A master of comprehension will take you to fly

Chapter 297 It's over, there's really something wrong with my head

Chapter 297 It's over, there's really something wrong with my head

Li Qingyu could tell that Lu Yan didn't believe in his medical skills, but he didn't explain anything. He just asked casually: "Why is it impossible?"

"Not to mention that my aunt is 51 years old. Even if there is a possibility of pregnancy in theory, it is still very dangerous. In my uncle's case, it is impossible to cure it!" Lu Yan said excitedly.

He felt that Li Qingyu was too ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth. He really thought that if he cured his uncle's silicosis, he would be able to cure all diseases? !

"Why is it impossible?" Li Qingyu repeated, but the content of the question has changed.

"My uncle's condition is that the functional area of ​​the brain is damaged, which leads to endocrine disorders. The only way to cure it is to restore the function of the damaged functional area of ​​the brain! But under the current medical conditions, this is impossible! There is basically no cure! Acupuncture and moxibustion It's even more impossible to cure it!" Lu Yan looked at Li Qingyu and said.

Lu Yan knew that his aunt and uncle's biggest wish was to have a child, so he paid close attention to this matter. He also knew Wang Longxiang's condition very well and consulted many famous doctors, but the answers he got were that there was no cure!

"Your uncle's silicosis was incurable before, but now I have cured it." Li Qingyu said lightly.

Lu Yan suddenly sneered, and said, "Doctor Li, how did my uncle's silicosis be cured? Don't let me explain too clearly? That would not be good for your face!"

Lu Yan didn't want to express his judgment at first, to save Li Qingyu's face, but now, in order to prevent Li Qingyu from treating his uncle as a guinea pig, he didn't care so much.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Longxiang shouted sharply: "Lu Yan! Shut up! I really think that I am the attending doctor of the county hospital for one person, so I can't do it anymore? Let me tell you, in front of Dr. Li, you You are not even worthy of carrying his shoes! You are here to learn from Miracle Doctor Li with an open mind, not to question maliciously!"

"Lu Yan, sit down! Don't say a few words!" Aunt Wang also whispered to her nephew, regretting constantly in her heart, if she had known this, she would not have let him come.

"No! Uncle, aunt, this is related to your health, I have to say something! Dr. Li cured my uncle's silicosis, but..."

Lu Yan suddenly raised his head to look at Li Qingyu, and continued: "Li Qingyu, feel your conscience and say that you really cured my uncle's illness by yourself? Didn't Mr. Sun give you advice behind the scenes? Or Mr. Sun already has treatment What’s the prescription for silicosis? Are you just using it to draw a scoop on a gourd?"

"Lu Yan! You've gone too far! Get out of here immediately!" Wang Longxiang slapped the table with his veins throbbing on his forehead, and shouted sharply.The teacup on the table jumped so high that it almost gurgled to the ground.

Then he said to Li Qingyu: "Miraculous doctor Li, don't listen to him, I believe in you. You give me acupuncture immediately. Even if it really fails, I don't blame you! Without you, I would have reported to Marx. arrive!"

Li Qingyu nodded at Wang Longxiang and said coldly to Lu Yan: "Doctor Lu, your words make me very angry. But since you are Uncle Wang's nephew and you are doing it for his own good, I won't argue with you. I don’t want to explain it to you, because I don’t have the obligation. But I want to tell you, don’t let your inherent experience and books shackle your thinking!”

Lu Yan still wanted to speak, but was stopped by his aunt's stern voice.He had no choice but to sit down angrily, glared at Li Qingyu fiercely, and thought about how to stop him.

Li Guorui and his wife wanted to persuade Li Qingyu to give up, but they hesitated and did not say anything. If their son really gave up, wouldn't it prove that his son really had a false reputation?
Most importantly, they believed in their sons!
At this time, Li Qingyu had already walked behind Wang Longxiang, and said, "Uncle Wang, in order to prevent you from moving around, I will seal your soft numbness point, and your body will not be able to move for a period of time. Don't be nervous, it will be fine in a while." .”

