Chapter 1084 Soldier Assault
The leader of the army is not an idiot either. Just looking at the posture of Li Qingyu and others, he can tell that this is an elite soldier among the elite soldiers. Although he has 700 elite soldiers in his hand and is not afraid of the [-] people in front of him at all, he still wants to scare Li Qingyu and others. I hope they don't get mixed up with Bai Huanfeng and others, but Li Qingyu cut off his thoughts with one word.

Then only fight!
The mighty army was like a surging sea wave, rushing towards Li Qingyu and others!

Chen Ergou looked at the enemy rushing towards him. Not only was there no fear in his heart, but a bloodthirsty red light glowed in his eyes. He subconsciously stuck out his tongue to moisten his dry lips, then grinned slightly, revealing his dark eyes. Cypress teeth.

Because Chen Ergou is brave in battle, has a good physical foundation, and has a flexible mind, he was also selected by the Heavenly Soldiers when they selected soldiers to form a reconnaissance company.

Along the way, although the reconnaissance company has worked harder than the soldiers of the main force, but because the food is very good, Chen Ergou, like other soldiers of the reconnaissance company, has recovered from the body that had lost weight due to hunger, although he is not yet strong. But his physical fitness is completely different from before.

More importantly, Li Qingyu taught them a method of breathing and exhaling, which not only relieved their fatigue caused by high-speed marching, but also had a particularly good rest when they slept, even if they only rested for an hour or two every night. It also keeps them energetic.

Sufficient food and this set of breathing methods allowed the soldiers of the reconnaissance company to survive the devilish training and greatly enhanced their self-confidence.

In the past, when he fought against the officers and soldiers, he had to fight desperately, one was enough to make money, and two to earn one, but now Chen Ergou felt that he could truly count as ten with one—one person could fight ten officers and soldiers at the same time, and kill them all!
However, this is just his self-feeling, and his combat effectiveness can only be tested through real combat!Never had a chance before, and now the chance finally came!

He felt his palms sweat slightly, and his heart was beating extremely fast!This is not because of worry and fear, but because of the desire for bloody battle!
An officer and soldier quickly rushed in front of Chen Ergou, and the spear in his hand quickly pierced his chest, but he didn't dodge at all, and didn't even look at the opponent's spear at all, but stabbed the spear in his hand in the same instant !

His spear did not stab the opponent's chest, but stabbed the opponent's throat!

In battle, if you can stab your throat, don't stab your chest, let alone your lower abdomen!
This is clearly recorded in the drill code that Li Qingyu formulated for them.Although the target on the chest is big, the enemy is not easy to dodge, and the chance of stabbing is high, but after stabbing the enemy, the spear point will be easily caught by the enemy's musculature and bones. It is not only laborious but also very slow to withdraw the gun!

In a chaotic battle, what matters is the speed of your attacks and withdrawals. If your speed is too slow, it is very likely that your spear will hit the enemy. Before you can withdraw, the enemy next to you will also kill you!

But if you poke the enemy's throat, there will be no such consequences. If you just touch the water, you will leave at one point.

Of course, stabbing the enemy's throat is much more difficult than stabbing the enemy's chest. Not only must the eyes and hands be quick, but also the explosive power must be strong!
Along the way, the soldiers of the Heavenly Soldiers, in addition to practicing the method of breathing and breathing that Li Qingyu taught them, is also training the speed of firing and withdrawing their guns. By now, everyone has made great progress!
Chen Ergou fired his gun almost at the same time as the enemy in front of him, but before the enemy's gun pierced his chest, his gun had already pierced the enemy's throat without stopping, with his arms slightly withdrawn, the tip of the gun Then it was pulled out from the enemy's throat, and quickly pierced another enemy's throat!

The enemy kept coming up like a tide, and Chen Ergou kept firing his gun again and again. It looked a little mechanical, but its movements were extremely standard and efficient, like a killing machine. Poke through!
In just a few breaths, six enemies fell in front of Chen Ergou's horse!
Chen Ergou was just a microcosm of the whole battle. The other fighters of the reconnaissance company fell in front of each of five or six enemies!Their movements are all mechanical, standard, and unified!But fast, efficient and agile!
They didn't have any defensive moves at all, only offense, which perfectly explained what the best defense is to attack!

Countless enemies rushed over again and again, but the circle surrounded by the heavenly soldiers was like a reef that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. No matter how many waves of enemies came, it still stood tall!

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Qingyu's mouth. It seems that the training during this period has been fruitful!
While fighting, Bai Huanfeng secretly watched the battle of the heavenly soldiers.

When Li Qingyu first organized a circular battle formation, although Bai Huanfeng didn't say anything, he actually opposed it in his heart.

With his vision, he can naturally see that, except for Li Qingyu and other masters, those ordinary heavenly soldiers, the martial arts realm is not worth mentioning at all, and many of them are just spying on the door!

Li Qingyu wanted to form a large circular formation and stand by for help. These masters could hold on, but how could ordinary soldiers hold on?Under the impact of the army of officers and soldiers, they have no strength to fight back at all, and they must be defeated in one rush!
However, although he objected in his heart, he was not familiar with Li Qingyu and others after all. More importantly, apart from Li Qingyu's arrangement, the only way he could think of was to fight on his own, but if these ordinary soldiers were really allowed to fight on their own, they would It will definitely die faster, it is not as good as a circular battle formation.

Therefore, although Bai Huanfeng disagreed in his heart, he didn't say anything in the end, and completely obeyed Li Qingyu's command, but he felt a little pity for those ordinary soldiers. I am afraid that these people will soon become the earliest victims!

It was only at this moment that Bai Huanfeng was shocked when he saw the sharp attacks of these soldiers, and finally realized that he had underestimated these ordinary soldiers before!
Their martial arts level is indeed not high, but they are the sharpest killers!
Bai Huanfeng and the others had been hunted down by the officers and soldiers for a long time. They were surrounded by the officers and soldiers several times, and then they broke out from the siege several times. Not only were they already exhausted, but all of them were injured, but they were injured. It's just a matter of weight.

Their combat effectiveness was almost drained, but now they saw the battle of those ordinary soldiers, and they were suddenly stimulated. Even these ordinary soldiers were so brave, killing waves of enemies, they were all He is a master of martial arts, so he can't lose face in front of these ordinary soldiers, right?


Bai Huanfeng and the others also erupted with the strongest killing power!
(End of this chapter)

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