Chapter 1310 Ambush
The boundaries of the Xiangyun base area are irregular and intersect with the Bai family's ruling area.The south and west of the base area are continuous mountains, which are not only tall and steep, but also narrow and long, with endless layers, and there are many dangerous places in them, which cannot be opened by one man.

However, the north and east of the base area are basically plains, which are also the granary of the base area. They are flat and flat, which is most suitable for large group armies to charge. The defense is very difficult and very unfriendly to the defenders.

In view of this topographical feature, the Tianbing Base Camp placed heavy troops on the north and east sides, assembled the first and second field regiments, and 2 troops directly under the base camp, all of which were pressed here, while the south and west sides were Only the [-]rd Field Corps was stationed.

And the base camp ordered the third field corps to drag all the enemies into the mountains, and not let an enemy enter the hinterland of the base!If serious consequences are caused by letting the enemy in, after checking the facts, deal with it seriously immediately!

If the battle situation is really unfavorable for the troops defending the north and east, they can take the initiative to release the enemies into the hinterland, but they must make it clear how many enemies are included. The numbers must be accurate, and the error cannot be greater than 100 people!

After the mobilization of the army of heavenly soldiers, less than half a day after each unit entered the position, the scout troops of the official army came into contact with the defenders, followed by the vanguard troops of the official army, and then the large troops, surrounding the Xiangyun base area, the flames of war spread everywhere. !

This night, the stars and the moon are dark.

Under the cover of night, a force of more than [-] troops quickly passed through a plain north of the base.

This unit is a special brigade directly under the Tianbing Base Camp, with a total of 7000 people.Although the number is not large, they are the elite of the elite of the Heavenly Soldiers. All the soldiers in the team are above the level of the Great Achievement of Transformation Realm, and there is not even a single one of the Small Achievement Realm of Transformation Realm.

This team was led by Zhou Xianguang himself, because the upcoming battle was very important, so Li Qingyu also temporarily followed this team.

The advance speed of the troops was very fast. Although no one was riding a horse in order not to make noise, their running speed was no less than that of galloping horses!
After about an hour, they arrived at the destination smoothly. No one stopped to rest. They all took off their engineering shovels from their backs and started digging foxholes.

This is a vegetable field, where potatoes are grown.The soldiers were very careful when digging the foxholes. They first removed the potatoes and the soil from the roots, cleared out a circle with a diameter of about [-] centimeters, and then began to dig downwards, spreading the excavated soil evenly on the ground. Under the potatoes, no one can see the slightest clue.

After digging about one meter down, I stopped digging, got into the foxhole by myself, and then covered the shield that I had prepared long ago on the paratrooper pit. The potatoes were moved back to their original place, and the potato leaves were arranged, as if nothing had been touched.

The distance between every two foxholes is about 20 meters, and there are seven thousand foxholes, spreading out a large area.

Even when everyone was working intensely, no one said a word, and the whole camp could only see vague shadows moving. Although they were busy, they were in order!

When it was about to dawn, everyone hid in the foxhole. The last few soldiers were disguised by Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang personally.

Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang did not dig foxholes. After everything was settled, the two walked to a small mound not far away. They looked around and checked everyone's disguises. If there were any flaws, they immediately corrected them until they could see from their eyes. It didn't stop until it showed any flaws.

Although the night is as dark as ink, both of them are high-level warriors, and both have the ability to see things in the dark.

When everything was settled, Zhou Xianguang couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Yesterday afternoon, they received information from the reconnaissance force, saying that they discovered the enemy's scout force in this generation, and then discovered the enemy's vanguard force of about 3000 people. They judged that the enemy's large force of 10 people might come from this area. Enter the base.

Li Qingyu happened to be with Zhou Xianguang at that time, and the two quickly reached a consensus that this enemy should not be let in!

Because in the morning, they received information that 50 enemy troops had been placed in the base area.If people continue to be put in, the pressure on Deng Yuqi and Gu Tianxing will be even greater.

After all, the combat effectiveness of those reserve and militiamen is a level lower than that of field soldiers.

They must stop these 10 people at all costs!
But now all the troops have already approached the enemy, and the fighting is very fierce. There is no manpower to stop this enemy. What's worse, an army directly under the headquarters has also approached the enemy, and only one special brigade is left in the mobile force. 7000 people!

Although the special brigade has strong individual combat capabilities and is the best steel to support other troops, it is a bit mysterious to face the enemy with 10 people head-on!The huge advantage in the number of enemies will suppress the heavenly soldiers, preventing them from fully exerting their strength.

Once the enemy forms an formation and rushes towards the special brigade like a tide, it will be difficult for the special brigade to kill the enemy!
And the enemy has a battalion of warriors, with a total of more than 300 people!It's also a huge force!

However, the situation is compelling, if you can't stop it, you have to stop it!If you can't stand it, you have to stand it!
Stop even if you die!I have to stand up to death!
After Zhou Xianguang and Li Qingyu received the information, they immediately came to observe the terrain in person.Zhou Xianguang looked at the flat plains and the lush green vegetable fields, and his brows immediately frowned.

Seven thousand to one hundred thousand, this is almost an impossible task!
Unless they can make an ambush and suddenly appear in the enemy's ranks, each soldier can kill five to seven enemies in the first time, and the enemy will only have [-] to [-] enemies left, and they will be able to completely kill this group of enemies relatively easily. enemy.

But the terrain here is thousands of miles flat, it is not suitable for ambushes at all!

"What the hell, is the enemy cunning enough? Having chosen such an attack route, our team can't ambush in this environment!" Zhou Xianguang couldn't help complaining.

However, Li Qingyu smiled: "Hey, Boss Zhou's words are wrong. Who said you can't ambush in this kind of environment?"

"How to ambush?" Zhou Xianguang asked strangely.

"There is a flat river here, and there is no shelter. It is impossible to ambush on the ground, but we can ambush underground!" Li Qingyu laughed.

"Dig a tunnel? It's too late." Zhou Xianguang blinked and said.

"Why dig a tunnel? Don't say it's too late, it's useless. The tunnel only has a few exits? We let the soldiers hide in the tunnel, how can they all come out in an instant?" Li Qingyu said.

Zhou Xianguang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he instantly understood what Li Qingyu meant, and blurted out, "Foxholes!"

Li Qingyu snapped his fingers and said, "Damn, it's the foxhole!"

Foxholes are very practical in hot weapon warfare and can effectively protect themselves, but they are almost useless in cold weapon warfare.You can hide in a foxhole and shoot and kill the enemy, you can't hide in the foxhole and swing the knife at the enemy to kill the enemy?

Because of this, Zhou Xianguang, a tactician, didn't think of foxhole tactics for a while. He only remembered it when Li Qingyu reminded him.

Immediately, the two of them formulated a battle plan in a few words.

They let the enemy's vanguard go directly and ignored it. After the vanguard passed, the special brigade moved to the battlefield in the dark and completed the ambush without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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