Chapter 1362 Soul Split
"The solution lies in the space I entered by mistake when I reopened the space channel." Niu Dahuang said.

"What do you mean? Tell me in detail." Li Qingyu said in a daze.

"I still don't understand what is going on in that space. It is very real, so real that it is exactly the same as the first space, including characters and scenery, but if that space is real, the space we are familiar with is also What's going on? Which one is real and fake?" Niu Dahuang said with emotion.

"Scientists in the first space have a saying about this, it's called twin spaces. Let's not talk about this, let's talk about your method first." Li Qingyu said.

"The old princes and the others have lost their souls. We only need to go to that space to find the four of them, bring their four souls back, and send them into their bodies in front of us. The four of them should be able to recover. But if we really want to To do this, you and the two princesses must overcome two psychological barriers."

The old prince in Niu Dahuang's mouth naturally refers to Li Guorui.

In fact, when he came to Earth for the first time, he was looking for Li Guorui, and finally found Li Qingyu who had opened the Star Lord's bloodline.

Although Li Guorui didn't open the bloodline, and lost the opportunity to open the bloodline, but he is the son of the old Star Lord, the father of the young Star Lord, and he is also a prince.

Niu Dahuang glanced at sisters Li Qingyu and Lin Jingya, and continued: "The two psychological barriers I mentioned are soul taking. After we take away the souls of the four people in another dimension, the four people in the other dimension will inevitably They have become the same as the four people in front of us. Even if they are alive, they are still zombies. Not to mention that the four people in another dimension have the same appearance and the same soul as the four people in front of us. Even if they are just strangers, we are hurting innocent people. It’s against morality.”

"The second psychological level is the resurrection. Although the four people in another dimension are exactly the same as the four people in front of them, with the same body and the same soul, they are different individuals after all, sending their souls into the bodies of the four people in front of them. Basically, they have another person's soul, can you accept it?"

Niu Dahuang originally thought that these were two difficult problems to solve. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Li Qingyu laughed and said, "These two problems are not problems."

"Huh? Young Star Master has overcome these two psychological barriers? Are you willing to let the four people in another dimension become walking dead?" Niu Dahuang asked in surprise.

Based on his understanding of Li Qingyu, Li Qingyu is not a cruel and merciless person. Could it be that in order to save the four people in front of him, he would not hesitate to hurt other people's lives?

Strictly speaking, these two psychological relationships are contradictory. If the three of Li Qingyu accept four people from another dimension as their parents, how can they bear to do anything to them and make them become walking dead in another dimension?

This is an ethical paradox. If you are a ruthless person, you will naturally not think too much about it, and you will do everything according to your heart, but it is difficult for a person with correct three views to choose.

Li Qingyu waved his hand at him and said, "It's not like this. We don't need to turn the four people in another dimension into walking dead."

"Huh? Why?" Niu Rhubarb cast his eyes on sister Lin Jingya, and found that Lin Jingya was also smiling, obviously they also knew the way.

"I know a master ghost cultivator. He has a secret method that can fill incomplete souls. Therefore, we don't have to take all their souls away. We only need to take away one soul and one soul. Is there a way for Commander Niu to just take away their souls?" Take their souls?" Li Qingyu laughed.

Niu Dahuang immediately understood what Li Qingyu meant.

When they went to that weird space, they took the ghost cultivator with them and took one soul from Li Guorui and the others in another space. Then they asked the ghost cultivator to complete the souls of Li Guorui and the others in another space. The four Li Guorui will not be harmed, they will still be the same.

And after they returned with one soul and one soul, they put them into the bodies of the four people in front of Li Guorui, and the ghost cultivator made another move to complete the souls of the four people in front of them, and the four people in front of them could also wake up completely and return to their original appearance .

This is actually the splitting of the soul like cell division, except that the cells can live after cell division, but the soul must die after separation.If the split souls can be restored to three souls and seven souls, all problems will be easily solved.

After thinking about this, Niu Dahuang was also overjoyed, and said: "Haha, this is the best. I never thought that there is such a miraculous cultivation method here. I really want to meet this strange person right now!"

Immediately, Li Qingyu immediately went to ask the ghost Xiu Yu Yunguang.

Yu Yunguang was also the monk Li Qingyu rescued from the steel prison back then. When he was first rescued, his cultivation base was useless and his physical condition was also very poor.Later, he followed the others to the Death Forest. With the help of the rich aura of the Death Forest and Li Ruitong's supply of spirit pills regardless of the cost, he, like other masters of the profound realm, recovered seven years of cultivation in a very short period of time. Seven or eight.

Later, he went to the first base of the Heavenly Soldiers together with other Profound Realm masters, joined the Fourth Field Corps of the Heavenly Soldiers, and made great contributions in the war against the 36 big families.

Li Qingyu also found him once, and asked him for advice on how to completely wake up his parents and Xiaoya's parents. Can't do it.

Cell division also requires a mother cell.

As long as Li Guorui has a soul and a soul, his soul-raising technique will be useful.

Yu Yunguang, like other Profound Realm masters, left the army after the war against the 36 major families and came to the Death Forest to practice. Now he is no longer a Profound Realm fighter, but a real monk with Nascent Soul Dacheng!

But these days, Yu Yunguang happened to be away from the Death Forest, and went out to visit friends, and it would take about three or four days to return to the Death Forest.

When someone went to invite Yu Yunguang, Niu Dahuang stretched out his hand, and there was a huge light yellow gourd in his hand. He handed it to Li Qingyu and said: "Young Star Master, there are a hundred pills in this gourd, which can help build the foundation." The Dzogchen monks condensed the golden elixir, which was originally prepared for the Young Star Master. Now the young star master no longer needs it, but it can be given to others to help them break through the foundation building realm and enter the golden elixir realm. As long as they can enter the golden elixir realm. , you can return to the Demon Star with us and become our backbone fighting force! This elixir is extremely precious, and we spent a lot of effort to collect a hundred of them."

Li Qingyu took the gourd, unplugged the mouth of the gourd, poured out a elixir and observed it carefully in the palm of his hand. He found that the elixir was the size of a peanut, vermilion all over, and exuded a faint fragrance.

With a shake of his wrist, the pill in his palm flew into his mouth.

Niu Dahuang was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Hey, alas..."

Li Qingyu was in front of him. If it were someone else, Niu Dahuang might have been struck by a thunderbolt long ago!
Li Qingyu is already a strong man in the Hedao realm, and this kind of condensing pill has no effect on him.

He swallowed this elixir, completely reckless!

(End of this chapter)

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