Chapter 1257
Because Li Qingyu witnessed the turmoil in Xiangguang City with his own eyes, he had already labeled Wan Yunxing as mediocre in his mind. He asked Wan Yunxing to continue to exercise the power of the city lord and calm down the turmoil in Xiangguang City, basically with the intention of using waste. mentality.

This is a helpless choice, because now he can't find a more suitable person than Wan Yunxing.After all, Wan Yunxing has worked as the city lord for so many years, he is familiar with this city, he may not know how to solve the problem, but he knows where it will go wrong!
However, when Li Qingyu saw Wan Yunxing re-exercising the power of the city lord and issuing the first order, he knew that Wan Yunxing's mediocrity was mainly reflected in military command. Don't worry, the city lord for so many years is not for nothing. He has seen pigs running and eaten pork, so he can be regarded as strict in handling things.

I made the right move by letting him continue to be the city lord and calm the turmoil in Xiangguang City.

Wan Yunxing's first order was to block the news of the great changes in the City Lord's Mansion, and then immediately have people invite all the heads of the rich and powerful families in Xiangguang City to the City Lord's Mansion, the reason being to discuss the plan to resist the heavenly soldiers.

Wan Yunxing judged that the news that he had surrendered should not have been spread yet. Once the news spread, those ordinary people might not react too violently——their life was already difficult, even if it was difficult, it would still be difficult. where to go

What's more, they lack a unified organization and have no strength to fight against the government.

But those wealthy families are different!They originally had a considerable number of house slaves, and they had strong financial resources. They could organize the tenants under their control at any time and organize them into combat troops. These people must not be able to fight, but they can cause a lot of trouble!

Moreover, these people have vested interests. After the Heavenly Soldiers came in, they needed finances to improve the lives of ordinary people. Naturally, the Heavenly Soldiers themselves could not afford so much money, so they could only do it to these people!

Therefore, these people, like the government, are most afraid of the intrusion of heavenly soldiers!But because these people are not within the government system, the city lord's palace does not have as much control over them as it does over the lower-level yamen.

Wan Yunxing ordered the lower-level yamen to do things, and the lower-level yamen might not dare to disobey, but when he ordered these rich and powerful families to do things, these rich and powerful families might not necessarily agree.

Now that Wan Yunxing controls the leaders of these great clans in the City Lord's Mansion on the grounds of discussing the great plan to fight against the enemy, he is not afraid that these wealthy clans will act as demons.

As a result, the development of the matter was as Wan Yunxing expected. After receiving the notification from the City Lord's Mansion, the leaders of those wealthy families arrived at the City Lord's Mansion unprepared, and then they were controlled in a daze. At this time, no matter how hard they struggled late!
Wan Yunxing took care of the group of people who might dare to disobey his order, and then began to issue the second order: stop arresting strong men all over the city, and release those who have already been caught in the army.However, those strong men who have been arrested are encouraged to stay in the army for a short time as servants.

The strong men who are willing to stay are paid on a daily basis, seven copper coins a day, and are paid the same as those regular soldiers. This can prevent those regular soldiers from getting angry and causing new conflicts.

The reason why these strong men are encouraged to stay is naturally because the City Lord's Mansion is currently short of manpower!Now the whole city is in turmoil, every corner needs people to deal with it.

The turmoil in Xiangguang City was originally caused by the arrest of strong men. Now that these strong men are released, it is equivalent to snuffing out a fuse.It is also very popular to encourage the strong men to stay. When these strong men were arrested, the government did not tell them that they would be paid. When they settled down, they could still go back, so they were naturally happy, so a large number of people stayed and provided a lot of manpower for the government.

Wan Yunxing's third order was to withdraw all the soldiers who were guarding the city wall, except for the young men who left, and the remaining soldiers were assigned to the various district yamen under the jurisdiction of the city lord's mansion, and obeyed the dispatch of the managers of each yamen. At the same time, he ordered the heads of all districts to organize ordinary people to form a public security joint defense team to protect their property and assist the district yamen to arrest troublemakers.

When Wan Yunxing issued these orders, he issued them directly in the name of the city lord, and did not mention the matter of the heavenly soldiers at all, so the lower-level yamen did not know that Wan Yunxing was already working for the heavenly soldiers.Therefore, although most of the lower-level yamen didn't understand why the city lord suddenly suffered a psychosis and issued these orders, they didn't have any resistance, and they all honestly recruited.

Under Wan Yunxing's dispatch, the government management organization that had been almost paralyzed began to operate effectively. Those local hooligans who looted everywhere and started making money were arrested, and the city's original lost order began to be gradually re-established.

Although Wan Yunxing acted in a rigorous manner and did not play any tricks, Li Qingyu still did not pin all his hopes on him.

While supervising Wan Yunxing's work, he personally selected more than 200 people from the guards of the city lord's mansion, and planted heart-stimulating symbols on them. Adding the more than 400 people who had been planted by him before, there were a total of [-] people. People formed a city patrol team to patrol the city instead of him.

The inspection team has two tasks, one is to supervise the government's work, and the other is to explain to ordinary people what kind of army the Heavenly Soldiers are, so as to change the people's bad impression of the Heavenly Soldiers.

Of course, before sending these people out, Li Qingyu did not forget to give them a brainstorm first, making them fall to him from body to soul.

In addition, Li Qingyu also personally drafted a leaflet, which mainly introduced the origin of the Heavenly Soldiers, the composition of the Heavenly Soldiers, and various policies after entering the city, including not disturbing the people, not laboring the people, and realizing that they will get paid and so on.

After the drafting was completed, he asked Wan Yunxing to bring him more than 200 gentlemen who could write to help him copy.

Under the hard work of a group of writers, Li Qingyu got thousands of leaflets after brainstorming for 400 people. He took these leaflets and asked Xuntian to fly him all over the city. He also scattered the leaflets all over the place. Xiangguang City.

It was the first time for the people in Xiangguang City to encounter leaflets falling from the sky, but when they picked up the leaflets and asked people who could read and write to read them, they were somewhat skeptical.

After all, Wan Yunxing's previous publicity campaign was too big, and it completely demonized the Heavenly Soldiers.The people in Xiangguang City had never heard of Heavenly Soldiers before, so they basically accepted the image of Heavenly Soldiers as monsters. At this moment, the notice said that Heavenly Soldiers are teachers of benevolence and righteousness, an army of ordinary people, and they fight the world for the common people. Naturally, they felt a little dissatisfied. Believe too much.

So many people gathered in the streets and alleys, talking quietly, guessing whether the content on the flyer was true or false...

(End of this chapter)

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