Chapter 30 Apprenticeship
As night falls, the lights are on.

In a clean home-cooked restaurant, Li Qingyu and Sun Jianzhang, the old and the young, sat on both sides of a table. Four dishes and one soup were already placed on the table, all of which were vegetarian dishes, and there was no meat dish.

Li Qingyu took the initiative to order the dishes, and he now knows that Sun Jianzhang is a super talented person in Jinjiao University.Since he is a super person, he must have had enough delicacies from mountains and seas, big fish and meat, so it is better to go back to the basics and get something light.

But after the dishes were served, Li Qingyu said apologetically, "Mr. Sun, is it too simple?"

"It's the first time you invite me to dinner and order these dishes. It seems a bit disrespectful, but I know that you are putting your heart into it. According to Chinese medicine, only coarse tea and light food, and whole grains are the only way to support people. It is in line with my taste. Come, open it." While laughing, Sun Jianzhang took out a bottle of white wine and put it on the table.

Li Qingyu took the wine bottle and saw that it was a bottle of Moutai. The packaging was similar to the high-end Moutai on the market, but on the upper part of the sticker were clearly printed four words "Special Offer for State Banquet"!
Li Qingyu couldn't help being surprised, no wonder everyone said that old man Sun could drink tea and chat with the highest level of the country, it seems that what he said was true!
Li Qingyu asked the boss to bring two two-liang wine glasses, poured them for Mr. Sun and himself respectively, raised the glasses and said, "Mr. Sun, I respect you for the first glass. Thank you for helping me out this afternoon. If it wasn't for you If I arrive in time, the principal of Apple will really expel me. I will do it first as a respect, and you can just do whatever you want."

Li Qingyu raised his glass and drank it down.

Sun Jianzhang took a sip of his drink and said with a smile: "Ai Fengwu is getting worse and worse. But he was able to break the rules and admit you to the school, which is indeed a great deed for the school. Qingyu little friend..."

Li Qingyu quickly waved his hands and said, "Old Sun, don't bully me. In front of you, I am a junior, so you can just call me Li Qingyu, or Qingyu."

"Haha, the ancients said that there is no learning before and after, and those who have mastered it are teachers. You are outstanding in medical skills, and the old people admire you. Besides, you are friends with everyone, young and old. Xiaoyou is the best name for you." Sun Jianzhang laughed.

Li Qingyu couldn't help blushing a little, until now he basically didn't know anything about medical skills!Sun Jianzhang said that his medical skills are outstanding, and he admired himself, which is really a big oolong!
"Mr. Sun, you may have misunderstood me. I don't know medical skills at all! If my medical skills are far better than yours, why should I start studying medicine from freshman year!" Li Qingyu smiled wryly.

Sun Jianzhang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How is this possible? President Lin Jingya Lin once told me that your ancestors were all practicing medicine. And if you don't know medical skills, how can you survive without a CT scan?" Next, see Lin Jingya's endometrioma? After Lin Jingru got into a car accident, how can she accurately judge Lin Jingru's injury?"

"Mr. Sun, I can do this, but it actually involves a secret of mine, which has nothing to do with medical skills. Just like the MRI machine can clearly image the lesion, but we absolutely cannot say that the MRI machine is a doctor." Li Qingyu said.

"You mean, you have a way to judge the lesions in the patient's body, but you don't know how to treat these lesions?" Sun Jianzhang asked in surprise.He had never heard of such a thing.

"That's roughly what it means. As for how I judge the patient's lesion, I do have some secrets..."

"I understand, I understand..." Sun Jianzhang thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "By the way, I heard that you can recite the entire "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine". Is it true?"

"It's true. I have a good memory since I was a child. As I grow older, this ability has become stronger and stronger. Now I can basically remember it by memory." Li Qingyu lied casually.

"Then let me see if you can perform it." Sun Jianzhang took out a thread-bound "Huangdi Neijing" from his bag and handed it to Li Qingyu.It seems that he is well prepared.

