Chapter 651 Ruthless!
After Chen Yuhuai led a group of big and small leaders into the school, he found an opportunity to delay a little bit, and approached a leader he was familiar with, and asked in a low voice: "Old leader, why are there so many leaders here today?" Huh? Also, what happened to Li Qingyu and Zhao Xilin? Why are they with you?"

The leader just patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Chen, don't think about it, just do the reception work well."

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Chen Yuhuai had no choice but to give up.

He originally wanted to take everyone to the reception room where teapots, cups, and fruit snacks had already been prepared, but the leader asked to go directly to the big meeting room, so he had no choice but to do so.

When everyone arrived at the big meeting room and took their seats according to their positions, the Director of Education of Ping'an District was the first to speak on stage, and immediately criticized Qingcai Secondary Technical School's work over the past few years without any hesitation!

Chen Yuhuai, whose heart had just opened up, was suddenly a little confused.

Where did this shit come to check? This is to hold a criticism meeting?Those who come who are not kind will not come!

Immediately, there was a shadow area in his heart again, and he thought unconvinced: "You are paralyzed, what I took over is a mess, and Qingcai is a famous garbage collection station, how do you want me to do a good job? Qingcai six years Eight principals have been changed, which one has achieved results? My old Chen can hold this position and stick to it until now. I am already helping you as leaders to solve problems, okay? Grandma, the dog bites Lu Dongbin, I don’t know Good people, good people don't live long these days, and evil will last for thousands of years..."

This guy was muttering in his heart, and the director of the Ping'an District Education Bureau finished his speech, and then a leader of the education bureau who was in charge of personnel came to the stage and announced that Chen Yuhuai was dismissed from the post of principal of Qingcai Secondary Vocational Technical School, and Comrade Li Qingyu took over his job as the principal of Qingcai , At the same time, a vice principal was dismissed, and Mr. Zhao Xilin was in charge!

Qingcai is not a district-directed school, and the principal has no administrative rank. The district committee has no need to intervene, and the district education bureau has the right to appoint and dismiss.

Chen Yuhuai finally understood, numb, no wonder Li Qingyu and Zhao Xilin would follow, it turns out there is a principal and a vice principal!
But, why didn't I hear any rumors before?No, I heard the rumors, so I was annoyed and closed the ordinary taste noodle restaurant!There are no waves without wind, so everything is not a rumor!
His eyes couldn't help but cast hatred towards Li Qingyu, who had a calm face. Li Qingyu was sitting not far from him, sitting with Zhao Xilin, without even looking at him.

He remembered very clearly that just ten days ago, Li Qingyu came to him and pointed out his dereliction of duty, hoping that he would correct it. More than ten days later, Li Qingyu actually replaced himself!

I thought that Qingcai was my territory, and no matter how awesome Li Qingyu was, he couldn't do anything to him, but I didn't expect that Li Qingyu even gave away his own territory!
I have never seen such an unreasonable person!
"I don't accept it!" Chen Yuhuai stood up excitedly and said loudly, "Yes, I admit that I, Chen Yuhuai, have not managed the Qingcai well these years. If the teachers from the leaders come, I have nothing to say even if I am not convinced. But why Li Qingyu? What qualifications does he have to be the principal of Qingcai?! He is just a hooligan, a wolf in human skin..."

Before he finished shouting, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and several majestic people in navy blue uniforms walked in from the outside.

Chen Yuhuai, who was emotionally protesting loudly, saw the person coming, and all his words suddenly got stuck in his throat, and his excitement suddenly turned into fear!
He didn't know the person coming, but he knew the uniform of the person coming!

That is the uniform of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate!
And he knows what he has done during the past year and a half as the principal!
Although Qingcai Secondary Vocational and Technical School is a place that parents despise and mother hates, Qingcai is definitely not a pauper with no income!
The side facing the street under the bleachers of Qingcai's playground is full of shops along the street. There is a computer studio, a Chinese restaurant, a beauty salon, fashion design, an auto repair shop, etc., and many other shops.

These shops were originally a place for students to practice. Whether it is a restaurant, a beauty salon, a clothing design shop, etc., they used to only charge a cost fee, or even free of charge. The purpose is to attract customers and let the students practice their skills.

However, due to the poor craftsmanship of the students, most people do not want to be the guinea pigs of the students, so even if the price is very cheap, there are not many customers, so it cannot make a profit at all.

After Chen Yuhuai became the principal, he rented out all these shops along the street. Although when the agreement was signed, it was solemnly written that students were allowed to enter the shop for internships, but for the sake of service quality and business, who would take this Seriously?
Since then, many major students in the school have lost their internship classes, but Chen Yuhuai's pockets have gradually bulged up, with 70 million in the account every year!
In fact, this matter was reported to the Ping'an District Education Bureau more than once a long time ago, but was suppressed by the powerful Chen Yuhuai. This time, Jinhai City Education Director Zhang Gongshan personally took action and reported the matter directly to the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate.

This is called if you don't move, it will be over, if you move, the landslide will happen!
What Chen Yuhuai did was not very clever. After more than ten days of investigation, the Anti-Corruption Bureau easily grasped the exact evidence.Today, under the pretext of inspection by the Education Bureau, Chen Yuhuai's position was stabilized and he rushed directly to the meeting room.

A young prosecutor showed Chen Yuhuai his arrest warrant, and Chen Yuhuai was still struggling to argue. Two bailiffs had already stepped forward, put a steel bracelet on him with a "click", and led him away from the meeting.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Chen Yuhuai had just been taken away by the Procuratorate, and the news spread throughout Qingcai Vocational School!
Qingcai Canteen, in front of Pingfanwei Noodle Restaurant, Mrs. Jin and a few sisters are looking at the seal on the door with sad faces.

After receiving a call from Li Qingyu this morning, Mrs. Jin excitedly called a few sisters, and then went to the vegetable market to buy fresh vegetables. When she came to the noodle shop, she found that the seal hadn't been lifted, and the door was even closed. The locks are all new!
Sister-in-law Jin was about to call Li Qingyu to inquire about the situation, when someone who came to eat in the cafeteria said that Chen Yuhuai had been arrested, and the principal of Qingcai had been replaced by Li Qingyu, the Li Qingyu who was the fourth boss of Jiaotong University!

Mrs. Jin and the older sisters were all dumbfounded. They didn't believe it at first, but after running out to inquire, they found out that it was true. The older sisters were so excited that they almost started square dancing!
Chen Yuhuaide is not worthy, he should have been dismissed a long time ago!The Education Bureau has finally done something!
Aunt Jin admired Li Qingyu even more!
In the morning when Li Qingyu said that the matter was settled, she thought that at most the noodle restaurant would be able to reopen. Unexpectedly, Li Qingyu directly ordered Chen Yuhuai down and replaced it!

(End of this chapter)

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