Chapter 1305 Three Bases

Since Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang led the Galaxy Fleet to the Lingxu Realm, they have opened up three bases.

The first piece is the death forest. Because of its special geographical location, the death forest is a natural barrier. Almost no one can pass through the death forest to enter the core area. Therefore, this is the safest place, and it is also the rear of the heavenly soldiers.It turned out to be the hub connecting the Lingxu world and the first space, but after the passage was closed, this function disappeared.

The second base is based on two important military cities—Yunzhong City and Xiangguang City, so it is named Xiangyun Base.This is the largest base area for Tianbing.

The third area is naturally the base area where Li Qingyu is currently located. With the important military city Fengrui City as the fulcrum and radiating to the surrounding areas, the base area is named Fengrui Base Area.

The three bases are not connected to each other and are separated by tens of thousands of miles, which brings great obstacles to communication and transportation. At least with Xun Tian, ​​the messenger, they are not incommunicable with each other, at least the general relationship between each other The situation is still known.

Through the letters sent back by Zhou Xianguang, Li Qingyu generally knew the recent situation in Xiangyun Base Area and Death Forest.

There is no change in the death forest, mainly because a group of scientists are engaged in scientific research, which basically has no impact on the battle situation.But Zhou Xianguang did a lot of things in the Xiangyun base.

He reinforced small cities and even market towns that were not important before, making them solid defensive support points, and then linking each defensive support point together to form a solid line of defense, and the two ultimate support points Dianyun Zhongcheng and Xiangguang City can support any support point in a very short period of time!

In addition, Zhou Xianguang sent all the more than 800 masters that Li Qingyu screened from the Steel Prison to the Death Forest.

Of course, when we say these people are masters, we mean in the past. In the past, they were all masters of the Mysterious Realm without exception. There were more than 20 masters of the Dragon Gate Realm alone!There are more than 400 people in the half-step Longmen realm!
You know, even in those super big families, Longmen Realm monks are extremely scarce!Generally, there are only three or five people in town, but if there are more than a dozen, it is super powerful!
It's a pity that the cultivation bases of these more than 800 people have all been abolished, and they are only slightly better than ordinary healthy people. Even those who were originally masters at the Dragon Gate level are now only capable of fighting two or three ordinary lads.

These people all rushed to the death forest in groups because Li Ruitong was developing a new elixir, the purpose of which was to rebuild the meridians and Qifu acupoints in their bodies, and restore their cultivation in a short time!
These people kept their names incognito all the way, pretending to be bankrupt refugees, avoiding heavy investigation by the government, and it took nearly a month to reach the death forest.

Huangfu had already sent people to wait for them at the outskirts of the Death Forest early in the morning, and when they arrived one after another, he would take them back to the "Abyss" through the green passage in the Death Forest.

This green passage in the forest of death, which can guarantee life, was opened up by Li Qingyu and Xuntian after a lot of effort. Although it is called a passage, nothing can be seen on the surface. There is no road at all, and the trees are still Trees, shrubs are still shrubs, it's just that Li Qingyu and Xuntian declared their sovereignty over this road to the monsters in the death forest, so those beasts rarely set foot in this area again, forming a road without a road.

When Li Qingyu and Li Ruitong separated, Li Qingyu gave Li Ruitong a lot of ideas about how to help these masters recover their cultivation. Li Ruitong is indeed a genius. Finally, a furnace of sample elixir was finally refined, and at this time, the masters had already arrived one after another.

After these people took the elixir, they found that the effect was very significant!Their destroyed meridians were stimulated by the elixir, and with the help of the perverted spiritual energy of the death forest, they started to regenerate!
Seeing the effectiveness of the elixir, Li Ruitong was immediately encouraged. He and his wife Yue Zhimei worked together to continuously improve the prescription based on the feedback from everyone after using the elixir, and everyone's cultivation gradually recovered!

After more than 50 days, Li Ruitong finally finalized the elixir and began to quantitatively refine it in the alchemy factory, supplying these masters in large quantities.

With the help of the elixir and the special environment of the Death Forest, the cultivation of these masters began to recover quickly. It is expected that these people will be able to return to their peak within three to four months.

Another decision that Zhou Xianguang made was, after discussing with Li Qingyu, to gather the Niu Family Women's Army who were originally scattered in various investigation units, and use them as the backbone to form the Tianbing Intelligence Bureau, which is mainly responsible for intelligence collection.

Their mission is different from the reconnaissance company of the army. The reconnaissance company only operates around the army, belongs to the army, and serves the army, while the Intelligence Bureau serves the entire regime of the Heavenly Soldiers, and the scope of activities of the Intelligence Bureau is the entire Lingxu Realm!
The head of the intelligence bureau is naturally Angelina, the leader of the Niu Family's Detachment Army. Under her leadership, the intelligence bureau quickly went to various parts of the Lingxu world to start work.Apart from gathering intelligence, their main work also widely promotes freedom and democracy, publicizes the policies of the Celestial Soldiers, and sows the seeds of uprising.

The process of establishing a base area is also the process of establishing a political power. Various things are complicated. The things mentioned above are just a few of many things.There are many more policies and decrees related to the lives of countless people being issued one after another.Both the Xiangyun base area and Fengrui base area have made great progress.

Of course, the biggest change is the army of the Heavenly Soldiers. After daily rigorous training, all the soldiers of the four major field regiments have entered the realm of inner strength, and almost half of the soldiers who were originally in the realm of inner strength have entered the realm of transformation!The battlefield cooperation is also more skillful, and the combat ability has been doubled!
When the three bases were all developing rapidly, the situation changed. The 36 major families in the Lingxu Realm assembled 360 million troops to encircle and suppress the two bases of the Heavenly Soldiers!

In fact, since the Battle of Shishilipu, although more than half of the high-end power of the Bai family has been lost, and the Bai family has suffered heavy losses, they still have a lot of troops under their command, and they still have the strength to fight against the heavenly soldiers!
But after that battle, the Bai family realized the power of the Heavenly Soldiers.They learned it!

Tianbing is not only the enemy of the Bai family, but the enemy of the entire Lingxu Realm!After they annexed the Bai family, they will definitely annex other families!
There is no need for the Bai family to fight against the Heavenly Soldiers by themselves!
So the Bai family decided to unite with other families in the Lingxu Realm to eliminate the Heavenly Soldiers, so as to reduce their own risks.

However, Lingxu Realm's communication is underdeveloped, and the transportation is also underdeveloped. Besides, not every family of the 36 big families wants to send troops to crusade against the heavenly soldiers.

Although Tianbing is everyone's common enemy, but Tianbing is now in the territory of the Bai family, and it is the Bai family that is harming them. They don't believe that if they don't take action, the Bai family can just sit back and watch the Tianbing become powerful!

Some families who have feuds with the Bai family want to see the excitement of the Bai family, and even hope that the Bai family will be wiped out by the heavenly soldiers, and then they will join forces to kill the heavenly soldiers, thus dividing the Bai family's territory!

(End of this chapter)

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