Chapter 1346
Xie Yuanyuan is a standard scheming girl, she can use her little thoughts in almost every little detail.

Now the sphere of influence of the rebel army is renamed as the state, and the name of the state is chosen by oneself. Most of them are named after their own rebel army. For example, the sphere of influence controlled by Xie Yuanyuan's Tu Tianjun is named Tu Tianzhou. In addition, there are Fumo State and Tianhua State. Wait for all kinds of names.

These states are large and small, some have large populations, and some have small populations. In order to allow each state, regardless of size, to have an equal say, each state elects an average of two people to participate in this meeting.

Of course, Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang attended the meeting on the Tianbing side.Everyone knew that among the Heavenly Soldiers, although Li Qingyu was the most powerful in terms of combat effectiveness, the commander-in-chief had always been Zhou Xianguang, and Li Qingyu was only the chief of staff.

In other words, Zhou Xianguang is the first leader of the Heavenly Soldiers.

Now that Xie Yuanyuan is talking to Tianbing as the newly elected president, it is appropriate to talk to Zhou Xianguang, but she just bypassed Zhou Xianguang and discussed with Li Qingyu.

In her mind, doing this by herself would definitely cause Zhou Xianguang's dissatisfaction with Li Qingyu.

As long as it can make Li Qingyu feel uncomfortable and disunity within the Heavenly Soldiers, this woman will not let go of even the smallest chance.

This poor woman didn't know that the relationship between Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang could be provoked by a small-minded woman like her with such a trick?
At that moment, Xie Yuanyuan smiled and said to Li Qingyu: "Boss Li, do you know what is the biggest feeling since our representatives came to Xiangyun City?"

Li Qingyu felt that there was something in Xie Yuanyuan's words. If he didn't answer well, he might be led into the ditch by this scheming woman, so he just shook his head and smiled and said, "I'm not a roundworm in the belly of the representatives. How do I know how you feel? ?”

"Our biggest feeling is unfairness." Xie Yuanyuan said, looking straight at Li Qingyu.

Li Qingyu thought that Xie Yuanyuan and the others had seen something unreasonable, and believed that the system in Tianbing's jurisdiction was unfair, so he said: "If you see something unfair, please explain it clearly. We will definitely improve it immediately. Everyone knows , Tianbing’s regime has just been established, and there must be many unsatisfactory places.”

Xie Yuanyuan shook her head and said, "Captain Li misunderstood me. I'm not saying that the internal system of Tianbing is unfair, but that Tianbing is unfair to us."

"Come on, this woman is about to start to criticize!" Li Qingyu immediately thought to himself, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, he just smiled and said: "I don't understand what your Excellency said, how can our heavenly soldiers treat everyone Is it unfair? What happened?"

"Since we came to Xiangyun City, we have seen the rich life of the people here. To be honest, those ordinary people live better than us leaders! How can this be considered fair?" Xie Yuanyuan laughed.

When her voice fell to the ground, other representatives immediately echoed:
"Yes, yes, it's not fair!"

"We have all established a federal government, and we are all under the administration of one president. How can we let them live a rich life while we have to live a poor life? How can we allow such injustice?"

"We admit that Tianbing's current good life is due to their bloody battles, but the credit can't be put on Tianbing, right? The defeat of the 36 big families is the credit of all our rebels. If we didn't risk our lives to fight against the officers and soldiers, it would be great Containing the strength of the officers and soldiers, not to mention the affluent life of the heavenly soldiers, I am afraid that they have been wiped out by the officers and soldiers a long time ago!"

"That's right, that's right, since the defeat of the officers and soldiers is everyone's credit, the bonus can't be left to the people of the Heavenly Soldiers to enjoy alone..."

Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang sat together, listening to everyone's remarks, they couldn't help looking at each other and smiling wryly. They had expected that after Xie Yuanyuan became president, she might act like a monster and coerce other rebels to counterattack against the heavenly soldiers, but they didn't expect that she would come up with the idea Such a shameless question.

Zhou Xianguang knocked on the table to prevent everyone from continuing to discuss, and if they were allowed to continue discussing, it would become a denunciation meeting against the Heavenly Soldiers.

"Everyone, what you say is unreasonable, right? I admit that the confrontation between the rebels and the official army restrained the huge strength of the officers and soldiers, but you can't deny that our heavenly soldiers restrained more officers and soldiers, right? If it weren't for our restraint , I am afraid that your rebel army will not be able to develop to the current scale, and persist until the final victory?" Zhou Xianguang said with a sneer.

Xie Yuanyuan clapped her hands lightly, and said with a smile: "Leader Zhou is right. Of course, we will not deny the contribution of the heavenly soldiers against the officers and soldiers, but the problem now is that we have all fought against the heavenly soldiers before, and we have also paid countless blood and lives. We won the final victory, but the fruits we got were different.”

"Yes, it's different! In our Fumo State, there are still countless people who can't eat or wear clothes. They will starve to death or freeze to death. They also made contributions to fighting against the officers and soldiers. They should also Enjoy the fruits of victory! Otherwise it will be unfair to them!" The leader with a big bald head who once drank with Wu Youxin said in a low voice.

Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang couldn't help but secretly scolded each other for being shameless.

In the cruel war years, everyone risked their lives to fight to save their own lives and property.You didn't keep your own things, but you have to blame the Heavenly Soldiers?Is there such a reason in the world?

If this reason is true, then the Heavenly Soldiers have lost a lot in the past wars, so don't you also want to push the responsibility on your head and ask you to make up for it?

However, Zhou Xianguang did not intend to argue with them, but said: "Actually, we have heard about the situation in your jurisdiction, so we proposed a plan for free trade. As long as the trade starts, the grain and various production materials on our side will be reduced." It can be sent to your jurisdiction, and the shortage of clothing and food for the people in your jurisdiction can be slightly alleviated."

"But what you propose is free trade. In the final analysis, we still have to spend money to buy your things, not to mention that we can't afford the money at all now, even if we can afford the money, let us buy these things. Is it fair? After all, there are food and clothes in Tianbing’s jurisdiction, and we are also credited. We should have a share of these things. If we spend money to buy things now, don’t we use our own money to buy our own things?” Big The bald leader stared wide-eyed, looked at Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang and said.

Li Qingyu laughed angrily, and said: "What do you mean, let us take out all the food and share it equally?"

He and Zhou Xianguang have already fully understood what these people mean, they are here to beat the local tyrants and eat the rich!
Today's Tianbing is indeed a big family in Lingxu Realm, but it is definitely not a big family that is eaten casually. Xie Yuanyuan wants to take the property of Tianbing with everyone, and they will never agree!
(End of this chapter)

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