Chapter 1334 Preparation
Legend has it that in ancient times, evil dragons ravaged the world, made waves, and ate countless people. There were human monks who formed an alliance to kill dragons and fought fiercely above the nine heavens.

Almost all the great monks of the human race gathered in that battle. Every human race could soar through the clouds and the nine heavens, with great supernatural powers and boundless magic power, but that evil dragon was really powerful. All attacks!
The great monk of the human race fought fiercely with that evil dragon for three years and six months before killing the evil dragon!
The body of Nielong fell on a high loess mound with a width of [-] meters in the world, and cut off the high mound abruptly, forming a deep ditch. Later, people called this ditch Nielong ditch.

Originally, this high hill stretched from north to south, hindering traffic. After the Nielong ditch was formed, it was convenient for people to pass. Over time, a relatively wide road was formed inside the Nielong ditch. Although it is not as wide as the official official road, it is still It can also run three war horses in parallel.

Zanlonggou and the high hills on both sides are all loess cliffs. They were originally raw soil and didn't grow much. But since the evil dragon fell here, this land has got the dragon spirit and has become a treasure land of geomantic omen. After many years, all kinds of The vegetation grew lush and lush, and many big trees could even grow to a height of tens of meters. Five or six adults could not hug the trunks with their arms outstretched!

This is where Deng Yuqi wanted to set up an ambush.

Deng Yuqi ordered the troops to silence their flags and drums, and sneaked around without shouting or neighing. After more than two hours, they finally arrived at Zanlonggou.

Although there are earth cliffs on both sides of Zanlonggou, the terrain is very dangerous, and the horses cannot go up. Deng Yuqi ordered people to gather the horses and put them in a secret place, and then led more than 2000 people to climb up the cliffs on both sides with bare hands.

There are lush vegetation everywhere on the earth cliff, which is very easy to hide, but the people are not in a hurry to hide, but start to collect fire starters.They collected many dead branches and leaves, smeared the oil collected from the trunks, and made torches one by one. When the battle started, they threw these torches down to ignite the trees below.

Because the vegetation in the Burial Dragon Valley is also very lush, the 2000 soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Soldiers are hiding on the cliff. No matter whether they throw stones or wood down, they will be blocked by these lush trees that block the sky and the sun. It wouldn't cause too many casualties, so Deng Yuqi's prepared attack method was a fire attack.

Standing on the earth cliff, Deng Yuqi was busy making torches like everyone else, while condescendingly looking down at the road below the cliff, thinking in his heart: "The heavens are spirited, the earth is spirited, and the royal father also manifested. Let's go this way, or I will waste all my arrangements!"

Their ambush this time was completely Jiang Taigong's fishing, and those who wanted to take the bait would naturally be able to kill him if the other party could come. If the other party did not come, they could only treat it as a training exercise.

Deng Yuqi had always been a guy with little patience, but at this moment he could only wait patiently, waiting for news from the scouts.

In order to avoid arousing the enemy's suspicion, Deng Yuqi gave up the strategy of actively leading the enemy to this road, but in order to grasp the enemy's whereabouts, he sent a large number of servants. That way, he will get the news as soon as possible.

If the opponent chooses this side, it is natural to prepare for a fierce battle. If the opponent does not choose this side, they can withdraw the team.

When the sky turned white, Deng Yuqi finally waited for the news from the scouts that the enemy had already rushed towards them and estimated to arrive in half an hour, and the enemy's scouts would arrive soon!
Deng Yuqi jumped up excitedly, asked the scouts to investigate and report again, and at the same time ordered everyone to stop making torches and pine trees, and take cover immediately!

A group of people quickly found a suitable hiding place. Deng Yuqi checked it himself and found no flaws before taking cover himself.

Not long after everyone had been hiding, an enemy scout team climbed up the cliff with bare hands and began to search carefully in the forest. Unfortunately, because the trees here are dense, it is easy to hide, and the soldiers of the heavenly soldiers were well prepared, so the enemy scouts In the end, the team found no problem. The leader of the scout team ordered one person to go back and deliver the message. Two people stayed to continue observing, and the remaining dozen people continued to investigate.

After the scouts who went back to deliver the letter had gone away, Deng Yuqi came out of his hiding place like a ghost, touched the backs of the two scouts who had stayed behind to watch the wind, and killed them with a single strike.

Almost all the scouts in the army are masters, at least they are masters of transformation, but their strength is still much worse than that of Deng Yuqi.

At that moment, Deng Yuqi personally led the soldiers to carry the fire starters that had been prepared to the edge of the earth cliff, and said loudly: "Everyone listen carefully, when you throw the fire starters down later, you are all right." Throw those dry trees, if you can’t find dry trees, look for those oily trees, don’t throw them on those broad-leaved trees, those things are not easy to catch fire, do you understand?”



"Boss, don't worry, if we don't burn them into roast suckling pigs this time, this battle will be for nothing!"

Everyone agreed.

"Boss, let's fight later, don't we really block the two ends? If they are fast enough, they can escape. If they run away, what a pity?" The leader said somewhat unwillingly.

These leaders originally thought that after the battle started, Deng Yuqi would definitely order the two ends of the Zanlonggou to be sealed first, and someone would close the door and beat the dog. Unexpectedly, Deng Yuqi did not agree with everyone's suggestion, and only asked to burn the Zanlonggou, but it is not allowed to block it ends.

Deng Yuqi looked up into the distance, and said unwillingly: "I also know that doing this will let many enemies go, but we have no choice. After all, our number is too small. The most important thing is that we have too few Profound Realm warriors. And the enemy's army is likely to have a large number of Xuanjing warriors accompanying the army. If we block both ends, close the door and beat the dog, they will fight us desperately, even if we pay a huge price, we may not be able to stop them. If we It's okay to have reinforcements, but I have already contacted the various ministries just now, and they are also chasing their targets, and they are far away from our side. Not to mention that they can't allocate troops to support us, even if they can, I'm afraid they won't be able to do so in time We are here! We can only rely on ourselves in this battle!"

Deng Yuqi may seem impulsive, but he is definitely not a reckless man. He will never take the lives of his brothers for unnecessary sacrifices.

(End of this chapter)

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