Chapter 938


A bang!
Behind Li Qingyu's hiding place, a huge boulder the size of a house was caught and exploded by the sharp steel claws of the black-winged roc in an instant. It was as if a bomb had exploded here, and a hurricane suddenly rose, crushed stones flew, and smoke and dust filled the air!
Large and small stones hit the surrounding trees with "bang bang", but any thinner trees were directly interrupted, making a "cracking" sound, and crashing to the ground!

Seeing that Li Qingyu was not caught again, the black-winged roc couldn't help but let out a scream, its wings shook, and it flew into the air again!

At this moment, Li Qingyu finally made a move!
He stepped out from his hiding place, "chasing the wind style" under his feet, and in an instant he was under the black-winged roc, grasping the hilt of Xue Lingsha's sword with both hands, he swiped upwards suddenly, and shouted violently: "Zhantian style !”

A red light curtain crossed the sky, forming an indestructible blade of light, which instantly slashed at the black-winged roc in the air!
Even though the black-winged roc was flying very fast, it was still struck by Li Qingyu's sword light. Dozens of huge black feathers flew into the air immediately, and a splash of bright red blood splashed along with it!

Blood Spirit Killer is worthy of being a magic weapon, Li Qingyu actually slashed the black-winged roc with a single sword!
The sword wounded the enemy, but Li Qingyu did not relax at all, and shouted loudly again: "Moon Stepping Style!"

I saw Li Qingyu raised his foot and took a step, and his body jumped into the air. It seemed that a full moon appeared under his feet, and he went straight up to tens of feet in the air in an instant. Heaven-slashing style!"

The blood-red light curtain flashed out again, slashing towards the black-winged roc just above Li Qingyu!
However, the Black-winged Dapeng suffered a big loss last time, but this time he learned the lesson. He just grabbed the red light screen with his huge black iron claws, and the red light that was solid and contained huge lethality suddenly exploded. It broke into pieces and disappeared without a trace.

After all, Li Qingyu is not yet in the Golden Core realm, and he is still unable to fly freely in the air. When he swung his sword just now, the "moon stepping pose" under his feet was exhausted, and his body quickly fell downwards!

Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of, the black-winged roc opened its bloody mouth and devoured Li Qingyu!

The mouth of the black-winged shed is like a bottomless pit, which can swallow three adult elephants at the same time. An elephant like Li Qingyu can swallow seven or eight elephants in one mouthful. A real cannibal can eat seven or eight elephants in one mouthful!

Li Qingyu was taken aback immediately. Now that he has just built a great foundation, he doesn't have the ability of Monkey King to toss in the stomach of a monster. He is worried that the moment he is swallowed by the black-winged roc, he may be digested by it Most of the liquid was melted away!

However, at this time, it was too late for Li Qingyu to dodge. The black-winged roc sent out a huge attraction when he breathed in, sucking him firmly. His descending body instantly stopped falling and flew straight towards The mouth of the black-winged roc!
At a critical moment, Li Qingyu raised his head and saw the fierce eyes of Hei Chi Shed, so he subconsciously let out a violent roar: "Thunderbolt style!"

The "Shocking Thunder Form" is the fifth form of the Heavenly Demon's Seven Forms. It belongs to the sonic attack. The sound is like an invisible but tangible knife, directly stabbing the black-winged roc's right eye!

Although the black-winged roc has a huge body, it is a beast after all. It didn't dodge Li Qingyu's surprise attack. Blood fog!
The black-winged roc was in pain, and let out a strange cry. Li Qingyu seized the opportunity, stepped on the moon, and flew out in an instant, grabbing a life from under the big mouth of the black-winged roc!

However, after being injured, the black-winged roc not only didn't flinch, but became more violent. With a shake of its wings, its huge body was like a cloud hanging from the sky, covering Li Qingyu's entire body, and then a pair of steel claws grabbed him again!

Although Li Qingyu's figure was as fast as the wind, he still didn't dodge in the end. The tail of the black-winged roc's claws swept his back slightly, and it was torn apart in an instant, his muscles turned outwards, and blood spilled into the sky!

Li Qingyu's body hit the ground heavily, making a big hole on the ground. The black-winged roc looked down at the hole, and the hot blood in his right eye was thrown into the hole like a faucet turned on, drenching Li Qingyu all over. Head full face full body!
Then, the black-winged roc swooped down again, grabbing with both hands like huge steel hooks towards the big pit!

"Star Reaching Style!"

The injury on the back made Li Qingyu completely berserk, and his right hand suddenly grabbed the black-winged roc's neck like a dragon's claw!
Reaching for the Stars, the fourth of the Seven Demonic Forms of the Heavenly Demon, when you reach the ninth level, you will be able to pick up the stars and take the moon, break the stars and crack the sun!

Before coming to Lingxu Realm, Li Qingyu had a small success in building the foundation, and the Seven Demonic Forms were just getting started. At this time, the foundation building has been completed, and the Seven Demonic Forms have officially stepped into the first floor!The power of each style played has increased by more than five times and ten times compared to before?

That's nearly a hundredfold increase!

It's a pity that what Li Qingyu met now was a super roc. If it was replaced by a martial artist, even a martial artist who was peeking at the gate of the Dragon Gate would be instantly killed!
Following Li Qingyu's violent shout, a big transparent hand seemed to appear in the air, and it instantly grabbed the black-winged roc's neck!
The big hand of true energy is transformed by mana, which can easily tear the elephant apart, but this big roc is really rough and thick, and has a huge body. Although Li Qingyu's big mana hand grabbed its neck, it couldn't do much damage to him. Just a bunch of feathers under the grass, flying all over the sky.

Li Qingyu didn't expect to hurt the Black-winged Dapeng with this, he just wanted to use it!

The moment Li Qingyu grabbed Dapeng's neck with his powerful hands, Li Qingyu's arms shrank slightly, and his body flew out of the big pit in an instant, and he shouted again: "Moon stepping style!"

It seemed like a full moon flashed under his feet again, and it instantly walked into the sky and landed on the back of the black-winged roc!

The black-winged roc raised its head and let out a cry that shook the universe.

This black-winged roc is a dominant and ruling existence in this place. Usually, as long as it appears, other beasts in this area will all stay away!
In its eyes, human beings are just weak chickens that walk upright on two legs. He has eaten a lot before, but he didn't expect that he would suffer losses again and again in the hands of this weak chicken today!

It doesn't matter if you suffer a loss or get injured, whoever makes yourself incapable, what is intolerable is that now this creature that walks upright on two legs actually rides on his back!
Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

Dapeng's body shook suddenly, trying to throw Li Qingyu off his body and fall to his death!

Li Qingyu suddenly felt a tremor under his feet, like an earthquake. He immediately squatted down with his legs bent, his feet nailed to Dapeng's back as if they had taken root, and then swung his hands apart, punching down like a drum!

The black-winged roc felt as if a [-]-jin sledgehammer was constantly hitting his back. Every time the hammer hit, it seemed as if his spine would be broken and his internal organs would be shattered!
(End of this chapter)

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