Chapter 1315 People's War
Although Deng Yuqi likes to brag, he is by no means a guy who can only brag and not do anything. In fact, bragging is just the appearance of this guy. This guy is definitely a rough and fine guy who knows how to weigh things. This is also the reason why he and Acheng Ashin The difference between the two.

What's more, it's not only him who leads the reserve force, but also Liu Jiayi. Liu Jiayi is the first commander of the reserve force. He is a very stable person.

At the beginning, Zhou Xianguang called all the senior officers of the Tianbing to make pre-war deployments. After the meeting, Deng Yuqi and Gu Tianxing discussed and proposed to merge the headquarters of the reserve and militia to form a joint office to facilitate the cooperation of the two sides.

After the two went back, they told Liu Jiayi and Tianye respectively. Liu Jiayi and Tianye also thought it was feasible, so the two headquarters joined forces and issued the combat mobilization orders step by step.

When the peripheral field corps was about to meet the enemy, the headquarters mobilized almost all the people in the base area!

In those days, speeches like this were everywhere in every corner of the base area, villages and villages:

"Fellow folks, our wheat is about to ripen, and we are about to have a bumper harvest. Our land rent this year is less than one-twentieth of what it was in previous years. After paying that little rent, the rest is our own! At that time, our households will be able to fill their warehouses, and we can eat white flour steamed buns with great energy! Think about it for yourself, how many years have you not eaten a meal of white flour steamed buns to your heart's content? What is happiness, this damn is happiness Ah! But the enemy is coming! Not only do they want to rob us of our food, but they will also kill our old people, our children, and our women, let alone our food! What should we do!?”

"Kill them! Kill them!"

"Yes! Kill them! We didn't have an organization before, and if we dared to resist, we would die. But now we have an organization! Our organization is a heavenly soldier! As long as we work together as a rope, we will definitely defeat the officers and soldiers!"

Mobilized by these passionate speeches, the entire base area turned into a steel plate, and the officers and soldiers who came in kicked the steel plate!
The officers and soldiers who had already entered the base area did not know the situation at all. Through the information they received, they knew that the rebels had all pressed to the periphery of the base area, and the inside of the base area was completely empty.Those people who stayed in the base were just lambs waiting for them to be slaughtered!
In order to allow the troops to massacre and plunder more efficiently, after each army entered the base area, they all divided their troops. The troops acted independently in battalion units, and implemented the three-all policy of burning, looting, and killing all base areas!

Shen Weiqiang is a battalion commander in the Shenjia army. The battalion he leads is called the Whirlwind Camp, with a total of more than 400 people.On the first day he led the Whirlwind Battalion to operate independently, he set his sights on an unknown small town. The town was very small, with a radius of only twenty or thirty square kilometers, and the city walls were not high.

He asked people to inquire and found that only 3000 reservists and more than [-] militia were guarding the city.

Shen Weiqiang can understand what the reserve force is. It should be the reserve force, the second-line force. There are also second-line troops for officers and soldiers. The difference between combat effectiveness and the first-line force is not 01:30.

But they don't understand what a militia is!

He didn't take this matter to heart either. From their point of view, no matter what kind of soldiers guarding the city, as long as they are not regular soldiers from heaven, they are nothing to worry about!

His Whirlwind Battalion is the elite troops of the God family, so they can't beat these stragglers?
However, as soon as the battle started, Shen Weiqiang knew that he was wrong, outrageously wrong!
They met the tenacious resistance of those "stragglers", and soon hundreds of corpses of officers and soldiers were left under the city wall!
What made Shen Weiqiang vomit blood even more was that when they were attacking the city, a troop appeared out of nowhere and took over their rear battalion, and their team fell into chaos in an instant.

In desperation, Shen Weiqiang had no choice but to give up the siege and fled in embarrassment. After the First World War, more than 700 people were lost!

After this big loss, Shen Weiqiang didn't dare to attack the city anymore, and launched an attack on a small town the next day!

This idiot didn't know at all, because Zhou Xianguang had long expected that once the enemy army besieged, their periphery would probably be unstoppable, so he had been operating defense for several months.

Under his management, every city, every market town, and even every hill in today's base area is a defensive support point. Not only does it have a relatively complete defense system, but it also has a complete set of support plans.Last time, when Shenwei attacked that small town, the back camp suddenly caught fire, which means he was attacked by reinforcements.

Now he bullied the town even smaller, but when he fought, he was hit again and was beaten to death!
Naturally, the town has no walls. Shen Weiqiang led more than 400 people from the Whirlwind Camp into the town, but they were attacked as soon as they entered the town.

The reserve soldiers who had been prepared for a long time hid on the roof, on the big tree, and kept shooting cold arrows. The officers and soldiers of the Whirlwind Battalion were often shot through the throat or chest by the feather arrows without knowing what was going on!
Some officers and soldiers had their throats cut by a dagger that suddenly protruded from behind the corner as soon as they turned a corner!

How could Shen Weiqiang bear this anger, and ordered the officers and soldiers to chase and intercept the reserve soldiers, but the reserve soldiers, relying on their familiarity with the terrain and agility, circled between the roofs and the streets, or the officers and soldiers behind were very He was about to be thrown off, or the officers and soldiers behind were often chasing after him and were brought into an ambush circle and quickly killed!

After less than a stick of incense passed, Shen Weiqiang couldn't hold on anymore and ordered the troops to retreat, but at this moment he found that they couldn't retreat!The rebels unexpectedly came to reinforce them, blocked all the entrances and exits of the town, and then forcibly blocked them in several relatively wide streets.

Then the rebels did not attack hard, but brought a lot of cattle. The scimitars were already tied to the horns, shining brightly, and firecrackers were tied to the tails.After lighting the firecrackers, the frightened cows rushed desperately towards the enemies blocked in the street!

A mad cow is very scary!

What's terrible is that the officers and soldiers blocked in the street are still very dense, and there is no place to dodge!I could only fight head-on with these crazy cows, but the officers and soldiers were cut open by the sharp knife on the horns and died on the spot!

Battalion Commander Shen Weiqiang was also blocked in a street. At any rate, he was not bad in martial arts. He was already a master of inner strength. When I was in a small town, I counted the number of people, and there were only more than 80 people left!
In just two days, there were only 400 people left in the whirlwind camp of 80 people!Shenwei wanted to cry but had no tears!

What happened to the Whirlwind Camp is not an isolated case, but a common phenomenon. Since the division of troops by the major families, each battalion has been caught in the sea of ​​people's war. Even a humble village can bury them!

They even had the illusion that wherever they went, someone was secretly staring at them, ready to give them a fatal blow!
Just two days later, 80 officers and soldiers lost more than 60, leaving less than [-].

The officers and soldiers headquarters finally realized that the situation was wrong. They began to order the troops to be gathered, strictly forbidding small groups of troops to act alone, and not to attack cities and market towns lightly.
They started to set fires everywhere, not only burning down the houses of the common people, but also plundering the wheat of the common people, and burning what they could not harvest!

(End of this chapter)

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