A master of comprehension will take you to fly

Chapter 1295 1 Everything is Unexpected

Chapter 1295 Everything is Unexpected
Neither Wu Shaojun nor Xu Gaoyuan knew Li Qingyu, nor had they even heard of Li Qingyu's name.

In the current Lingxu Realm, the people who know Li Qingyu's name, except for those people Li Qingyu met after coming to Lingxu Realm, are all high-ranking members of the major families.

Before Li Qingyu came to Lingxu Realm in the first space, they knew Li Qingyu's name, because Li Qingyu killed too many of them.

But Wu Shaojun and Xu Gaoyuan obviously haven't reached the level of knowing Li Qingyu's name.

But from the battle just now, both of them could see that Li Qingyu was the most powerful of this wave of assassins, and he killed more than 30 of them in a row, causing them heavy losses!
They could also see clearly that the black-winged roc just grabbed a person from the big pit, but that person was not the one who landed for the first time, but the one who landed for the second time!

Although Wu Shaojun saw clearly just now that Li Qingyu had been shot into a hedgehog and would definitely not be able to survive, but he was still worried. After all, these martial arts masters always have many strange magical powers, and they are often able to keep themselves in the most difficult situations. life.

Therefore, Wu Shaojun ordered to find all the corpses of those assassins, and to kill them again, their heads must be cut off!
He wants to cut off Li Qingyu's head with his own hands!
Wu Shaojun pushed the horse under his crotch to the edge of the big pit and ordered several soldiers to jump into the big pit to dig out Li Qingyu who was buried below, but he just saw several soldiers jump into the big pit and start digging. Then he felt his head was confused for a while, and then a magical voice sounded in his mind: "Boy, what are you doing? Although those people you killed are your enemies, they are also real warriors! They have been killed You kill, you can't spoil their bodies anymore! Then you will die badly!"

Wu Shaojun was actually very obedient, and immediately ordered a few soldiers who had just jumped into the big pit to come up, and ordered others to stop searching for other people's bodies.

Seeing that Wu Shaojun had suddenly changed his mind, Xu Gaoyuan couldn't help being slightly startled, and said, "Marshal, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Although they acted ferociously just now, not only killing so many of us, but also almost taking our lives, I respect them as real warriors. Now that they are dead, let's leave them some dignity! Don't touch them It is." Wu Shaojun said calmly.

Xu Gaoyuan glanced at Wu Shaojun out of the corner of his eye. He felt that the current Wu Shaojun was a little different from just now, and there was a big difference, but he couldn't say what was different for a while.

But he knew that the second of Wu Shaojun's two contradictory orders was very unreliable, so he cautiously persuaded: "Commander, those assassins just now are all martial arts masters! They all have magical powers, even in the most dangerous Under certain circumstances, they often have ways to save their own lives. Their methods cannot be considered with common sense at all, so it is very necessary for us to find them and cut off their heads! Only by cutting off their heads can they real death..."

Just as Xu Gaoyuan was talking, he suddenly felt a bit confused. There seemed to be a voice telling him that Wu Shaojun's decision was absolutely correct, and he shouldn't question Wu Shaojun's order, and he just had to cooperate with him.

As a result, what he was talking about unexpectedly turned a corner: "Ah... I suddenly felt that I was a little worried, or the commander-in-chief has a broad mind to accommodate everything in the world! Those people are heroes. If you die, don't bother them any more."

After finishing speaking, he said to the others: "Follow the command of the commander in chief, and don't worry about the corpses of those people. Our task now is to attack the city!"

Those mid-level officers and soldiers were thrown into an uproar by the inconsistent performance of the two men, and they had no idea what was wrong with the two men.

These people didn't know that at this moment, Wu Shaojun and Xu Gaoyuan had lost their ability to think independently, and their thinking had been controlled by Li Qingyu!
Of course Li Qingyu didn't die, not only Li Qingyu didn't die, the others didn't die either, they were all acting for Wu Shaojun and Xu Gaoyuan.

In fact, although the cultivation of Li Qingyu and others had been greatly suppressed just now, if Li Qingyu went forward desperately, there was hope to break through the enemies blocking him and cut off Wu Shaojun's head.

But according to Li Qingyu's plan, he never intended to kill Wu Shaojun and Xu Gaoyuan from the beginning!

The command system of the officers and soldiers is very complete. Even if Li Qingyu kills Wu Shaojun and Xu Gaoyuan, someone will immediately take over and continue to command the siege in their place. The officers and soldiers will never retreat!
Because any commander with a little vision can see that the siege army has the upper hand at this time, and now some officers and soldiers have rushed to the city wall. As long as they persist for a while, they can completely break through the city!

Therefore, Li Qingyu's initial plan was not to kill Wu Shaojun, but to control Wu Shaojun's thinking.

As long as he can control Wu Shaojun's thinking, he can give orders instead of Wu Shaojun, disrupt the enemy's attack, and completely mess up the enemy's army, and then the rebel army can fish in troubled waters.

But if Li Qingyu wants to control Wu Shaojun's thinking, he must meet two conditions. The first condition is that Wu Shaojun's realm must be a big realm lower than Li Qingyu's!

Now Li Qingyu is already in the realm of foundation building and great perfection, able to kill Longmen realm in seconds, while Wu Shaojun is no more than a master of transformation realm, and Xu Gaoyuan is even worse, he is just a martial artist with inner strength. Their spiritual consciousness can't compete with Li Qingyu at all, so this condition is naturally not question.

The second condition is that the distance between Li Qingyu and Wu Shaojun must be less than 300 meters!

This is after Li Qingyu was promoted, the range of his spiritual consciousness was extended again, otherwise the range of his spiritual consciousness control would not be so wide.

Therefore, if Li Qingyu wants to control Wu Shaojun's thinking, he must find a way to get close to Wu Shaojun.

However, the relationship between the two parties was sworn enemies, and it was impossible for Wu Shaojun to let Li Qingyu get close to him within 300 meters.

Therefore, Li Qingyu thought about it and finally decided to come up with a strategy of attacking Huanglong with thousands of troops!
It may be difficult for others to attack Huanglong directly in the Wanma army and kill the enemy commander in one go, but for Li Qingyu, with the help of Xuntian, Tian Xingbin and others, it is not difficult.

The difficulty is how Li Qingyu stays with Wu Shaojun!
To control Wu Shaojun's thinking, Li Qingyu had to stay by Wu Shaojun's side for a relatively long period of time, and not let others see the slightest problem, which was the most difficult.

After thinking about it, Li Qingyu thought of the trick of pretending to be dead.

Now that he buried himself in the big pit and controlled Wu Shaojun's thinking, no matter how ridiculous Wu Shaojun issued an order, no one would suspect him!Only then can he carry out the plan that was appointed before!
(End of this chapter)

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