Li Qingyu promised, took the "Huangdi Neijing" and flipped through it casually. He flipped through it very quickly, with ten lines at a glance, which made Sun Jianzhang feel tongue-tied!

In fact, Sun Jianzhang didn't know that if Li Qingyu released his spiritual sense and read this book with his spiritual sense, he would be able to imprint the contents of the book in his mind in a moment!
Li Qingyu was afraid of scaring Sun Jianzhang, so he didn't use the mind scan.Even so, Sun Jianzhang was terrified. He found that Li Qingyu finished the book in less than 10 minutes!

"Have...recited?" Sun Jianzhang asked with disbelief.

"I've memorized it. Mr. Sun can find two paragraphs to test me." Li Qingyu smiled lightly.

Sun Jianzhang was also polite, and immediately opened the book to select a few pages, read it by himself, and asked Li Qingyu to recite it. As a result, Li Qingyu recited not only word for word, but also without stuttering or stuttering, and he was even more fluent than reciting!

Sun Jianzhang didn't ask Li Qingyu any more questions, but just stared in a daze. After a long time, he finally digested the shocking fact.

He picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and exclaimed: "There is such a strange person as you in the world, I should understand! This bastard Ai Fengwu has been the vice principal in charge of admissions for three years, and this time he finally did it!" Pretty thing!"

Li Qingyu filled Sun Jianzhang's wine glass with a wry smile, and said, "Old Sun, you are really absurd. Although I can recite it, I don't know why. These theories are used in clinical treatment of diseases! But they are all on paper. If you want to become a doctor who can really cure diseases and save lives, there is still a long way to go!"

"Hehe, little friend Qingyu, you don't have to belittle yourself! In the process of learning Chinese medicine, memory is the most important, but also the most boring subject! Now you have such a heaven-defying memory ability, coupled with your mysterious diagnosis If you are willing to follow me, I guarantee that you will become an excellent doctor within half a year! Even blue is better than blue, far surpassing me ! After a few years, you can even become a generation of famous doctors comparable to ancient sages and sages!" Sun Jianzhang looked at Li Qingyu with bright eyes, as if he had found a gold ingot!
"Mr. Sun means that he is willing to accept me as an apprentice?" Li Qingyu said pleasantly.

He has seen Elder Sun's medical skills with his own eyes!If you can worship him as a teacher, it will be much better than taking those boring and meaningless classes in the class all day long!

"It depends on whether you can see the old man!" Sun Jianzhang laughed.

Although Li Qingyu is a bit of a hooligan and a bit of a ruffian, he is a person who values ​​love, righteousness, and tradition.He was about to kneel down to Sun Jianzhang immediately, and said, "Master, please be respected by your apprentice!"

But Sun Jianzhang stopped him, and said with a chuckle: "Haha, this is out of the question now. Just toast me with three glasses of wine, and our status as master and apprentice will be settled!"

Li Qingyu immediately respectfully offered three glasses of wine to Sun Jianzhang, and then respectfully called master.

Sun Jianzhang's beard trembled in excitement!He has a clear mind, relying on Li Qingyu's memory ability and his mysterious ability to diagnose diseases, as long as he is willing to learn, even if he is only self-taught, he can eventually become a generation of famous doctors!Will be able to surpass myself in the future!
By accepting him as his apprentice, I counted it as a big advantage for myself!

The two of them decided on the status of master and apprentice, and they were very excited. Li Qingyu didn't send the master home until they drank all the catty of liquor.

When he returned to the dormitory, he found that the three animals in the dormitory were courting a stunning beauty, serving tea and pouring water.

Deng Yuqi was beaming and saying something, which made the beautiful woman giggle, and the three beasts she saw wanted to bleed out.

Li Qingyu frowned when he saw the beauty, and wondered in his heart: "Huh? Why is she here? What is she doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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