Chapter 403 Firewire Romance
In modern air combat, multi-mounted rocket launchers have tended to be eliminated and replaced by combat missiles, but when they set off, Zhao Guozhu still had people install them on the plane.

The reason is very simple, this thing has strong firepower, long range, and wide attack range, which just happens to be able to restrain the characteristics of high-level monks who can move quickly!Hitting ground targets is not only as powerful as a small combat missile, but also cheaper!
Although it can be built, don't consider the cost!

On the fighter plane, Zhao Guozhu let the ammunition hand launch, launch, and launch, while muttering: "Grandma, those old pedants in the formation research center are unreliable! I thought this phantom formation could trap Shangguan Xiong." Stay for 1 minute! I didn’t expect it to be broken through in more than 20 seconds! Isn’t this a scam! Go back and find them to settle the score!”

On the ground, there were violent explosions. The huge shock wave caused by the explosion lifted up all the warriors who had not reached the safe area and fell heavily to the ground!
Fortunately, these people are all warriors, with rough skin and thick flesh, strong resistance to beatings, and a large part of low-level warriors came with the masters of the realm.

Although Huajing masters can't resist the bombing of rockets, they are far away from the explosion center after all, so it is no problem to resist the shock wave and stray shrapnel.

While protecting themselves, they also tried their best to protect their disciples, preventing them from being injured and dying!

Since Lin Jingya and others and the members of the Huangfu family were closest to Shangguanxiong, they were also the closest to the center of the explosion at this moment. The group of people were all blown away by the shock wave, lying on the ground and not daring to look up!

The seven members of Huangfu Yibiao tried their best to protect Lin Jingya, Tang Sixin, Xiaozhu, Liu Jiayi and others, while Ah Cheng and Ashin threw themselves directly on Ding Silu and Yang Sibing, with their arms spread out, almost completely covering them Down!
Ah Cheng raised his head slightly, looked at the spectacular explosion scene not far away, and muttered in his mouth: "The sky is lingering, the earth is lingering, and the rocket shells are also manifesting. It hurts me a little bit, so don't kill me!"

Ding Silu, who was pressed under him, was almost deafened by the "boom boom boom" cannons, only saw Ah Cheng's mouth moving, but couldn't hear what he was saying, so he asked loudly: "Hey! What are you talking about?!"

"I'm praying!" Ah Cheng leaned over to Ding Silu's ear and yelled.

This time Ding Silu heard it clearly, and asked loudly, "What are you praying for?"

"Pray that the cannonballs have eyes. If you want to blow up, you can blow me up. Don't blow up you!" Ah Cheng shouted again!

Ding Silu's heart was filled with emotion. Although Ah Cheng was a little older and uglier than him, he was willing to defend himself!
May I ask how many handsome men in this world can sincerely defend themselves from bullets?If such a man does not love himself, what kind of man would he want to love?
In the midst of the rumble of cannonballs, Ding Silu smiled and said, "Fool! You should pray that the shells will only hit Shang Guanxiong, and no one else will be able to hit them!"

After saying that, she passionately hugged Acheng's neck and kissed Acheng's lips hard!

Where did Ah Cheng pass through this scene, his head buzzed, and it became blank!It was as if a rocket had directly hit his head and exploded, completely messing up his brain!
At this moment, Ah Xin was beside Ah Cheng, and also pressed Yang Sibing under him.Seeing Ding Silu kiss Ah Cheng on his own initiative, this guy immediately burst into tears of envy!
He wanted to ask Ah Cheng what he said to Ding Silu, so that Ding Silu offered a kiss, so he stretched his arms to pull Ah Cheng's clothes, and shouted: "Hey, hello..."

Ah Cheng is so angry that he can't wait to pray for a rocket to blow up his twin brother who doesn't know if it's his brother or his brother!

Nima!Didn't you see that I was busy?Do you still have a sense of public morality?

Ah Xin saw that Ah Cheng was only busy with his own business, ignored him, and was about to continue to harass him, when suddenly there was a "Zheng" sound in his ear, and then he felt something slipping across his back in an instant, and then he felt something behind him. Back is a little sticky...

Yang Sibing, who was protected by him, saw that Ashin's expression was wrong, and immediately asked anxiously: "Ashin, what's wrong with you?"

"It's over, I seem to have been shot." Ashin also leaned into Yang Sibing's ear and said.

Yang Sibing was startled, and touched Ashin's back indiscriminately with his hands, and immediately touched a handful of blood, his heart trembled into a ball immediately, and shouted: "Ashin, come down! Come down quickly! You are hurt!"

"No! I won't come down! I'd rather be bombed into a pile of rotten meat than let you get hurt!" Ashin roared.

Yang Sibing's tears burst out of his eyes suddenly, and he also put his arms around Ashin's neck, and kissed his lips...

Xiaozhu, Deng Yuqi, and Liu Jiayi couldn't help laughing and crying!Nima, these four people really have the spirit of revolutionary romanticism, it's time, don't forget to be romantic, you can't accept it...

The crazy bombardment lasted for 5 minutes before it stopped. The orange-red light cluster that had been flashing disappeared, and only the gunpowder smoke was left!
The seawater that had been displaced by the explosion shock wave washed over again, and the strong sea breeze swept over again, quickly clearing the pungent gunpowder smoke from the scene.

Countless warriors who had already moved away from the coast all turned their eyes to the center of the explosion just now, wanting to confirm whether Shangguanxiong was dead or not.

Lin Jingya and the others also got up from the ground, and Xiaozhu said uncertainly, "That bastard... should be dead, right?"

"It must be dead! It's hard for an immortal to hide, even if he is a living immortal, he must be blown to pieces right now! Damn! He deserves it! The guy next door to Mary, even wanted to kill us just now, he should have died a long time ago!" Deng Yuqi gritted his teeth. scolded.

Huangfu Qing said with a serious face, "Don't be careless! With the magical powers of a master of the Profound Realm, he won't die so easily!"

"Ah? Impossible? Such fierce artillery fire can't kill him..."

Liu Jiayi was talking with a face of disbelief, but suddenly he couldn't continue, the expression on his face was like seeing a ghost!
At this time, the gunpowder smoke had been gradually blown away by the sea breeze, and he was shocked to see that Shangguan Xiong was still alive!
Although Shangguanxiong was in a panic at the moment, he looked as if he had just been struck by lightning, his eyebrows and hair were all gone, and his whole body was dark, as if he had just climbed out of a coal pile!
His skin was also cracked inch by inch, and the cracked part did not bleed, but white gas came out from the cracked part, obviously the meat inside was cooked!It is estimated that wipe the black skin on the outside, tear it off, sprinkle some cumin, and it can be served!
But this guy is really not dead!
He was raising his head slightly, staring at the three fighter planes in the sky, grinning with a creepy smile.

This guy's clothes seem to be a magic weapon. Under such fierce artillery fire, they were not burned clean, but became strips, strands, and thousands of holes. Under the sea breeze, they swayed, as if they were blown to pieces on the battlefield. banner……

(End of this chapter)

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