A master of comprehension will take you to fly

Chapter 1410 Great Immortal Venerable's Worries

Chapter 1410 Great Immortal Venerable's Worries
The scene on the blood cell is completed.

Everyone fell silent.

In the end, Xiang Chujian broke the silence and said: "It seems that our previous judgment is completely correct. There is indeed a star gate on Guangming Island. This young star master named Li Qingyu must have come through the star gate."

"But where did they come from?" Gao Shengbo asked, frowning.

Xiang Chujian shook his head and said, "We don't know this. Although our fairy world claims to monitor the entire universe, we actually don't understand many planets. The one we had the closest connection with before was the Demon Star."

"No matter which planet they come from, it must be a terrifying planet. The troops he trained are really terrifying! I'm afraid they will be the king's teacher even if they are placed in our fairy world!"

"I just don't know if they will have more people coming to Omen Star?"

"Probably not? Even if there is, the soldiers and horses coming again will definitely not be so powerful. After all, Li Qingyu is the star master, and the troops he leads must be the most powerful."

"I agree with this point of view. After all, to build such a king's army, I don't know how much resources will be consumed! I'm afraid no planet can support the consumption of two such troops."

After everyone discussed for a while, Gao Shengbo suddenly asked Xiang Chujian: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, what should we do next? Under normal circumstances, after the Demon Army wins, it will definitely not continue to defend Guangming Island. He will definitely attack the city and regain the lost territory. Then should we eliminate Li Qingyu and his ace army first, or should we continue to attack Guangming Island and destroy the Star Gate?"

"Of course, Li Qingyu should be eliminated first. Li Qingyu is the young star master, and he is actually the star master now. He is the core of the Heavenly Demon Army! Now that I think about it, the reason why the Heavenly Demon Army is holding on to Guangming Island is because they have Li Qingyu as their spirit." Pillar. As long as we kill Li Qingyu, even if the Star Gate is still there, it will not pose much threat to us. But if Li Qingyu is not dead, he may gradually compress our living space, and maybe drive us back to the fairyland in the end." someone said.

Nodding to Chu Jian, he said: "I agree to kill Li Qingyu first. But to kill Li Qingyu, it is impossible to rely on the soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Army. Their combat effectiveness is too weak. It may be counterproductive. Therefore, we must recruit immortals from all over the country to form an army composed of immortals, and fight Li Qingyu! And we must choose the place for the decisive battle and take the initiative on the battlefield. If If the battlefield is not chosen well, we will fall into the difficult situation of being led by the nose by the enemy."

Waving to Chu Jian, the eyes of the crowd flickered, and a huge model of the planet appeared in front of them. It was the model of the Omen Star, exactly the same as the Omen Star, only shrunk.

The densely populated and important cities on Omen Star are all marked on the model, and they shine brightly. Different colors of light represent different levels of cities.

Gao Shengbo looked at the model in front of him and said, "I feel that Yonghui City can be the place for the decisive battle. After the Heavenly Demon Army wins, they will definitely take advantage of the situation and attack the city. The defenders of these cities are much worse than the troops of fellow Daoist Wu Fenglou. Even the troops of Fellow Daoist Wu Fenglou are no match for Li Qingyu's troops, and these cities are even more difficult to defend. And it takes time for us to mobilize manpower, and we cannot give them support. Therefore, we can only give up a few cities as a buffer. We will fight decisively The location is chosen in Yonghui City, and the defense can be completed before Li Qingyu attacks."

Xiang Chujian shook his head and said: "Your idea is correct, but you still underestimated the fighting strength of Li Qingyu's demon army and the speed of their attack. I think Yonghui City is not safe. We should move the first A line of defense is set up in Asami Castle."

"It will take about ten days for us to assemble the immortal army from all over the place, and then rehearse. There are five large cities between Guangming Island and Qianming City. Can Li Qingyu really win five cities in ten days?"

"Yeah, did Fellow Daoist Xiang overestimate their combat power?"

Xiang Chujian sighed slightly, and said: "I hope I overestimated their combat power, but if we leave one more city free, we will have more time. We can set up a large formation on the wall of Qianming City. Let the city walls of Guangming City be like the Great Wall of Demon Dao, suppressing the enemy's realm, making them unable to fly, and can only climb the walls obediently. It is not a problem to lose a few cities temporarily, as long as the decisive battle is won, we can still easily take them back!"

"Okay, then follow the arrangement of Fellow Daoist." Gao Shengbo said.

He nodded to Chu Jian, and said to Gao Shengbo: "Fellow Daoist Gao, you will lead the team personally this time. In addition, Fellow Daoist Chu Minghui, you will assist Fellow Daoist Gao to go there."

Gao Shengbo had a look of worry on his face, and said, "After the two of us leave, there will only be five of you left in the Heavenly Demon Palace. Will there be any problems with the Immortal Passage?"

The seven of them did not go to conquer Guangming Island with Wu Fenglou. They did not stay in the Tianmo Palace to be lazy, but to suppress the Tianmo Palace and protect the unimpeded passage of immortals.

The Heavenly Demon Palace was built by the first generation of Heavenly Demon Star Lords by burning their own bodies and spirits. It is not only the palace for the descendants of Heavenly Demon Star Lords, but also suppresses the passages of immortals and mortals, separating the two worlds of immortals and mortals.

The fairy world spent countless years and used intrigues. Although the immortal passage was finally opened, if they did not send special immortals to suppress the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Heavenly Demon Palace would gradually suppress the immortal passage again!

Before the Seven Great Immortals joined forces to suppress the Heavenly Demon Palace, it was naturally relatively easy and there would be no problems. However, after Gao Shengbo and Chu Minghui left, it would be more difficult for the remaining five to suppress the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"Do you want to send someone back to the Immortal Realm to report this matter to the Immortal Emperor. Ask for support?" Chu Minghui also asked worriedly.

But Xiang Chujian waved his hand and said: "The seven of us suppressing the Heavenly Demon Palace are just a little more difficult, but there shouldn't be any problems. Therefore, it is better not to report to the Immortal Emperor for the time being. If we report to the Immortal Emperor, we will definitely fail." A charge of misbehavior..."

Everyone agreed and began to formulate a detailed action plan.

These guys didn't know that although they had already attached great importance to the combat effectiveness of Li Qingyu's troops, they finally miscalculated!

The feeding speed of the Heavenly Soldiers finally exceeded their expectations!
Li Qingyu led the army straight to the coastal city, and arrived in only two days!

Although the city wall of Jinhai City is tall, it cannot suppress the realm of the heavenly soldiers like the Great Wall of Demon Dao, preventing the heavenly soldiers from flying, so they can only obediently climb the walls to attack the city!
In this way, although the city wall is tall, it cannot stop the heavenly soldiers!
Li Qingyu flew directly to the city wall with the Heavenly Soldiers!
Almost all the remaining troops in Guangming City were natives of the Omen Star. Seeing the divine soldiers descending from the sky, the leader was the Young Star Master of the Omen Star. They had no chance of winning, so they immediately knelt down and disarmed—surrendered!

In the end, the Heavenly Soldiers took the near sea city almost without bloodshed!

And this was just the beginning, within the next ten days, they won six cities in one go!
The last city to win was Qianming City!
Wherever the army of heavenly soldiers passed, it would be destroyed and invincible!
(End of this chapter)

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