A master of comprehension will take you to fly

Chapter 1052 State your conclusion

Chapter 1052 State your conclusion

Is not having enough food a disease?
Yes, no.

If a person eats all the time and still feels hungry after eating a lot every day, he is naturally sick and needs treatment.But if a person eats the last meal all day long, even when it is time to eat, he still cannot let go of his stomach to eat. He could eat ten sweet potatoes, but there are only two shares. Of course he will feel hungry.

It's normal to feel hungry in this situation, and something is wrong if you don't feel hungry!
The young man in front of him was so skinny that he obviously belonged to the latter group. In other words, he felt hungry not because he was sick at all, but because he had no food to eat!
There is no need for a doctor to see this. Everyone in the room can see it, because they are also hungry.

Some people in the crowd began to whisper, only sister Lin Jingya and Tang Sixin still looked the same.For a modern person, it is quite normal for him not to feel his faults.

In the first dimension, I don't know how many people feel that their health is very good, but when they go to the hospital for a physical examination, they find out a lot of problems.

But they were also a little curious at this moment about what was wrong with this person.

Ji Wenfeng looked at Li Qingyu helplessly, and said, "Young Master Li, look..."

Ji Wenfeng was still a little secretly happy.I didn't find anything wrong with this person, and this person himself said that he had nothing wrong with him, which proved that Li Qingyu made a mistake and found a healthy person.

If Li Qingyu insisted that this person was wrong, but couldn't come up with convincing evidence and reasons, even if he didn't dare to argue, the crowd would still discuss it. In fact, many people are already discussing it.

However, Li Qingyu smiled and said to him: "Don't think too much, just tell your conclusion."

"This person is very healthy. Apart from lack of food and feeling hungry, he has no symptoms. Therefore, I conclude that he is a healthy person." Ji Wenfeng said.

"Show Doctor Ji your hands." Li Qingyu suddenly said to the last patient.

The patient put his hands in front of Ji Wenfeng.

When Ji Wenfeng was taking the patient's pulse just now, he had already seen the patient's hands, but he didn't find any problems. Now he looked carefully at the patient's hands again, and still didn't find anything unusual.

The patient's hands are somewhat rough due to years of manual labor, but the fingers are sound and long, with no odd shapes.

Lin Jingya and the other three also fixed their eyes on the patient's hands and observed carefully, but they didn't see any clues either.

"Brother-in-law, don't embarrass him, just tell him the answer. Let him see for himself. He probably won't be able to see why next year." Lin Jingru said with a smile.

Before Ji Wenfeng wanted to compete with her in medical skills, she clearly told Ji Wenfeng that she was not a doctor, and her sister and Tang Sixin also proved it to her, but Ji Wenfeng just didn't believe it, and the girl almost beat him up in anger. Feng was crushed in the hands of his brother-in-law, and naturally he felt very happy.

Li Qingyu suddenly pulled the patient's left hand in front of him, and drew a circle on the back of the hand with a signature pen. The patient's five fingers and the outer edge of the palm were all outside the circle. Then he pulled the patient's right hand over and drew a circle. An almost circle.

The doubts on everyone's faces were even heavier, and they had no idea what Li Qingyu was doing.

"Do the parts of your hands outside the circle I drew get frostbite every year? Some places are even frostbitten and festering?" Li Qingyu asked.

The patient suddenly realized it, slapped his head suddenly, and said in surprise: "Yes, yes, you are so right! Really, my hands are really frostbitten every year! This is because I was in Wangyuan in the winter five years ago. I got frostbite when I moved and stored ice at home, and I would get frostbite every winter! Because I didn’t get sick now, I didn’t think about it at all just now.”

Everyone around exploded with a bang!

They were talking a lot just now, and now they are even louder!

However, many people were questioning Li Qingyu just now, thinking that although Li Qingyu is a genius doctor, he has a lot of secrets and sometimes misjudged him, but now he admires Li Qingyu!
Although autumn has already entered, winter is still far away!How did Dr. Li know that the patient's hands had been frostbitten all year round?He even drew the frostbitten areas with a pen. Isn’t this amazing?It’s a magical method!

The faces of Lin Jingya and the three showed surprise. When Li Qingyu drew the circle just now, they hadn't found the problem yet, but after Li Qingyu reminded them, they immediately discovered that the circle Li Qingyu drew on the back of the patient's hands, the inside of the circle and the circle The skin color on the outside is slightly different!
This difference in skin color is due to the fact that the patient's hands are frostbitten every year. The outside of the circle is the part that is frostbitten every year, while the inside of the circle is the part that is not frostbitten.

After understanding this key point, the three of them couldn't help but smile at each other.

Everyone else in the audience thought it was a miracle that Li Qingyu could find this patient, but the three of them knew that it was actually the easiest for Li Qingyu to find this patient.

Because the patient's hands were outside, with Li Qingyu's medical skills, as long as he found abnormalities in the other's hands, he would immediately understand what was going on.But with Li Qingyu's gaze, it was too simple to find the problem with the patient's hands.

In fact, if it wasn't for the great influence of the light, the three of them could easily find the problem.

Ji Wenfeng was a little bit secretly happy just now, thinking that Li Qingyu also made mistakes, but now he has become a discouraged ball, but this guy just smiled all over his face after a while.

Mr. Li's medical skills in front of him will definitely become a legend in the future, but he is actually competing with this future legend. Aren't he also a legend?In the future, if someone writes a biography of Li Qingyu, he might have a story of his own!

Besides, if you lose, you can go to the other party's medical clinic for a consultation, and you can get two taels of gold every year. How cool!Why be discouraged?The good life has just begun!

This guy's self-adjustment ability is top-notch!I guess depression or whatever will never find him.

His eyes have been fixed on Li Qingyu and the patient. His conduct is indeed not good, but his mind is not stupid at all. It is very clear that the reason why Li Qingyu likes him is because his medical skills are not bad, and it is definitely not because of his picture. Shoes and socks face!
If Li Qingyu wants to see him more and more, he must constantly improve his medical skills. Now is an excellent learning opportunity, so don't miss it!

"Your hands haven't been treated effectively since frostbite, and the frostbite will get worse every year. Now even in spring, summer and autumn, as long as it rains and cloudy days, it will start to hurt..."

"That's right, divine doctor, you're right! Now, every time the weather changes, it hurts extra, but the pain is not too severe, so I haven't paid attention to it. Divine doctor, it won't be a big deal Is it a serious problem? Will my hand be useless in the future?" The patient interrupted Li Qingyu anxiously.

"It's nothing serious now, but it will hurt more and more in the future, but the pain from the bones can make people go crazy! I'll give you a prescription, soak your hands every night, at least a quarter of an hour, preferably two quarters of an hour , even soaking for a month, to ensure that your hands will not be frostbitten this year." Li Qingyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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