Chapter 1010
The Supreme Elders of the Sima Clan used to retreat all the year round, and occasionally traveled around when they left the customs, and rarely dealt with the affairs of the Sima Clan in person. Therefore, even the core disciples of the Sima Clan rarely had the opportunity to meet the Supreme Elders. The children of the Sima family will not even see the three Supreme Elders once in their entire life!
Who can see the elders of their own family once, that is something that can last a lifetime!
So when this disciple saw Sima Zong asking him a question, he was so excited that he didn't understand what Sima Zong meant. Hearing Sima Zong's annoyed voice at this moment, his heart jumped out of his chest in fright!
"It's gone, it's gone! Nothing else happened." He hurriedly replied in panic, sweat dripping from his brow, feeling that the answer was still inappropriate, so he immediately added: "Except for the two guards at the door Yes, I guess the people inside may have fallen asleep, because there has been no sound from inside for a long time."

"Fell asleep?"

Sima Zong almost cursed, paralyzed, these bastards like Li Qingyu are so big-hearted that they can sleep in this situation. Are you surrounded, or are we?Which of us is in danger of life at any time?
"Li Qingyu! Come out!" Sima Zong didn't ask other questions, but directly shouted at the main entrance of the Patriarch Hall.

The gatekeepers in the Patriarch Hall have changed again, they are Wang Xiaoqian and Kang Ming. As soon as the Sima family boss came back, they found out and immediately raised their vigilance.

Hearing Sima Zong's shout at this moment, Wang Xiaoqian immediately put her hand to her mouth, made a silent gesture to Sima Zong, and said in a voice that seemed small but was actually very loud: "Hush your voice, old man! Your kindergarten teacher Didn't I teach you not to disturb others when they are resting?"



"How do you talk to our Supreme Elder?!"

"Believe it or not, we will rush in immediately and tear you apart?"

As soon as Wang Xiaoqian's words fell to the ground, the crowd of the Sima family exploded!These people all regarded the Supreme Elder as an idol, but Wang Xiaoqian called him immortal, so they naturally wanted to kill someone!
There was a hint of disdain on Wang Xiaoqian's face, and she snorted coldly and said, "Shut up, you f*ck! It's polite for me to talk to your Supreme Elder like this! Isn't she just an old man? What's the big deal? Before Didn't that one almost get stabbed to death by our boss? Have the ability to make him speak out! I think he can speak as hard as you?"

The members of the Sima family almost vomited blood!They wanted to ask Wang Xiaoqian, are you dead or not?Have you ever stabbed a knife like this?
However—they have nothing to do with Wang Xiaoqian!

Wang Xiaoqian looked proud.Grandma, I like to see you hate me to death, but act like I can't help it!

"Hmph, brat, I don't want to talk to you. I think you all want to leave quickly, right? Let Li Qingyu come out, I want to talk to Li Qingyu!" Sima Zong said with a dark face.

"Our boss is asleep, old man, if you have something to say, if you fart, then..., oh, forget it, if you have fart, don't let it go, I heard that the older a person is, the more stinky his farts are, polluting the air for no reason It's disgusting!" Wang Xiaoqian stretched out her small hand and flashed twice in front of her nose, as if she really smelled something strange.

This time even Sima Zong was vomiting blood, with veins popping on his forehead!

He can be sure that in the past hundred years, no one has dared to speak to him like this. The woman opposite is simply crazy!

He wished he could kill Wang Xiaoqian with one palm, but he didn't dare!Not to mention that the other party is protected by Li Qingyu, he may not succeed. Even if he succeeds, Li Qingyu and others will definitely take revenge with the true form of the ancestor inside!
He took a few deep breaths before suppressing the anger that had reached his forehead, and said as calmly as possible: "Girl, I don't want to argue with you, let Li Qingyu come out, I want to talk to him."

"Old man, let me say it again, my boss is asleep! You can say the same as me if you have anything to say." Wang Xiaoqian said with a smile.

"Damn girl, where are you talking so much nonsense? You are not qualified to talk to our elders!" An elder was really angry and said angrily.

"Haha, hahaha, old bastards of the Sima family, can you still say what you said just now? Are you ashamed or not? If my aunt wants to talk to you, she thinks of you. How dare you have the face to say that I am not qualified to talk to you?" What are you talking about? What exactly are you trying to say? Don't say get out, don't delay my rest!" Wang Xiaoqian laughed loudly.

At this time and at that time, if it was before, Li Qingyu and others were eager to get out of trouble, so they would naturally be willing to negotiate with the other party and leave the tiger and wolf's lair as soon as possible, but now that Zhou Xianguang has entered the position, he can rush over to meet them at any time, what are they afraid of? ?
And they have already set the action until [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, so it is in their interest to delay the time!

Sima Zong saw that although the woman on the opposite side was pretty, she seemed to have a problem with her mind, so he ignored her and said loudly to the Patriarch Hall: "Li Qingyu, I know you have woken up, if you are a man, stand up for me immediately. Hiding inside like a turtle, let two women stand on top of the tank, what kind of heroes are you?"

Just now Li Qingyu had been meditating instead of sleeping, and he knew everything around him clearly. Seeing that the other party insisted on seeing him, he didn't come forward to perfunctory, maybe the other party would see that he was delaying time.

So he got up, walked to the door, cast his eyes on the big brothers of the Sima family, and asked with a smile: "Several old men, I seem to have said before that I am not a good man or a hero, I am me, Different fireworks."

The big bosses of the Sima family were gasping for breath, muttering in their hearts: Nima, what kind of mess is this?Is this the custom of the first space?However, no one has heard of it!

"Li Qingyu, stop talking nonsense. According to our discussion, I can go with you and act as your hostage, but my son Sima Qing can't go with you. He still has injuries on his body, and the situation is still very dangerous. He must receive proper treatment!"

It was Sima Jue who spoke, but not the real Sima Jue, but that Xibei guy.

Although he is a Xibei product, his realm has also entered the realm of transformation. He can control his vocal cords more skillfully and imitate the real Sima Jue's voice.But everyone's vocal cords are different after all. He only controls the vibration amplitude and frequency of the vocal cords, but he cannot change the length, thickness and other parameters of his vocal cords.

Therefore, he imitated Sima Jue's voice. Although it was very similar, there were still some subtle differences.Of course, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it.

This is also the reason why this fake Sima Jue didn't speak after he arrived, and he didn't speak the first sentence until now. He was afraid that Li Qingyu would see something wrong if he talked too much.

When he came over, Sima Zong and others gave him instructions to talk as little as possible, but he had to talk too much. If he talked too much, he might reveal his secrets. If he kept silent, it was more likely to make people suspicious. Strong, suddenly lost the sense of presence, it will definitely make people feel very abrupt.

Alas, this Xibei guy also feels that he is so difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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