Chapter 1350 Live Streaming
A monk who has stepped into the Golden Core Realm is a real cultivator, who can possess all kinds of magical abilities. Now Li Qingyu can rely on spells to broadcast a live battle for everyone!
Xie Yuanyuan thought that it was a secret that she sent an army of 10 to join the [-] demon army to attack the Fifth Field Corps of the Heavenly Soldiers, but she didn't know that everything she did was under the surveillance of the Tianbing intelligence personnel.

When their 20 troops entered the preset position, a certain unit of the Fifth Corps of Heavenly Soldiers was ready. With Long Fei's order, the [-] troops immediately took the initiative to attack!

At this moment, these rebel leaders watched the live broadcast in front of them, and their brains were buzzing. They were shocked not only by Li Qingyu's magic skills, but also by the battle scene on the water screen!

At first they only saw two groups of people fighting on the water curtain, but they were a little confused about who was fighting, but after a while, they recognized that one group of people was the heavenly soldiers, while the other group of people was clearly It is the coalition of Tu Tianbing and Fumo Army!

What shocked them the most was that although Tu Tianbing and Fumo Army had a large number of people, they were no match for Tianbing at all!

I saw that at the moment when the front lines of the two sides collided, the front line of the Heavenly Soldiers was like the sharpest knife, splitting the Tu Tianjun and Fu Mojun in an instant, dividing them into several small pieces, and eating them one by one easily!
The Heavenly Soldiers' troops not only showed a strong ability to cooperate, but also their individual combat abilities were super invincible, as if every soldier was a warrior of the Xuan Realm!
Facing the joint attack of the Tutian Army and the Fumo Army, the Heavenly Soldiers didn't seem to be fighting, but more like they were practicing, and they easily eliminated the enemy!

The leaders of the rebel army in the conference room felt their hearts rise to their throats, and their palms were full of sweat!
In the past war years, although these rebel leaders have heard of the reputation of the Heavenly Soldiers more than once, and know that the Heavenly Soldiers can fight, but after all, they have not experienced the sharpness of the Heavenly Soldiers directly, and today they have seen it!
Xie Yuanyuan's eyes widened, but a momentary blankness appeared in her head!

Naturally, she had heard more than once that the Heavenly Soldiers were powerful, but in her heart, she always thought that the reason why the Heavenly Soldiers were so powerful was because of the officers and soldiers.

When Tu Tianjun fought with the officers and soldiers, he could often show absolute strength!

Therefore, in Xie Yuanyuan's view, the combat effectiveness of Tianbing and Tu Tianbing should be similar. Even if Tianbing is slightly stronger, it should not be too much stronger.Using a 20 army combined with a [-] army from the Fumo Army, a total of [-] troops besieged [-] heavenly soldiers. It should be easy to capture and a success!

Never thought that things completely exceeded her expectations!

Her troops were completely vulnerable to the heavenly soldiers, and were wiped out by the heavenly soldiers. Those who surrendered surrendered, those who ran away fled, and those who were killed were killed!

Xie Yuanyuan seemed to be able to clearly feel the strength and invincibility of the heavenly soldiers through the water curtain!

Only half an hour passed, and the battle was over!
Tu Tianbing and Fumo Army were completely defeated!
Heavenly Soldiers win!

The picture on the water curtain freezes, the heavenly soldiers form an army formation, the banners are fluttering, and the wind is hunting. The soldiers are brightly armored and full of energy. They are all looking forward with burning eyes, as if they are looking out of the water curtain. These rebel leaders!

The hearts of these rebel leaders have sunk to the bottom, they have realized that the combat effectiveness of their troops is not at the same level as that of the Heavenly Soldiers!Heavenly Soldiers have the strength to crush them!

After the officers and soldiers were defeated, the Heavenly Soldiers did not take advantage of the trend to attack them, these rebels, and completely unified the world. It was really for the sake of the common people in the world, and they did not want to die again!If the Heavenly Soldiers wanted to beat them, they would probably be wiped out in less than two years!
With such a powerful force, Tianbing also proposed to establish a federal government to maintain the territory of other rebels and defend the right of other rebels to speak. Moreover, they were honest and well-behaved from beginning to end in the process of running for president, and they did not use any tricks, even Xie Yuanyuan got the presidency by playing tricks, and Tianbing didn't say anything else, and fully supported Xie Yuanyuan. These are enough to show that Tianbing really doesn't want to fight anymore, and he never thought of swallowing other rebels!

Everything was caused by mediocrity, and then I fell into the trap of Xie Yuanyuan, a scheming woman, and was tricked into her thief ship, and actually went against the heavenly soldiers, what an idiot!
Li Qingyu was very satisfied with the shocking effect brought by the live broadcast. With a wave of his hand, the water curtain standing in front of everyone suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of water.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "Everyone, do you still think that our Heavenly Soldiers' territory should be split up?"

A group of leaders looked at each other in the lead, and then someone said with a sneer: "Hehe, Chief Li is serious. We were confused just now, so we came up with such a stupid idea. Now that we have figured it out, it is good for Lingxu Realm to maintain the status quo !"

"Yes, yes, it is good to maintain the status quo of the Tianbing's territory!"

"During the years of war, the people under the rule of the Heavenly Soldiers suffered so many crimes. Now they have won with great difficulty. It is time to enjoy the fruits of victory. They follow the Heavenly Soldiers to eat well and dress well, but if they followed us, we would not be so It’s a big deal to let them live the same life, if their standard of living drops, why don’t they raise the flag to rebel?”

"Yes, yes, I have figured it out now. If Chief Zhou and Chief Li plan to give me the territory of the Heavenly Soldiers, they will completely harm me!"

Li Qingyu and Zhou Xianguang looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, amused in their hearts, the guys in front of them are really chameleons, they can change course fast enough!
Xie Yuanyuan was a little angry, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't be confused by the picture you saw just now! This is just a magic trick performed by Li Qingyu, a trick to scare people! It is definitely not true! The battle is a few meters away. Hundreds of miles away, how does Li Qingyu know the battle process? Let everyone see it clearly? This is impossible! Maybe the Fifth Corps of Tianbing has been killed by Tu Tianjun at this moment! If you can't let Tianbing hand over part of the territory today, sooner or later One day it will be annexed by the Heavenly Soldiers!"

A group of leaders of the rebel army murmured in their hearts: "Whether Li Qingyu is using deception or not, how do we know? What if it is not deception? If what I see is not deception, whoever opposes the heavenly soldiers is a brain-dead!"

The horse leader with a horse face immediately laughed and said: "Hehe, thank you leader, you don't need to say more, I have already decided that I will only do business with the heavenly soldiers in the future, and cooperate well to maintain the peace of Lingxu Realm, so that everyone The common people live a good life. Absolutely do not compete with the Heavenly Soldiers for territory!"

"That's right, the common people are tired of the war, now it's the right way for the common people to recuperate..."

"I've made up my mind. From now on, only the Heavenly Soldiers will follow! We Ziguang Prefecture will do what the Heavenly Soldiers say!"

"Our state is also..."

Everyone agrees!

Xie Yuanyuan suddenly felt that her head was about to explode!

Enraged, she pulled out her sword in an instant, and slashed out with a sword!
(End of this chapter)

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