Chapter 1072 Victory

The granaries of the officers and soldiers were very large, and the warehouses stretched out, covering several square kilometers. With the skills of the Huaguo Xinghe Fleet, it was impossible to transport water for such a long distance in the form of water dragons.

They can only send the water dragon more than 100 meters, even Li Qingyu can only send more than 500 meters.

And the underground river that Li Qingyu cut open cannot be moved.
Therefore, when the fire was far away from the underground river, Li Qingyu and others could no longer send the water dragon into the flames.

But this is not a problem for everyone. With Wood's order, those undead warriors rushed forward, first cleared an open space in the granary, and then punched down randomly, and a large pool appeared. As a pool, the density of sand at the bottom and surroundings is very high, so it can ensure that the amount of water leakage will not be too large.

After finally having a chance to show their faces, these guys are working very hard!

The members of Huaguo and the European Starship Fleet immediately divided into two echelons. One echelon guarded the underground river and sent the water into the pool where the undead soldiers smashed out, and then the other echelon rushed to the side of the pool and sent the water into the flames. among!

Although the fire extinguishing efficiency is doubled, it is still many times faster than using pots and pans to carry water to put out the fire.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, just over two hours later, when the eastern horizon appeared pale, they completely extinguished the fire.

When the last trace of open flame was extinguished, the originally noisy crowd unexpectedly became calm for a short time, and then someone shouted: "We have won!"

Then everyone cheered!

They are victorious!
Just a few hours ago, when they started fighting, they still had the determination to die, but they didn't expect that they would win now!They defeated the officers and soldiers, they put out the fire, and they had food!They don't have to starve anymore, they can live!

What a simple three words, but it is their ultimate dream!
Even Li Qingyu and others were infected, with a smile on their faces.

"How do you feel?" Zhou Xianguang sat down on the ground in disregard of his image, and said to Li Qingyu beside him.

Fighting all the way, although it is difficult for those officers and soldiers to pose a threat to their lives, they are also exhausted. Just now, they have put out their lives and are extremely tired. What's worse, the bloody smell of the war, and The burning energy of the fire just now dispersed the spiritual energy here, and they were unable to absorb the spiritual energy and recover quickly.

Li Qingyu also felt tired, so he also sat down, put his hands on his knees, and said with a smile, "I'm a little proud."

Zhou Xianguang looked at the crowd who were shouting and even embracing and crying, and sighed: "They will be reborn because of us, and they should be proud. They are also the cornerstone for us to build a world here..."

Li Qingyu suddenly looked into the distance with emotion and said, "The officers and soldiers in charge of the food and grass have run away. Do you want to chase them?"

Zhou Xianguang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, everyone is already tired, don't chase after the poor, let them go. The mess in front of us is enough for us to clean up. Especially those routs, if we can persuade them to follow us , it will be safer if we go to Bai's house..."

In the distance, Cui Minghu and his subordinates were looking at this side from afar.

Because this guy ran fast, and set off a fire before leaving, he dragged Li Qingyu and others, saving the lives of himself and more than 2000 people under him. At this moment, he looked at his original camp from afar, and his brows became pimples. .

On the other side of the camp, the spectacular scene of burning sky has disappeared. Cui Minghu knew that the fire in the granary was extinguished, but he couldn't figure out how the enemy put out the fire.

When they withdrew, the fire had already burned completely. Even if the old dragon king of the East China Sea came, they might have to turn around and leave. The enemy army actually extinguished the fire in such a short period of time, it was simply too evil.

It's a pity that because he was too far away, he couldn't see the spectacular scene of Li Qingyu and others putting out the fire, otherwise he wouldn't have these worries in his heart.

"General, the enemy must have been exhausted from robbing the camp first and then fighting the fire. If we kill them at this time and return the carbine, we will succeed immediately and win the flag. It will be a great contribution at that time!"

A guerrilla under Cui Minghu approached him and said eagerly.

But Cui Minghu slapped him with a slap, and cursed: "I'll go to your grandma's house, don't infect me if you have a brain disease, the other party even took over a camp of 4 people, even the commander-in-chief and several lieutenants They all lost their lives. The big fire just now was extinguished. You asked me to sneak attack them? Even if they are exhausted, even if they are defenseless, I am afraid they can kill us lying on the ground. Let’s go back to Qinzhou City, report to superiors!"

After Cui Minghu finished speaking angrily, he strode towards his war horse, untied the horse's reins, pulled out the spear that was tied to the horse, let him mount the horse, whipped the horse's buttocks, and galloped towards Qinzhou.

Soon, the news that Leng Haoran's bandit suppression army was almost wiped out will reach Qinzhou City.

The white belly of the eastern horizon turned bright red, and the sun that illuminates the world is about to jump out of the horizon.

Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang arranged for people to bury pots and cook food, clean the battlefield, and count supplies. Because the Liberation Army and cannon fodder soldiers who participated in the battle last night were exhausted, they had urgently recruited recruits from Minghui Town.

At noon, the preliminary statistics were sent to Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang. There were several thick ledgers. The two of them looked through the ledgers roughly, and couldn't help but feel happy.

After this battle, they really made a fortune. They had [-] war horses and [-] tents alone.These are the supplies they urgently need.
They have recruited so many new soldiers, and they will march and fight with them in the future, and they will not be able to do without tents.

It was also the result of Li Qingyu's careful protection that he could finally get these tents, otherwise he would have been hacked down and burned by Ah Cheng, Ashin and He Jiabao.

The supplies they got included countless gold, silver and food besides war horses and tents. What made Li Qingyu most happy was that they even got a lot of herbs!

Li Qingyu was going to open the Huanyan Medical Center in Minghui Town, and needed a lot of herbal medicines. He was worried about where to buy them, but now the problem was solved.

After lunch, Li Qingyu was going to chat with Liu Jiankang.Although Li Qingyu saw Liu Jiankang for the first time last night, he decided that he was Liu Jiankang, because he looked so much like Dakang, but after all, it was just a guess and needs to be confirmed. If it is Liu Jiankang, he is right. Liu Taikang and Dakang have an explanation.

However, before he could find Liu Jiankang, Liu Jiankang came to him with more than 100 cannon fodder soldiers.These cannon fodder soldiers drank porridge in the morning, and ate cornmeal corn bread with pickles at noon. The recruits from Minghui Town arrived, and after finishing their work, they took a nap, so although they were still thin, their spirits were healthy. coming.

"General Immortal, we are willing to join the Heavenly Soldiers, and we hope to accept us!" Liu Kangkang knelt down on the ground with a "plop", said while looking at Li Qingyu with admiration.

More than 100 people behind him also fell to their knees and said in unison: "General Immortal, we are willing to join the Heavenly Soldier, and hope to accept us!"

(End of this chapter)

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