Chapter 868 Demon Master
When Hua Yunfei woke up, he found that he was still lying in place, and the wound on his neck had been bandaged, but the bandage was quite amateurish, and the material was not particular. It was obviously bandaged with Ye Xiaoshuang's skirt, which should be the same. Ye Xiaoshuang moved her hand.

Ye Xiaoshuang's face was also wrapped with cloth strips, but the effect of stopping the bleeding was not very good, the cloth strips were already stained red with blood, dripping continuously.

Everything around them didn't change much, except that the eight drug dealers were lying on the ground completely silent, only the raging flames were burning on them - they seemed to have turned into a pile of fuel.

Squatting or sitting around were all his companions, although they were all wounded, but they were looking at him anxiously at this moment, seeing him waking up, he said pleasantly: "Yunfei, you're awake! "

"Oh, my god, I was scared to death."

"We thought you were finished! Thanks to your master. His medicine is really a panacea."

After listening to everyone's discussion, Hua Yunfei roughly understood that after he fell into a coma just now, the new master should have fed him medicine, so he woke up, and the master's medicine was very effective. He found that it was wrapped on his face, The cloth strips on the head and neck were not soaked by blood, and the wound was itchy, indicating that the wound was already healing!
Obviously, the new master did not feed this medicine to Ye Xiaoshuang, otherwise the cloth on Ye Xiaoshuang's face should not be soaked with blood.

Hua Yunfei raised his head and saw the man in white standing beside him, grinning and said, "Thank you, Master."

The man in white waved his hand casually and said, "You and I, master and apprentice, don't need to say such polite words. Can you get up? If you can't get up, let them help you up and prepare to leave."

With the help of his companions, Hua Yunfei struggled to stand up, pointed to Zhou Shuxian who was still lying by the river without any movement, and said: "Master, that woman is probably an undercover police officer, she may not be dead yet, we are saved save her."

"Haha, of course that woman needs to be saved, I'm here just for her." The man in white said.

Hua Yunfei was taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Master is also a policeman?"

He felt that the man in white was not like the police. The police should not kill those drug dealers while controlling them. But why did he say that he came for that policeman?

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the man in white said, "Hehe, policeman? What is that? It's just a bunch of trash."

Everyone couldn't help being silent for a while, and their expressions were not natural.

They are all highly educated people, know how important the police are to a society, and know how much each policeman has paid for social security!

Not to mention others, but to say that the policewoman who is still lying by the river and has not woken up is admirable!Her deeds are also epic!
But it was too much for this man in white to comment on the police like that!This is already a blasphemy against the police!

But everyone could also see that although the man in white often had a smile on his face, he was definitely not an easy-going person. Thinking about the scene where he killed eight drug dealers just now, they felt their hearts tremble.

Fortunately, although the man in white spoke rudely, he still walked towards the policewoman by the river, so none of them said a word, for fear that what they said would be inappropriate and the matter would become complicated.

"Let's go and have a look too." Hua Yunfei said, reaching out to support Ye Xiaoshuang.

Ye Xiaoshuang shook her head at Hua Yunfei, indicating that she could do it. Her face was wrapped in a cloth, and it was a bit difficult for her to speak.

"My injury is fine, it's just a skin trauma. The master's medicine is very effective. I feel that I'm almost recovered. It really doesn't matter." Hua Yunfei saw that Ye Xiaoshuang looked at him with eyes full of concern, so he said.

Several people gathered together, followed behind the man in white, and walked towards the river.

The man in white didn't walk fast. When he passed the two drug dealers who were injured by Hua Yunfei and were still unconscious, he suddenly stopped and raised his hand towards them!
Hua Yunfei suddenly felt his scalp numb, and immediately shouted: "Master, please be merciful!"

However, he still yelled slowly, or he yelled not slowly, but the man in white didn't listen to him at all!
Two domineering auras flew out from the hands of the man in white, and hit the heads of two drug dealers. The two big heads exploded immediately, and red and white things splashed everywhere.

Hua Yunfei couldn't help closing his eyes slightly. Although he still doesn't know the roots of his new master, he already knows that this new master is a devil, who treats human life like nothing, and kills people without blinking an eye.

He only hoped that this matter would pass quickly, as long as Xiaoshuang and the others could be saved, what would happen to him in the future, he could only take one step at a time.

When Ye Xiaoshuang and the others saw the atrocities of the man in white, they were all frightened and dumbfounded, they subconsciously stopped in their tracks, and kept silent like cicadas.

The man in white turned his head, looked at Hua Yunfei, smiled gently, and said, "What? Are you scared? You'll get used to it in the future. Don't worry too much. When you stand high enough, those people standing at your feet, pigs and dogs There is no difference."

After speaking, he turned his head and continued walking towards the river. As for Ye Xiaoshuang and the others, he didn't even look at them. Probably in his opinion, Ye Xiaoshuang and the others could be classified as pigs and dogs.

If it wasn't for Hua Yunfei's face, he would probably blow their heads off, right?
"Yunfei, your master doesn't seem to be very good, you are too violent, you are a murderer..." Ye Xiaoshuang couldn't help it, so she whispered.

Hua Yunfei was startled, immediately touched her hard, and whispered: "Don't talk nonsense! If he can hear it, you will kill everyone!"

Ye Xiaoshuang's voice was very low, thinking that people in white clothes would not hear it, but Hua Yunfei knew that the hearing of a person like Bai Chen was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, let alone Ye Xiaoshuang's voice so loud, there might be ants falling in love on the ground , he can hear and see.

Ye Xiaoshuang was startled and swallowed the second half of the sentence back into her stomach.

Fortunately, the white-clothed man ignored the matter, and just walked up to Zhou Shuxian, first looked at the frontal injury, then flipped Zhou Shuxian's body with his toes in disgust, then looked at the injury on her back, and frowned slightly , took out a pill the size of a red-brown grape from her body, then bent down and squatted down, pinched Zhou Shuxian's mouth open with her left hand, and put the pill into her mouth with her right hand.

At this moment, Hua Yunfei had already rushed over. When he saw the pill in the hands of the man in white, he was slightly startled and asked, "This is... Huisheng Pill?"

The man in white looked back at Hua Yunfei, and said, "Boy, when you talk to me in the future, you must first call me Master! This is the rule."

"Yes, Master." Hua Yunfei said hastily.

The man in white nodded his head and said: "This is indeed Huisheng Pill, which is very precious. I gave you this kind of pill just now. I came to South Yunnan this time for this woman. If she is not very important, I can't die now, so I won't feed her the Huisheng Pill. By the way, you kid actually knows the Huisheng Pill, have you seen it before?"

"Not only did he see it, but he even gave Xiaoshuang one at the birthday party!" A girl suddenly said.

The man in white turned around suddenly, looked at Hua Yunfei, his eyes were full of coldness, his whole body was full of murderous aura, and he asked almost word by word: "Is what she said true?"

The temperature at the scene seemed to have suddenly dropped below zero, and there was a dead silence, only the murmur of the big river next to it...

(End of this chapter)

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