Chapter 877

Lin Jingru herself doesn't like causing trouble, but she likes to watch the excitement, so she ran out of the villa in a hurry.

Li Qingyu turned his head and saw Lin Jingya also coming down the stairs, so he asked a little puzzled: "What happened? Xiaoru ran away in a hurry."

"It seems that the bitch's dog bit someone and was found by someone. Don't worry about Xiaoru, this little lunatic is just a fun watcher. Are you really going to Liuxia Island?" Lin Jingya asked Well, she also saw the message Li Qingyu sent in the group just now.

"I have to go, but I have to go to the United States with Commander Zhou first, and the UN military leadership team must deploy a unified action plan."

"when are we leaving?"

"Get on the plane right away, I will transfer to Shangjing from Jinhai Airport, and go to the United States with Commander Zhou."

"Then I'll pack your things for you."

Lin Jingya was about to turn around and go upstairs, but Li Qingyu pulled her into his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "There is nothing to take care of, the logistics department will take care of everything. Let's go, let's go see the dog too." What the hell did you do wrong?"

Lin Jingya smiled "puchi", poked Li Qingyu's eyebrow lightly with her slender hand, and said with a smile, "You are childish too."

"Hehe, it's not childish, but that woman is really too much. Since it's hard to be a good person, we can only be evil people. Otherwise, she really thought we were afraid of her."

The two walked out of the villa yard while talking.

A group of people had gathered around the gate of the courtyard of the neighboring villa. There was a stretcher on the ground, and a little girl about ten years old was lying on the stretcher. The little girl’s cheek, right hand, and both legs were wrapped with bandages. A little bit of blood.

A middle-aged woman with a bandaged arm was sitting next to a stretcher, crying and talking, a dark complexion, simple and honest man, who looked like a migrant worker, was arguing with the bitch, but the bitch was holding a lady's cigarette in her mouth. Looking indifferently at the family in front of him, occasionally swearing a few words can kill his anger.

After listening for a while, Li Qingyu roughly understood what happened.

Yesterday afternoon, Gou Niangniang went to walk her dog in a square outside the community, while the little girl's mother was playing with the little girl on model airplanes.

Suddenly something went wrong with the little girl's model airplane, and she fell about six or seven meters away from a dog.The little girl felt that this should be regarded as a safe distance, so she went to pick up her model airplane, but she ran in front of the model airplane, just bent down, a bulldog suddenly ran over like a madman, threw the girl down at once, tearing and biting .

The other three dogs of the dog girl also rushed over, and in a few moments bit the girl's cheek, both legs, and her right hand.

The girl's mother panicked immediately. She looked around and saw that there was no one to take advantage of. She picked up a trash can next to her and ran over quickly. Talking about the trash can, she threw it at the four dogs!

With the help of a few passers-by, they drove all four dogs away together.

The dog lady was watching the whole process not far away, and she didn't come over to stop her dog in a daze!

Because both the mother and daughter of the little girl had to go to the hospital for treatment, the mother of the little girl only had time to say a few words to the bitch before leaving.

The little girl's mother had a big trash can in her hand, which could be smashed and blocked. The injury was not serious, but a few bloody tooth marks were bitten on her arm by a dog, but her daughter was more seriously injured. The vaccination plus a hospital deposit , Last night, I spent more than 300 in one night.

The little girl's father is a migrant worker who works in a certain construction site, and her mother runs a small business. The little girl is in the third grade of elementary school.The family is living a tight life in a big city like Gimhae, and more than 5000 yuan is not a small sum for them.

So, the little girl's father went to seek compensation from Gou Niangniang, but Gou Niangniang refused to pay compensation, and plausibly said that her dog was also injured yesterday afternoon, and she spent more than 2 yuan in the animal hospital!Who will pay for her loss?
Last night, the little girl's father failed to negotiate with the bitch. In a fit of anger, he brought his daughter here from the hospital this morning. According to regulations, this is a high-end residential area, and outsiders are forbidden to enter, but the property security is also bloody. After the incident, let go directly!
"Oh, in this world, people are not as good as dogs."

"It's not that people are inferior to dogs, it's that poor people are inferior to dogs."

"Isn't this woman too unreasonable? Even if the little girl's mother beat her dog, it was because her dog bit her daughter first. Even if her dog is really a human, there is still a legitimate defense!"

"You rascal, you still haven't compensated him!"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense, be careful what comes out of your mouth, I heard that this woman has a strong background!"

The people around were talking.

"Is it tolerable or unbearable, brother-in-law, I can't help it! You let me beat that three-eighth?" Lin Jingru glared at the indifferent and contemptuous bitch and said fiercely.

Li Qingyu smiled slightly, and said, "Forget it, let me do it, because beating such things will dirty your hands."

While speaking, Li Qingyu walked up to the little girl's father, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, take a break first, I will help you with this matter, and I promise you will get compensation."

The little girl's father didn't expect that someone would stand up for him, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He was about to say no to trouble brother, when he saw Li Qingyu standing in front of him, facing the dog owner, and said, "It was your dog that bit the little sister and the dog." This sister-in-law?"

The bitch looked at Li Qingyu, she knew her, she was her neighbor, she seemed to have opened some kind of company, and she had some influence.

But the woman never looked at the neighbor.

What happened to starting a company?There are a lot of companies starting these days, how many of them are rich and powerful?My neighbor is no more than a nouveau riche. With a villa in such a community, I feel that my life has reached the pinnacle. Compared with the real rich, I am just a clown.

Originally, this was just her guess, but after a long time, she found that her dog barked all day long, and the family didn't do anything except the youngest woman who often protested!

They just put up with it!
So this woman believed in her own cognition even more, and she didn't take Li Qingyu's family seriously. In her opinion, compared with her man, Li Qingyu couldn't even compare her man's toes. If he dared to offend her Well, my own man only needs to move his lips to kill him!
At this moment, she saw that Li Qingyu dared to stand out, and spit out a smoke ring from her mouth, and said with disdain: "Yes, what can I do for you?"

"Your dog bit someone, you should compensate him, and then apologize sincerely." Li Qingyu said lightly.

"Heh, heh," the woman sneered twice, "The forest is really big these days and there are all kinds of birds. What's the matter with you? Why do you jump out and pretend to be a wolf with a big tail? Who are you?"

"People in the world are in charge of the affairs of the world. If what you do is wrong, someone will stand up and take care of it." A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Li Qingyu's face.

"Then just leave me alone, I'm warning you, my dog ​​doesn't recognize people." The woman said proudly.

"haha, really?"

Li Qingyu slapped him suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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