Chapter 1288

"Boom, boom, boom boom!"

A hundred mortars on the east wall of Tianyu City fired together, and the shells flew across the sky with the howling sound of friction against the air, and exploded in the camp of officers and soldiers. The cold crystal shrapnel flying around kept harvesting the lives of officers and soldiers!
In addition to one hundred mortars, there are also 56 howitzers roaring together!

Mododi and others brought a total of 56 howitzers from the first space, and they were placed on a relatively high slope in Tianyu City. Since the range of howitzers is far greater than that of mortars, they are set up in the center of the city. The artillery array can provide effective support in any direction.

One hundred mortars and 56 howitzers were fired together, and the scene was quite spectacular. Tian Xingbin was a little dazed watching it, as if he had returned to the first space.

Since the landing point of the shells was basically on a straight line, an obvious blocking line was formed, as if a line had been drawn between Mododi and others and Guan Jun and others, separating the two sides on both sides.

The pressure on Mododi and the others suddenly decreased, and they began to gather all their strength to rush towards the east gate!
Xu Gaoyuan, who was supervising the battle in the distance, was a little confused!
He was not stunned because the officers and soldiers were bombarded. He had already experienced the power of the rebels' artillery fire, and he also expected that the rebels would probably use artillery to support Mododi and others. He even made the officers and soldiers ready, such as Don't get too close between soldiers and so on.

But he never thought that the cannon could be fired like this!All the shells almost fell on the same straight line, forming a death line in front of the officers and soldiers. As long as they dare to charge forward, they will die!
When they were bombarded before, the shells fell wherever there were more people. There has never been a clear separation line like now!
Xu Gaoyuan is a military genius, but after all, he is a native of the Lingxu Realm, and he doesn't know anything about modern weapons and tactics using modern weapons!

There was no concept of artillery blocking the shooting in his mind at all, so when he saw the death line bombarded by the rebels with artillery shells, his head couldn't react for a while.

But he knew very well that this sudden change might make his plan fail!
Xu Gaoyuan's command ability is not inferior to that of Jiang Yichen, but Jiang Yichen has been hanging out with Mododi and other people from the first space for a long time, and has spent a lot of thought on researching the modern weapons brought by Mododi and others He not only learned how to use these modern weapons from Tian Xingbin, but also learned many modern tactics based on modern weapons.

This made him superior in comparison with Xu Gaoyuan.

The sudden accident made Xu Gaoyuan's face a little ugly, and he immediately shouted: "Increase the distance between the attacking soldiers, lengthen our attacking front, and all the people from the Valkyrie Battalion will rush out! Be sure to entangle the enemy first! No! Disconnected from them!"

A master is a master after all, and Xu Gaoyuan quickly made the most correct response.

The number of officers and soldiers was already very large, the battle line was already very long, and it was difficult for the artillery to stop them. At this time, the attack line of the officers and soldiers was stretched again, and the interception line could no longer stop them.

If the shells are to be intercepted and fired, they must fall densely. If they are too sparse, they will not be able to intercept at all.

More than 200 people from the Valkyrie Battalion broke through the blockade first, but before they rushed to Mododi and the others, more than 20 people flew down from the city wall, rushed towards them, and fought with them.

The people rushing down are of course the members of the Huaguo Xinghe Fleet led by Tian Xingbin. They only have 26 people. Naturally, their number is incomparable with the enemy's Martial God Battalion, but their cultivation level is very average. A small amount of success in building a foundation can kill them instantly. A small achievement in the profound realm, and a great achievement in the profound realm.

Although there are many people in the Martial God Battalion of the official army, there are not many people above the Xuanjing Dacheng realm. After a long time, they can take advantage of their numbers and wipe out Tian Xingbin and others, but it is impossible for them to kill Tian Xingbin and others in a short time .

"Open the city gate!" Jiang Yichen gave an order on the city wall.

A soldier immediately creaked and opened the city gate, quickly greeted Mododi and others who had already arrived at the gate, and then closed the extremely heavy gate without waiting for the enemy to rush over.

Tian Xingbin and the others saw that Mo Duodi had already entered the city, so they stopped entangled with the other party and quickly got rid of the enemy. When they got under the city wall, they jumped up and flew up the city wall.Although the masters of the Martial Arts Battalion tried desperately to stop them, they were constantly being shot on the city wall. They were worried that they would be shot black by the snipers on the city wall, so they finally watched Tian Xingbin and the others come out to make a fuss, and then went back .

Seeing the failure of the final plan, Xu Gaoyuan, who was supervising the battle from a distance, couldn't help but feel regretful, but he was not depressed.Although they didn't win Tianyu City in the end, they killed nearly [-] rebels in the battle last night, which is already a big victory!
The defenders in Tianyu City were already stretched thin, but now nearly [-] of them were killed. They couldn't even think of defending the city!
However, Xu Gaoyuan did not order the officers and soldiers to attack the city immediately.

In his view, most of the rebels in the city are concentrated on the east wall at this time, and last night in order to complete the siege and interception of Mododi's troops, the besieging officers and soldiers have disrupted the original deployment under his mobilization, mainly concentrated in the Here at the east gate.If an attack is launched at this time, the two sides will inevitably launch a head-to-head offensive and defensive battle on the east gate, and the superiority of officers and soldiers cannot be launched.

It's better to re-mobilize the generals and attack the four city gates at the same time. The little manpower of the rebels scattered on the four walls of the city is not enough to sprinkle sesame salt!The officers and soldiers will definitely be able to take Tianyu City easily.

Jiang Yichen on the city wall watched the transfer of officers and soldiers for a while, and immediately understood what Xu Gaoyuan meant, so he went directly down the city wall and walked towards Mododi and others. He wanted to visit those who had just returned.

Although Mododi is hateful, other people are innocent, they are just soldiers, and it is their bounden duty to obey orders.

Although when Mododi took them away, they could choose not to leave like those who stayed in the city, but he chose to obey the order, but he was absolutely innocent!

The guilty one is Commander Mododi!

Inside the city gate is a wide avenue that runs through the entire city. Mododi’s men, who had just rushed in and recovered their lives, sat on the ground in a mess to rest. Persistence is entirely dependent on one breath, and there is still a strong desire to survive. Now that you are safe, and this breath is relieved, almost few of them can stand.

The medical staff who had already prepared were treating their injuries.

There are now three designated medical centers in Tianyu City to treat the wounded, but after the battle to defend the city in the past few days, each medical center is full of people.Nowadays, the lightly injured are not qualified to be admitted to the hospital at all. They are only disinfected, sutured and bandaged on the spot. Only the seriously injured are carried to the hospital on a stretcher for further treatment. The stretcher is made of branches and strips of cloth. Although it is simple, it is still good. Can lift people.

Jiang Yichen was about to say a few words to the wounded, when Mododi, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stepped in front of him, with a pistol already in his right hand, which was pushed to Jiang Yichen's forehead!

(End of this chapter)

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