Chapter 544 Welcome to join

Kang Ming's side has a bottom line in his heart, knowing that as long as he persists for a little time, reinforcements will arrive, so he fights calmly, making moves and retreating very safely, not seeking merit, first seeking no fault.

However, the more they fought, the more anxious the three masters of the hermit family became. The more anxious they were, the more they couldn't take it down.As things go on and on, the situation on Kang Ming's side is getting more and more secure.

Kang Ming's companions did not disappoint them. In less than 10 minutes, all ten people who were resting had arrived.The reason why people who are resting come is because those who are still on duty cannot leave without authorization. If they just leave and the person they are responsible for protecting is in danger again, it will be bad. The reason for being divided into two shifts—the rest shift is also a mobile force.

The women of the Niu family's Detachment of Women are all Yishui's ninth level of Qi training. Although the realm is only equivalent to the transformation state of a warrior, any member of the Niu's Detachment of Women's Army can be a master of the mysterious realm.

Twelve nine levels of qi training, plus two members of the Star River Fleet who are only minor successes in transformation, but have super fighting power, immediately beat the three masters of the hermit family into a daze!

After they found out that Kang Ming and Irene had the strength to fight them, they were quite surprised and felt very strange. They didn't know where these two powerful women came from, but they didn't expect that they would suddenly appear again Ten mysterious masters jumped out!

Grandma, you bastard, when did the first space become so scary?In such a bad environment on the earth, how did they cultivate to the present level?The Hidden World Family also placed a lot of eyeliner in the first space, why didn't I get any news before?This is fucking unscientific!
The three guys were beaten so helplessly that they couldn't even run away, but in the blink of an eye, they were all knocked to the ground, with blood pouring from their mouths, and they were all crippled!
After the battle, it was natural for Kang Ming to thank the two Starship Fleet soldiers. The two soldiers were not polite and asked directly that they would take the three of them away.Kang Ming did not refuse, but agreed directly.

The soldiers who were in charge of long-distance assistance had already come in in a jeep, and the three disabled Hidden Family masters were all thrown in the car, and the three soldiers drove away without delay.

Kang Ming didn't ask about the identities of these three people, and she didn't need to ask. She knew they were from the military just by looking at their behavior. Will say, so simply did not ask anything.Just remember the other person's goodness.

After the incident, Kang Ming felt that since Li Guorui did not have any problems, there was no need to report to Li Qingyu, so he did not report to Li Qingyu.

However, after the interrogation overnight, the soldiers of the Star River Fleet reported the incident to the headquarters, and the headquarters then called Zhou Xianguang who was far away in southern Yunnan.

Only then did Li Qingyu learn about his father's assassination from Zhou Xianguang, and then he called Kang Ming and asked him what happened.

At the moment, after Kang Ming finished the details of the matter, she said carefully: "My husband..."

"President Li!" Li Qingyu said angrily.

Every time Li Qingyu heard a group of women from the Niu Family Detachment Army call him husband, he couldn't help but want to call Niu Rhubarb a bastard. He really didn't know how he trained these women.Even the training is better than the other!Maybe Niu Rhubarb likes this tune?

"No, I have to set rules for these women in the future. Follow me, follow me, follow Niu Rhubarb, follow Niu Rhubarb. You can't bring the same thing in front of Niu Rhubarb to Lao Tzu! The rules have been established, if anyone doesn't Be obedient..., then beat her up! In the past, I was not their opponent, but a ninja, but now I can easily beat ten of them by myself!" Li Qingyu thought to himself.

Thinking about how those women would never be able to beat him again, Li Qingyu felt super refreshed!

Kang Ming on the other end of the phone couldn't see the naughty smile on Li Qingyu's face, but said bitterly: "Okay, husband... Mr. Li, Mr. Li, should I have told you about this a long time ago? I really didn't hide it from you on purpose, but I just feel that since Uncle Li is fine and doesn't even know about it, I don't want you to worry."

"Well, I know what you mean, but this is not a trivial matter. If there is such a thing in the future, let me know as soon as possible." Li Qingyu said.

I haven't given anyone a penny for the time being, and they are still working hard for me. If I still blame others, it would be unreasonable. Therefore, after Li Qingyu finished speaking, he added: "Thank you, Kang Ming. If it weren't for you , My father died last night."

Kang Ming on the other end of the phone immediately rolled her eyes, with a sly smile on her face, and said, "Husband is too polite, your family is our family, this is what we should do..."

"Call Mr. Li!"

"Yes! Husband!"

Li Qingyu was so angry that he didn't correct it. He regretted the thank you just said. This is a group of women who can shine brightly if given a little sunshine, and these guys seem to enjoy making fun of themselves all day long. The more I don't let them call me Husband, they shouted harder.

However, Li Qingyu feels that if anyone among these women really wants to marry him and live a good life, it seems that none of them really exist!
He was too lazy to grind his teeth with Kang Ming, and hung up the phone directly, then returned the phone to Zhou Xianguang, bowed solemnly to Zhou Xianguang, and said, "Thank you, Commander Zhou."

"Thank me for what?" Zhou Xianguang took the phone and said with a smile.When Li Qingyu talked with Kang Ming just now, he had been practicing kung fu in secret to heal his injuries, and now his internal organs are not as uncomfortable as before.Of course, it will take a long time to recuperate in order to completely improve.

"Thank you for sending someone to protect my family." Li Qingyu said.

Although Kang Ming did not reveal the specific identities of the three men who helped them, Li Qingyu knew immediately that they were members of the Galaxy Fleet!He was very surprised and very grateful.He didn't expect that Zhou Xianguang would send someone to protect his family.

Zhou Xianguang smiled and waved his hands, and said: "You don't have to thank me. It is our duty to protect the people of our country. But after all, we have a small number of people and too many people and things to protect, so it is impossible to be someone's pawn." Bodyguards. Don’t say that your family members don’t have this kind of treatment, even the senior leaders of those countries don’t have this kind of treatment.”

When Zhou Xianguang said this, he suddenly gave a wry smile and continued: "But I didn't expect that the secret bodyguards you found for your family are even more powerful than the Galaxy Fleet! It is to let them sit on the sidelines. If you say it like this, I should thank you kid!"

"That's different. I still want to say thank you. Commander Zhou, I have made up my mind. If the country trusts me, I am willing to join the Galaxy Fleet and do my part for the country and the people!" Li Qingyu suddenly raised his head, sincerely Looking at Zhou Xianguang calmly, he said solemnly.

Zhou Xianguang was taken aback, then grabbed his hand and said pleasantly, "Okay! You are welcome to join, Comrade Li Qingyu!"

(End of this chapter)

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