Chapter 1290 Unstable Factors

In fact, before Mododi led the third wave of troops to leave the first space, Mark gave him the detailed information of the first two batches of personnel, and even told Mododi to try his best to communicate with the first team after he came to Lingxu Realm. Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang, who arrived in the first batch, got in touch.

But the self-willed and arrogant Mo Dodi didn't take it seriously at all, and he didn't study the detailed information of Li Qingyu and others at all. Therefore, when he saw Li Qingyu just now, he only felt a little familiar, but he didn't recognize it. Li Qingyu.

According to Mododi's original plan, after he came here, he would do it by himself and create a sky of his own, and he would not contact Li Qing and others at all.

Jiang Yichen went to the "Abyss" to ask for help. After Mo Duodi left the death forest, he decided to create a sky and a career in Lingxu Realm by himself!
Therefore, at this moment, this guy learned that the young man standing in front of him was Li Qingyu. Not only was he not surprised, but he was extremely disgusted. He even said to Li Qingyu with a sarcasm: "Hehe, who am I to be so majestic? So you are Li Qingyu! Just ..."

His face suddenly changed, and he shouted abruptly: "It's just you, get out of here! You have nothing to do here! Wherever you come from, don't blame me for being rude!"

While this guy was talking, his left arm swayed slightly, and a pistol instantly slipped out of his sleeve and fell into his left hand. As soon as he raised his arm, the black muzzle of the gun was pointed at Li Qingyu!
Li Qingyu was left speechless by this guy's ignorance. Damn, I've never seen such an arrogant guy. Is this guy an undercover agent sent by a big family?
In the eyes of Li Qingyu today, Mododi's force value is not much different from that of a three-year-old child. He was not angry, but squinted his eyes, and said lightly: "I haven't asked this awesome Boom!" What’s your eldest brother’s name?”

"Mododi, the first commander of the rebel army." Mododi said.

Li Qingyu immediately knew who this person was, Huangfuqing had told him.

"Well, Mr. Mododi, if I'm not wrong, you must have come here under Mark's order. I don't know if Mark told you to listen to our orders when you came here. Regardless of whether he has told you or not, I will tell you now that we belong to the same organization, and Commander Zhou and I are not only the first batch to come here, but also have a higher position in Starship Fleet than you, so you must Obey our orders! Now I order you, put down your gun immediately!" Li Qingyu shouted coldly.

"Hahaha, what a joke, I have never met you before, why do you pretend to be my superiors? When I led people to fight everywhere, where were you when I was trapped in the city, Where were you when you were fighting bloody battles? In the early hours of this morning, I led more than 2 people to break through, but only more than 1000 people came back. Where were you? Now you tell me that you are my leader, let me listen to you Yes? Why?" Mododi laughed wildly.

"I didn't know the situation on your side before, let alone how to rescue you in time when you were in danger?" Li Qingyu said with a frown.

In fact, Li Qingyu felt a little regretful now. He was still flying in the sky just now. When he hadn't entered the city, he discovered that there had been a big battle outside the gate of the east city. The corpses all over the ground could prove it all.If he had left the Death Forest a day or two earlier, he might have recovered a lot of losses.

But although Li Qingyu felt ashamed, it was by no means Li Qingyu's fault, let alone a reason for Mododi to complain and scold Li Qingyu!After all, Li Qingyu didn't get any news about this side before, and the reason why he came all the way to find it was because he judged that Jiang Yichen might be in trouble here.

However, Mododi didn't think so. Now, in his opinion, the reason why he failed to break through was the reason of others, and it was the result of others not cooperating with him!He himself has no responsibility!

So when this guy heard Li Qingyu's words, he immediately yelled: "Shut up! Don't make excuses for your stupidity and mistakes! Repeat it again, get the hell out of me immediately, you don't need to be an afterthought here, otherwise don't Blame me for being rude!"

As soon as he said this, the guy slightly pressed the muzzle of the gun and suddenly pulled the trigger!
Li Qingyu didn't move, he didn't even blink his eyes.

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

A bullet made a deep hole under Li Qingyu's feet!
"This shot is a warning, and I'll blow your head off with the next shot!" Mododi yelled angrily.

When Li Qingyu first arrived, he hadn't figured out the situation, and didn't understand Mododi's personality, so he didn't do anything. He was just testing Mododi. By this time, he had roughly understood who Mododi was. So he made a decisive move and no longer used to him.

Li Qingyu just raised his hand slightly, and a huge slap appeared in the air, and suddenly pressed down on Mododi!
Mododi was shocked, and was about to pull the trigger on Li Qingyu immediately!He knew very well in his heart that the big hand pressing down on him was Li Qingyu's technique, as long as he could kill Li Qingyu in one shot before the big hand pressed down on him, everything would be gone!

However, just as this guy was about to pull the trigger, he found that his entire body seemed to be frozen in an instant, and he couldn't move at all, even if it was just a tiny movement like pulling the trigger, let alone dodge and escape. up!
Li Qingyu's big hand fell to the ground in an instant, and the ground was filled with smoke and dust. When the smoke cleared, the big hand like a hill disappeared. Jiang Yichen, who was standing with Mododi and pointed at by Mododi with a gun, had already arrived at Li Qingyu. Beside him, Mododi had already been smashed into the ground, looking up at the sky, his eyes full of bewilderment.He couldn't figure it out, why did he lose his ability to move just now, and became a human sandbag that could only be beaten honestly?
Li Qingyu didn't want to kill Mo Dodi like this, so he spared his life.

Only then did Jiang Yichen have the opportunity to greet Li Qingyu. Tian Xingbin also came over to greet Li Qingyu. Li Qingyu waved to them, indicating that you were welcome, and then asked: "What happened? Why are things happening like this?"

Jiang Yichen began to talk about the development of the rebel army when he raised the flag and raised the army. When he was besieged on Pearl Mountain, he rode thousands of miles alone and went to the death forest to ask for help. Mododi led people to break the siege of Pearl Mountain. The development, the final capture of Tianyu City, and the subsequent siege of Tianyu City, etc., all these things were generally discussed, especially the differences between himself and Mododi in command.

After Li Qingyu finished listening, his eyebrows trembled slightly in anger, Mododi is simply a villain!This guy not only doesn't understand battle command, but he's also a prodigal son!

The bullets and cannonballs he brought were all made by Han Jing, and they were all made with formations. It was very difficult to make, and each bullet took a lot of hard work, let alone the passage leading to the first space now. It has been closed, even if it is not closed, it should be used sparingly.

As a result, the bastard Mododi was going to be exhausted after a few battles!What the hell is this not a prodigal son?
Damn it!
Li Qingyu looked at Mododi with a cold killing intent in his eyes!
If Mo Dodi doesn't die, not only will he feel sorry for the brothers who died this morning, but he also doesn't know what trouble he will cause in the future!

The unstable factors in this rebel army must be removed!

(End of this chapter)

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