Xu said very politely: "Hi, hello! Is this Miss Dong Qing?"

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm Guan Xiaolin's boyfriend. She lost her number before. I have something to ask her." Yang Xu said hastily.

"Isn't Xiao Lin's boyfriend Dr. Chen? Oh... I see! You are that cheating scumbag, what is your name Yang Xu?"

Hear this.

Yang Xu felt his head buzzing.

He didn't hear the taunting and cursing later, he only heard that Guan Xiaolin had a boyfriend.

In an instant, there was an indescribable loss.

Only to hear Dong Qing ridiculed again: "You are really interesting, Xiaolin disregarded her family's objection to dating you, but you cheated on her, and you still have the nerve to call yourself her boyfriend?"

Yang Xu knew.

This is the aftereffect left by Zhang Yun's last random posting of photos in the classmate group.

His cheeks were a little hot, but he still said bravely: "This is between me and Xiaolin. I just want to know if she is doing well."

"She's doing very well without you!"

"Dong Aifei, who are you on the phone with? So devoted! I can't even hear you calling for dinner." At this moment, another voice broke into the call.

Yang Xu's spirit lifted, and he was immediately excited.

It belongs to Guan Xiaolin!
He heard absolutely right.

Listening to music and thinking about people, scenes from the past flashed before his eyes in an instant.

As if it happened yesterday.

"Didn't you go to the movies with Dr. Chen in the afternoon? Why do you still eat in the cafeteria?" Only Dong Qing responded.

Yang Xu regained consciousness in an instant, and hurriedly shouted from the air: "Xiaolin! Xiaolin!..."

The loud voice echoed throughout the floor, but the phone was hung up.

Yang Xu clenched his fist and waved it continuously in the air. He had never wanted to hit someone like this for a moment.


over the phone.

Guan Xiaolin suddenly froze on the spot.

Suddenly excited: "Aifei, did you hear someone calling me just now? It seems to be Brother Xu's voice."

(End of this chapter)

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