Chapter 924 Temporary Meeting
Everyone knows how dangerous it is to go to Lingxu Realm, and Zhou Xianguang's proposal is too sudden.

For a moment, what everyone instinctively considered was the pros and cons of this matter, so no one spoke.

At this moment, someone suddenly broke the silence and said with a sigh: "If it wasn't for the Chinese people who gave us the precious healing medicine for free, my subordinates and I would have turned into corpses by now. Hua people pay attention to the grace of dripping water." , When the spring comes, we are not bad at all. Since our colleagues from China dare to take the lead, we must keep up the pace!"

The person who spoke was the commander of the Starship Fleet from a certain country in Africa. His subordinates were all seriously injured just now. It was Lin Jingru who gave them her Resurrection Pill and saved their lives.

"Haha, you are not white-eyed wolves, and neither are we! Let's go too!" Another person expressed his opinion, and he was also the one who received the treatment of Huisheng Pill just now.

"Fuck, we have been fighting with the Hermit family for so many years, and every time they came to our side to bully us, now we can finally go to their side to do their best. Of course, such a glorious thing cannot be missed. Us!"

"I asked a few captives just now, and they all said that Bai Chen is already the most powerful master of the Yinshi family. Except for a few old guys who have long been out of the world, few people are Bai Chen's opponents. Now Even Bai Chen is no match for Chief Li, so who are we afraid of? Even if we get to Lingxu Realm, we will walk sideways!"

"The Hidden World Family has always wanted to rule our first space. This time we will occupy the Lingxu Realm. Let's see if they dare to be rampant in the future!"

After all, everyone is a soldier, not a politician, and there are still a lot of people who have a lot of troubles. They have just experienced another big victory, and their blood is not cold. The more they discuss at this time, the more excited they become. Fight to the death!

Li Qingyu couldn't help squinting slightly, looked at his sister-in-law Lin Jingru, and thought to himself: "This guy can always surprise people inadvertently."

Li Qingyu knew very well that if it hadn't been for Lin Jingru who first handed over her Resurrection Pill to others, and also called on those who were not seriously injured in the Huaguo Galaxy Fleet to also give away their Resurrection Pill to others for free, which moved these people, these people would now It is very likely that he will not agree to go to Lingxu Realm!

Lin Jingru seemed to feel her brother-in-law's eyes, and turned her head slightly to look at Li Qingyu. If it was normal, this girl would definitely wink at Li Qingyu, or give Li Qingyu a ambiguous smile, but at the moment her parents were arrested, Lin Jingru was also very anxious. In the mood to tease your brother-in-law?
Zhou Xianguang's eyes kept scanning the crowd. He saw that almost all the commanders at the scene agreed to enter the Lingxu Realm to fight, even people from the European magic world agreed.

So he directly contacted Mo Sa, the leader of the United Nations military leadership team, and asked for a temporary battlefield meeting to discuss important matters!

Since Zhou Xianguang's attitude was very firm, and he was on the front line of the battlefield, Mo Sa naturally would not refute, and immediately agreed.

The people who are eligible to attend the meeting are basically all on Liuxia Island, and only Mark, the commander of the US Starship Fleet, is in the United States. Therefore, to hold this meeting, there is no need for much preparation or time, as long as you can find a hall with a big screen just fine.

After all, if everyone looks at their mobile phones and holds a meeting with Mosa and Mark, it will be a bit out of place and lacks a sense of ceremony.

Zhou Xianguang glanced around, and saw a villa not far away. He brought the commanders of the Starship Fleets from various countries into the villa, and found a standard conference room. A large screen was hung on the front wall of the conference room.

Zhou Xianguang immediately connected his mobile phone to the big screen, and within a short time, the figures of Mosa and Mark appeared on the big screen, and the meeting started.

Zhou Xianguang first briefly reported their battle report. All the hostages were rescued, and none of them died. Except for the dead, the rest were captured by the enemy!The result was brilliant, and Mosa congratulated everyone.

Then Zhou Xianguang explained again that Li Qingyu's family was hijacked by the Hidden World Family, and that he planned to bring people directly to the Lingxu Realm.

Mark immediately understood that although Zhou Xianguang's reason for this trip was high-sounding, it was actually a personal matter with righteousness in mind!

Burn the flames of war to Lingxu Realm?Still want to completely occupy Lingxu Realm?
Dreaming?Isn't this pure whimsy!Every time the Hidden Family sent people to the first space, the Starship Fleet fought at home, and they fought extremely hard. This time they went to their territory to make trouble, and it's no wonder they didn't fall into the ocean of their people's war!

You know, the Lingxu Realm is not the first dimension. Ordinary people in the first dimension basically have no combat effectiveness. Only the galaxy fleets of various countries have some combat effectiveness. However, it is said that everyone in the Lingxu Realm practices martial arts and is a master!
Therefore, in Mark's view, Zhou Xianguang took people to the Lingxu Realm. The best situation was to save Li Qingyu's family after making a huge sacrifice. The entire team also suffered more than half of the casualties, and finally came back with a small number of remnants!
And the worst case, and the most likely case, is that Zhou Xianguang, Li Qingyu and the people they brought were wiped out!

Therefore, as soon as Zhou Xianguang's voice fell, Mark immediately said: "I object!"

"Mr. Mark, tell me the reasons for your objection." Mosa said with a blank expression.

"I want to ask Commander Zhou a question," Mark said.

"Ask." Zhou Xianguang clasped his hands in front of his chest, with a confident look on his face.

"Which passage do you want to go to the Lingxu Realm? We all know the enemy's several passages between the Lingxu Realm and the First Space, but the Hidden World Family is not a fool, and they will definitely be on guard against us all the time. There must be ambush traps set up at every exit. If we enter the Lingxu Realm through these passages, we will definitely be ambushed by the enemy, and if we fail, the whole army will be wiped out. Therefore, I think that if we want to To enter the Lingxu Realm, we must first find a space channel that the enemy has never known! But until now, we have never found such a space channel at all!"

Mark did not refute Zhou Xianguang with strong words, but pointed out the impossibility of Zhou Xianguang's plan objectively, which is exactly his brilliance.

However, as soon as his words fell, Zhou Xianguang laughed and said: "Haha. Commander Mark, I need to remind you that the 'we' you mentioned does not include our Huaguo Xinghe Fleet, because our Huaguo Xinghe Fleet has already found it. A secret space passage leading to Lingxu Realm."

Mark was taken aback for a moment, and then wanted to scold her!

This bastard Zhou Xianguang is such a thief that he found a secret passage to the Lingxu Realm without anyone noticing!

"Commander Zhou, since you know such a channel, why don't you report it to the United Nations Military Leading Group? According to regulations, all important news related to the Hermit Family should be reported!" Mark said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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