As Li Qingyu spoke, he reached out and tapped Wang Longxiang's chest. Wang Longxiang suddenly felt sore and numb all over his body and had no strength at all. He was conscious but could not move his body.

Then, Li Qingyu shook his right hand, and the golden needle wrapped around the ring finger of his right hand had fallen into his hand.

He wants to stimulate Wang Xianglong's damaged brain area, which is different from opening up the meridians, which is an extensive job, not only does it not use golden needles, but also does not need to release the spiritual consciousness.

Now Li Qingyu not only needs to use the golden needle, but also needs to lock it with his spiritual consciousness!
Fortunately, the time he spent creating the illusion for Cai Yongwei this morning was not long, only more than 20 minutes. When he saw his parents being beaten before, it only took less than 2 minutes for his spiritual consciousness to scan their bodies, so now his spiritual consciousness It can also be played outside for nearly 8 minutes, which is enough.

Li Qingyu twirled the plum blossom ring surface at the tail of the golden needle with his right hand, and gently stroked it from the tail of the golden needle to the tip of the needle with his left hand. His fingers were surrounded by zhenqi, and the golden needle had been sterilized. At the same time, the soft golden needle suddenly became straight, and the needle tip trembled. Make a crisp humming sound.

Everyone’s eyes immediately widened!

Even Lu Yan opened his mouth and eyes wide open, speechless!
The soft golden thread becomes straight with just one stroke!What is this technique?Magic?
At this moment, Li Qingyu had already inserted the tip of the needle into Wang Longxiang's Shenting acupoint. At first, only one tip went in, and then with Li Qingyu's movements, there were fewer and fewer golden needles exposed outside!

Lu Yan suddenly realized that this bastard Li Qingyu didn't even sterilize the golden needle, but he actually pierced the golden needle into his uncle's brain!

This is not healing, this is killing!

But now that Li Qingyu had pierced the golden needle deeply into his uncle's brain, it was too late for him to stop Li Qingyu!If you make a loud noise and disturb Li Qingyu, maybe your uncle will die immediately!
He could only stare at Li Qingyu viciously, watched him continue to send golden needles into his uncle's brain, and at the same time kept praying in his heart that his uncle was safe!

However, Li Qingyu directly ignored Lu Yan's gaze. He concentrated his attention on locking the golden needle and the lesion, and did not dare to be sloppy at all!
There was silence in the room!Everyone's heart was in their throats, as if it would jump out at any moment!
They have seen acupuncture, but they have never seen acupuncture like Li Qingyu's method!All the nearly one-foot-long golden needles pierced into Wang Longxiang's brain, which was really terrifying!
As long as Li Qingyu trembles, or if there is a slight mistake, Wang Longxiang will have to confess his life, right?

Aunt Wang's complexion changed, and even her confidence in Li Qingyu was shaken!
Watching Li Qingyu's treatment is simply a kind of torment!No one knows if something will happen next moment!Everyone is praying from the bottom of their hearts that everything goes well!
Fortunately, this process didn't last long. About 10 minutes later, Li Qingyu withdrew the gold needle. After sanitizing his true energy, he flicked his hand and wrapped it around his right ring finger again, turning it into a gemstone ring .

Then, Li Qingyu untied Wang Longxiang's soft hemp acupoint, and asked him to get up and take two steps to activate the qi and blood that had been sealed up just now.

Lu Yan immediately rushed to Wang Longxiang's side, supported him, and asked nervously, "Uncle, are you alright?"

But Wang Longxiang pushed him away and shouted: "Go away! What can I do?"

As he spoke, he stood up, walked a few steps on the ground easily, and said excitedly: "Miracle doctor Xiao Li's medical skills are simply superb! I feel like my brain is much clearer now than before! Many things that I forgot before, I remembered it all! Comrade Bethune is a member of the Communist Party of Canada. He is over 50 years old. In order to help China's Anti-Japanese War, he was dispatched by the Communist Party of Canada and the Communist Party of the United States and traveled thousands of miles. come to China……"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

It was agreed to cure the disease, why did it suddenly change the channel?What rhythm is this?
It's over, it's over!There is really something wrong with my brain!
(End of this chapter)

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