Chapter 43 Brotherly Love
In the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinjiao University School of Medicine, in a single ward, the little pig was lying quietly on the bed.

He has been in a coma for three days and three nights.

Li Qingyu was sitting in front of the hospital bed, constantly babbling:
"Little pig, you big slob, get up quickly, if you sleep again, you will really become a pig! You haven't gone to class for three days, if you skip class again, the school will expel you! Our school is Jinjiao University! , the place that many students dream of. You said that your parents set off a hundred thousand firecrackers when they heard that you had transferred to Jinjiao University! If you were expelled, they would be so sad..."

"Do you still remember the common ideal of our 408? Be rich and handsome, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life! Are you going to lie in bed and pursue your own ideals?"

"Little pig, I introduced a girl to you. She has big eyes, and the two eyeballs are like black grapes. Every time she blinks, she seems to be talking. When she smiles, two dimples appear on her cheeks. She is so beautiful, like a fairy! Well, she is very good at taking care of people, if you can marry her, you will enjoy a lifetime of happiness!"

"Little pig, did you hear what I said? Get up and chase after me! If you don't chase after me, I will chase after you. If I catch you, don't say that you are not loyal! Get up quickly, Don't just lie here and pretend to be a coward, I know you feel uncomfortable, get up and tell me, do you still treat me as a brother? Why don't you tell me when you are suffering..."

"Little pig, I know you like my singing, so I'll sing it to you now, okay, well, this is my original, you are the first listener, isn't it interesting, buddy?"

That day,
You and I met on the military training ground,

I lose you a pull-up,
You fine me two taels of wine at the barbecue stall.

bit by bit,
The long river that converges into the years

Weeded out cowardice,

Baptized strong,
I thought life was just calm,
But it turns out that there is also the shadow of the sword and the light of the sword,
With your broad chest,
blocked the death that belonged to me...

Li Qingyu's singing is soothing and deep, very contagious, and he has already burst into tears...

For three days, Li Qingyu stood in front of Xiaozhu's hospital bed with his clothes untied, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing, but no matter whether he was crying or laughing, there were tears on his face...

The door to the ward opened silently, Xia Qing walked in quietly, and closed the door gently.

Under Li Qingyu's deliberate arrangement, she is mainly responsible for Xiaozhu's nursing work.

Listening to Li Qingyu's singing, Xia Qing couldn't help but blurred her eyes with tears.Before, she never knew that the friendship between men can be more touching than the love between men and women.

In the past, she always thought that a man's tears were a sign of weakness.
Only now did she know that a man's tears were so heartbreaking!

Yes, Xia Qing felt her heart hurt every time she saw Li Qingyu cry for her brother.Li Qingyu's tears seemed to drown her whole heart.

"Li Qingyu, don't be too sad. With the concern of a good brother like you, he will definitely wake up. After all, Dr. Huang only said that he might not wake up, not that he will definitely." After Li Qingyu finished singing, Xia Qing wiped her eyes and said softly.

Li Qingyu nodded, and suddenly asked: "Do you know how he was injured?"

Xia Qing shook her head lightly.

"He was stabbed to save me, but it was his beloved woman who raised the butcher's knife to him." Li Qingyu said.

"Can you tell me your story in detail?" Xia Qing asked curiously.

Li Qingyu slowly told the story of Xiaozhu and Yan Rui.

Although Xia Qing admired Li Qingyu wholeheartedly, she always disapproved of Li Qingyu and others going to fight with others. In her opinion, this is the behavior of hooligans!

After listening to Li Qingyu's words, she changed her mind.

A man would rather put himself in danger than call the police in order to protect his beloved woman from harm. This approach may be questionable, but it makes people excited. Such a man is worth relying on!

At the same time, she was also moved by the brotherhood of Li Qingyu and the others.

In this materialistic and money-oriented world, there is rarely such a pure brotherhood between people.

"This woman named Yan Rui is really nothing! Not only did she deceive Xiaozhu's feelings, she also led you all into the tiger's den, and raised a butcher's knife against you. How can there be such a vicious woman in the world! Little pig is really pitiful! " Xia Qing said bitterly.

"Xia Qing, may I ask you one thing? Help me take good care of the little pig. If he can wake up, be gentle with him. Maybe he will feel better then."

"Well, I will." Xia Qing cast her complicated eyes on the little pig, and she suddenly realized.Although the little pig is a bit fatter and shorter, its face is definitely not ugly. It seems to have a baby face, which is a bit cute.

Li Qingyu left the hospital, and he handed over the task of taking care of the piglet to Deng Yuqi, Liu Jiayi and Xia Qing.Of course, Xia Qing was mainly in charge, after all, Deng Yuqi and Liu Jiayi still had to attend classes.

Li Qingyu did not allow them to skip work.

Li Qingyu used "Rescue" as his stage name, and posted his own song "Brothers of Life and Death" on a music website, and signed a sharing agreement with the website.

Xiaozhu needs money for hospitalization, and Li Qingyu can no longer take money from his master.Therefore, he needs to find a way to make money.

Although he can go to the gambling stone market to search for treasures, but the chance is too big, not to mention unreliable, and he doesn't have that much time.Record music and make money by sharing the download volume. Although the earning may be less, the advantage is once and for all, and you can continue to have income.

After signing the contract, Li Qingyu soaked in the library of Jinjiao University all day and all night, treating himself as a dry sponge, absorbing all knowledge about medicine endlessly, and looking up all the cases related to the recovery of vegetative people .At the same time, he kept asking his master Sun Jianzhang to check all the medical books in his family's collection!

Relying on his strong learning ability, his fearsome spirit of bearing hardships, and Sun Jianzhang's careful guidance, Li Qingyu's medical skills improved by leaps and bounds. After three weeks, he almost caught up with his master Sun Jianzhang!
Although Sun Jianzhang had expected that his closed disciple would be an evildoer, he never expected to be so evil!He even felt a little fear for Li Qingyu's strong learning ability and fearless learning spirit!

While Li Qingyu felt that his medical skills were advancing by leaps and bounds, he was surprised to find that his spiritual consciousness that he could release was also much stronger!
In the past, his consciousness could only be extended three meters, but now it can reach five meters!As long as he gathers his energy and unleashes his consciousness, he can clearly perceive everything five meters away!
Moreover, the time for the spiritual consciousness to be released has also been extended.In the past, he could not release his spiritual consciousness for more than 10 minutes in one day, but now he can do it for 10 minutes!After 10 minutes, he would feel a splitting headache.

However, Li Qingyu was not happy about this because he had never found an effective way to wake up the piggy.

Three weeks later, Sun Jianzhang suddenly called Li Qingyu to his home, sighed slightly, and said, "Qingyu, I actually have a way to wake up your classmate."

"Really? Master, what you said is true? Then why didn't you say it earlier!" Li Qingyu immediately said pleasantly.

Sun Jianzhang smiled and nodded Li Qingyu with his hand, and said: "I knew you boy would blame me. Alas! It's not that I don't want to say it, but I said it. I'm afraid it's useless because we need to ask someone. And this person He has always had a gap with me, I'm afraid he won't help us!"

"Master, tell me who he is, as long as he can wake up the little pig, even if I give him 1 head knocks, I'm willing!" Li Qingyu said immediately.

"The biggest difficulty is not here. The biggest difficulty is that even if people are willing to help us, it may take ten or twenty years, or even a lifetime!" Sun Jianzhang said solemnly.

Li Qingyu couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face, he didn't understand what the master meant.

"Come with me." Sun Jianzhang said.

(End of this chapter)

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